
  • 网络Health sector;health area
  1. 我们很少见到有人在健康领域做文章。

    We rarely see someone go after the health area .

  2. 社会资本在健康领域的应用现状

    The application of social capital in health area

  3. GIS在卫生与健康领域的应用探索&中国鼠疫医学地理信息系统的设计与建立

    The Application of GIS in Health Fields ── the Design and Construction of Medical GIS of the Plague in China

  4. 对BRICS五国而言为什么在健康领域(包括艾滋)的合作非常重要?

    Why is it important for BRICS countries to collaborate on health-related issues , including HIV / AIDS ?

  5. 核与辐射技术在人类健康领域应用研究的进展&介绍IAEA近期有关活动

    Development in Application of Nuclear and Radiation Techniques to Human Health & Recent Activities of IAEA

  6. 这家公司去年秋天宣布成立Calico公司,致力于拓展健康领域的研究;同时,它的风投部门也已投资了FoundationMedicine和DNAnexus(对此谷歌风投没有回应置评的要求)。

    Last fall , it announced Calico , an effort focused on health and well-being , and its venture arm has investments in Foundation Medicine andDNAnexus . ( Google Ventures did not respond to a request for comment . )

  7. 我们常看到INFJ当顾问或者教师,或是看到他们在医学和健康领域工作。

    We often see INFJ personality types as counsellors and teachers , or in the medical and health fields .

  8. 过去15年,比尔•盖茨(BillGates)在全球健康领域花费了数十亿美元,也未能实现疟疾或小儿麻痹的根除,更别提找到艾滋病疫苗或治愈良方了。

    Bill Gates , who has spent billions of dollars over the past 15 years on global health , has yet to achieve the eradication of malaria or polio , let alone either a vaccine or a cure for HIV .

  9. 本章指出,虽然《多哈宣言》就TRIPS协议与公共健康领域相关的问题进行了澄清,但同时也有局限性,其并没有根本解决公共健康与药品专利之间的冲突。

    According to this chapter , even Doha Declaration had clarified some issues on TRIPS Agreement and public health , it had some limitations and had not overcome the conflicts between public health and pharmaceutical patents .

  10. 概要介绍IAEA近年来组织开展的核与辐射技术在人类健康领域应用研究的进展,主要内容包括核医学、应用辐射生物学与放射治疗、剂量学和医用辐射物理、营养和健康相关环境研究等方面。

    This article outlines the recent development of application research in human health by means of nuclear and radiation techniques , mainly including nuclear medicine , applied radiation biology and radiotherapy , dosimetry and medical radiation physics , nutritional and health-related environmental studies .

  11. 以卡加梅(Kagame)总统为首的该国领导层奉行实事求是和追求实效的政策,其中包括在全国强调家庭计划、与捐助方和非政府组织进行交叉式合作、更多地鼓励政府部门的敬业精神以及加强卫生健康领域。

    And their leaders , led by President Kagame , believed in policies based on evidence and measurable results , including a nationwide emphasis on family planning , cross-cutting partnerships with donors and NGOs , a greater premium on professionalism in the government and the health sector .

  12. 政府在保障农民健康领域的职能定位

    Orientation of Chinese Government Function On Ensuring Peasantry 's Health

  13. 数字化眼科在电子健康领域发展的优势

    The predominance of digital ophthalmology development in the area of e-Health technology

  14. 电气石的自发极化效应在环境与健康领域的应用

    Permanent Spontaneous Polarization of Tourmaline and its Application to Environment and Health Field

  15. 纳米技术在医学健康领域的应用

    Applying of Nano - technology in the Realm of Medical Science and Health

  16. 健康领域产生了一些重要的例子,其中之一是思维模式的重要性。

    Health creates vital examples . One is the importance of mental models .

  17. 中国农村生殖健康领域社会性别行为量表的发展

    Development of Gender Behavior in Rural China in Accord with the Reproductive Health Scale

  18. 纳米药物在医学与人类健康领域方面具有重要意义。

    Nanomedicine is of great significance in the field of medicine and human health .

  19. 电磁波作为客观存在的物质,在通信领域和医学健康领域得到了广泛的应用。

    The electromagnetic wave has been used in communication field and medicine-health field wide-ly .

  20. 我们欢迎在增进健康领域取得的进展。

    We welcome this progress for better health .

  21. 健康领域在幼儿园健康主题活动中起着骨架的作用。

    II The health domain plays a role of " framework " in the activity .

  22. 基于因果发现在健康领域开展应用性研究。

    Based on causal discovery techniques we conduct application research in the field of health .

  23. 双方同意就卫生健康领域进一步开展联合研究,包括干细胞联合研究等。

    The twocountries agreed to collaborate further in joint research inthehealth sector including on stem cells .

  24. 生命健康领域性别平等与妇女发展指标研究与应用

    Research on and Application of Indicators to Measure Gender Equality and Women 's Development in Health

  25. 中国农村生育健康领域的社会性别意识量表设计与验证

    The development and validation of the Social Gender Awareness Scale in Reproductive Health Field in Rural China

  26. 虽然不是每个志愿者工作都能从中获益。但是,很多是可以获益的,特别是在健康领域。

    Not every job is conducive to volunteering , but many are , especially in the health field .

  27. 与此同时,软件等非健康领域的资本密集度正在下降,而商业化速度则在加快。

    At the same time , non-health-care sectors like software have become less capital-intensive and quicker to commercialize .

  28. 心理健康领域也已开始采用冥想加呼吸技巧的综合疗法。

    The combination of meditation and breathing techniques has also been taken up by the mental health sector .

  29. 我对发展所带来的挑战的充分认识将会有助于我在健康领域上的学习。

    My substantial knowledge of all of development 's challenges will provide a solid foundation to support my healthcare focus .

  30. 其中之一是,欧盟委员会希望将权力和能力扩展至医疗健康领域。

    One of them was that the Commission wants to extend its powers and competence into the area of health .