
  • 网络Overwintering egg;hibernating egg;Over winter eggs
  1. 2001年7月28日至8月1日,在北疆棉区棉田发生了严重的低温冷害,减产达50%左右。越冬卵孵化起点温度低于4℃。drop,第1天。

    From July 28 to August 1 in 2001 , the northern cotton regions of Xinjiang suffered from sudden drop in temperature and continual rainy weather , which was rare in history .

  2. 新疆石河子棉蚜越冬卵的发育规律

    Development of the cotton aphid eggs in Xinjiang Shihezi

  3. 野蚕越冬卵的孵化和年发生代数的研究

    A study on the incubation of the over-wintering eggs and annual generation of the wild silkworm

  4. 霜冻,如果是时间较长的霜冻,则可杀死裸露的蚜虫,但可引导产生越冬卵。

    Frost , if severe and long enough , kills exposed aphids , but enhances development of overwintering eggs .

  5. 试验结果表明,所提出的热管冷板传热性能和壁面均温性能良好,满足设计要求。越冬卵孵化起点温度低于4℃。

    Experimental study shows that the heat pipe cold plate equipment possesses excellent heat transfer performance and temperature evenness , and satisfies design requirements .

  6. 越冬卵孵化盛期为落花后至第一片叶展开之际,这是防治的有利时机。

    The main period of egg hatching , which is the favourable opportunity for its control , lasts ho the flower fall-en to the first leaf Spreda out .

  7. 提出利用钒酸钇晶体偏振干涉滤波器对密集波分复用光通讯系统信道光源(分布反馈激光器)的波长漂移进行监视.越冬卵孵化起点温度低于4℃。

    A temperature-tunable polarization interference filter ( PIF ) made of YVO 4 crystal has been presented and applied for wavelength monitoring of a distributed feedback ( DFB ) laser in a dense wavelength-division-multiplexing ( DWDM ) optical communication system .

  8. 经测定,四月下旬越冬卵孵化率为0.15%,5月下旬为7.9%,6日20日为91%.本区野蚕产越冬卵最的早在9月17日,高峰期在11月上旬。

    According to surveying , the rate of hatching was 0.15 % in late-April , 7.9 % in late-May and 91 % until June 20 . The overwintering eggs were laid from September 17 to December 14 with the prevalence time of oviposition in mid-November .

  9. 其主要侵染来源是土壤中和植物病残体上越冬的卵孢子。

    The primary source of infection was the oospore overwintered in soil and plant survival .

  10. 8月至9月产生越冬型雌成螨和越冬滞育卵。

    Winter-type of an adult female mite and winter diapause egg appear in August to September .