
  • 网络healthy diet;Healthy eating;Health diet
  1. 近来,关于健康膳食的建议铺天盖地向我们袭来。

    We are bombarded these days with advice on healthy eating .

  2. 所谓适量,也就是最多每日3杯,而且需要搭配健康膳食。

    Moderate consumption can mean as much as three glasses a day , when paired with a healthy diet .

  3. 健康膳食一般是由低脂肪蛋白质、蔬菜和全谷食品均衡混合而成,它有助于预防前驱糖尿病转化成为真正的糖尿病。

    Healthy meals that mix a balance of low-fat protein , vegetables , and whole grains can help prevent prediabetes from becoming real diabetes .

  4. 即使学校为学生们提供健康膳食,可是当你真的感觉到饿的时候,你很有可能难以抗拒美味诱惑,而选择不太健康的食物。

    Even if your school provides healthy options , it can be too easy to give in to temptation and pick a less healthy choice when you 're feeling really hungry .

  5. 需宣传健康膳食,积极向居民推荐合理的膳食结构模式,降低两民族的超重、肥胖率,改善血脂水平。

    Therefore , in order to lower the possibility of their suffering from overweight and fatness and to balance the blood fat , we need to spread the idea of healthy diet in the public and recommend the reasonable diet structural model .

  6. 经济衰退促使味好美五香粉公司(McCormickSpices)打破了内部传统观念&从一家调味品制造企业升级并重新定位为健康经济膳食专家。

    The recession led McCormick spices to challenge its internal orthodoxy that it was a spice manufacturer and position itself instead as an enabler of healthy and affordable meals .

  7. 它为每个人提供一个健康的膳食!

    It can provide a healthy meal for everyone !

  8. 是为明天做一个更健康的膳食计划?

    Create a healthier meal plan for tomorrow ?

  9. 这样才是全面的、健康的膳食观,才是完整的、科学的自然观。

    In this way we can have an overall and healthy diet sense , a complete and scientific natural sense .

  10. 人们常常弄错这种平衡&健康平衡膳食的关键是注意我们的饮食。

    Too often people get the balance wrong-the key to a healthy balanced diet is to be mindful about our eating .

  11. 安徽贫困农村学前儿童健康与膳食营养状况动态分析

    Comparative Analysis of Five Successive Years Monitoring on Healthy and Dietary Status of Preschool Children in Relatively Poor Rural Areas of Anhui Province

  12. 其人类如果摄取过多的饱和脂肪酸容易引起疾病,因此人们也越来越重视健康与膳食的关系。

    People could have some diseases if absorbing more unsaturated fatty acid , so people pay more attention to the relationship of health and diet .

  13. 他们称,本土品牌对消费者趋势的把握更准&尽管具有讽刺意味的是,这当中的很多趋势都是全球性的,包括更为健康的膳食结构和对新奇产品的渴求。

    They say they have a stronger handle on consumer trends – although , ironically , several of these are global and include healthier diets and a desire for novelty .

  14. 目的研究海岛居民膳食结构中与脂肪肝发生发展密切相关的危险因素,为推广健康的膳食模式、预防和控制脂肪肝提供科学依据。

    Objective To investigate the relative risk factors of fatty liver with meals among island residents in Zhoushan , and to provide scientific evidence for advocacy of healthy diet and prevention and control of fatty liver .

  15. 现在我知道怎样烧健康可口的膳食。

    Now , I know how to cook healthy and tasty food .

  16. 健康合理的膳食是控制高血压的一级防线。

    A healthful diet is an effective first-line defense for preventing high blood pressure .

  17. 两组同时进行健康教育和膳食指导,治疗40天。

    Health education was given in two groups .

  18. 他们收集了38名健康成年人的膳食信息然后分析他们排泄物中出现的细菌种类。

    They gathered data on the diets of 38 healthy adults and then analyzed the bacteria present in the subjects ' stool samples .

  19. 尽管动物养分可能是高质量或比蔬菜来源的食物更加容易吸收,但拥有一个健康的素食膳食是可能的。

    Although nutrients from animals may be of higher quality or more readily absorbed than vegetable sources , it is possible to have a healthy vegetarian diet .

  20. 目的:了解部队超重现状,为监测部队健康、指导膳食和训练提供基础资料。

    Objective : To find out the overweight status-quo in the armed police forces and to provide basic data for health monitoring , dietary and training guidance .

  21. 结论在社区人群中,倡导健康合理的膳食习惯及科学的生活方式,控制血压、体重是预防Ⅱ型糖尿病发生的重要措施。

    Conclusion It was an important measure to prevent type ⅱ DM in community population to propose healthy life style including proper diet and good life habits , control of weight and high blood pressure .

  22. 营养健康产业与膳食营养补充剂行业在发达国家已经是非常成熟的产业,但在我国属于刚刚起步的新兴行业、迅速成长中的朝阳产业。

    Nutrition and health industry and the dietary supplement industry are already very mature industry in developed countries , but are the fledgling emerging industry and sunrise industry which are rapidly growing in our country .

  23. 【方法】对59名26~36岁健康孕妇进行膳食调查,随机分为三组,在各组能量和营养素摄入相近的情况下,分别对研究组进行不同方式的钙营养支持干预。

    [ Methods ] Fifty nine pregnant women aged from 26 to 36 were observed by longitudinal follow-up , The researched women were divided into three groups at random , with similar amount of energy and nutrient given except calcium .

  24. 该基线调查于1990年及1991年在全国27个省101个较贫困县开展,共调查0~5岁儿童86397名,调查内容包括儿童健康调查,膳食调查,家庭调查。

    The survey was conducted in 101 relatively poor counties of 27 provinces in 1990 and 1991 . Physical and biochemical measurements were made for 86397 children under five years . Dietary and household surveys were performed on a sub-sample of the children .

  25. 健康食品原料&膳食纤维

    Health food material : dietary fiber

  26. 显然,了解哪些营养素或生物活性物质有助于健康或者能满足膳食需要是最基本的。

    Clearly , a basic understanding of which nutrients or bioactives can help address health concerns or dietary needs is essential .

  27. 研究认为健康意识差、膳食结构不合理、运动习惯差、缺少体育文化氛围是造成现状的重要原因。

    It points out that the neglect of ones health , the unreasonable meals , the wanting sport custom and sport culture are the reasons .

  28. 许多普通的健康问题可以通过有益于健康的膳食得到避免或减轻。

    Many common health problems can be prevented oralleviated with a healthy diet .

  29. 如果不健康,你可以开始寻找制作更加健康膳食的方法。

    If not , you can start looking for ways to make the meals healthier .