
yuè guǐ
  • Deviant;transgress;exceed the bounds
越轨 [yuè guǐ]
  • [exceed the bounds;transgress] 超越规范

  • 越轨行为

越轨[yuè guǐ]
  1. 新旧道德观的激烈冲突必然会导致道德秩序混乱,经济生活中的越轨和失范现象也应运而生。

    The fierce conflict of the new and old moral concept will cause the confusion of the ethical order inevitably , exceed the bounds and lose Fan arise at the historic moment , too .

  2. 我们需要新闻自由来约束政府的越轨行为。

    We need a free press to curb government excesses .

  3. 创作并发表这首诗是一个大胆越轨的举动。

    To write and publish this poem was a daring , transgressive act .

  4. 埃米莉对于丈夫的越轨行为一无所知。

    Emily knew nothing about her husband 's misdemeanours .

  5. 他们这三人小组在首都参观访问期间,不会有什么越轨的行为。

    There would be no violation of decency in their paying a visit the little party of three to the sights of the metropolis .

  6. 青年DV影像通过解构与颠覆的叙事策略,以互联网络和人际化的传播途径,实现了群体的越轨与自我认同,体现出从边缘开始抗拒的文化精神。

    By means of the narrative policies of destruction and subversion , of the communication channels of the Internet and inter-personalization , DV images of youth have realized group transgression and self-identity , embodying a kind of rebel spirit from cultural edges .

  7. 我们表明,哪个系统文件夹越轨了;

    We showed him which system folders were out of bounds ;

  8. 论科学活动中越轨行为的界定和分类

    On the Definition and Classification of Deviant Behaviors in Scientific Activites

  9. 人口流动过程中的越轨性行为分析

    A analysis on deviant sex in the process of population floating

  10. 但是真正有越轨行为的人通常会速战速决。

    But when people do have affairs they are usually brief .

  11. 本文最后还强调了防止大学生再越轨这一重要议题。

    The thesis emphasizes the important of preventing undergraduates from re-aberrant finally .

  12. 中等职业学校学生越轨行为研究

    Research on Deviance Behaviour of Students in Secondary Vocational School

  13. 青少年越轨突发事件的计划?

    For the teens-gone-wild contingency plan , isn 't it ?

  14. 他现在感到他那么做是有点儿越轨。

    He now felt it had been a bit thick .

  15. 规矩点儿!你越轨了。

    Behave properly ! You have gone off the rails .

  16. 这在上个世纪的英国被认为是越轨行为。

    I suppose it is one 's being so tired .

  17. 他知道自己在家族中的地位,因此向来不越轨。

    He knew his place in the Family and kept to it .

  18. 工作场所中越轨行为的定义、特性与分类体系解析

    Parsing the Definition , Peculiarities and Typology of Workplace Deviance

  19. 传统的社会性别将男女限定于自身的圈子里,不能越轨。

    Traditional social gender restrained male and female in their own circle .

  20. 越轨:一种新的视阈&从社会差别的角度看越轨

    A New Perspective to Study Deviance from the Angle of Social Differences

  21. 当代大学生越轨行为探析

    The analysis of aberrance action among college students in the new year

  22. 在循轨与越轨中深化劳动价值论

    Deepen the View of Labor Value in Regularity and Irregularity

  23. 形成越轨行为的因素主要有主观和客观两个方面。

    The formation of the impermissible behavior has subjective and objective causes .

  24. 大学生越轨行为的原因及其控制

    Reason and Control of the Impermissible Behavior of University Students

  25. 中国文化情境下工作越轨行为结构维度的初步探索

    Explore the Dimensions of Workplace Deviant Behavior in The Chinese Culture Context

  26. 越轨违背或践踏礼节或社会习俗。

    A breach or overstepping of propriety or social convention .

  27. 她尚未做什么越轨这事。

    She had done nothing out of the way yet .

  28. 监狱的警卫保持犯人不越轨。

    The prison guards are keeping the prisoners in line .

  29. 大学生的非法性行为与越轨性行为的界定与干预

    Intervention measure of the illegal and derailed sex behavior of the university studentes

  30. 大学生网络越轨行为及其预防

    College Students ' Network Impermissible Behaviour : Its Prevention