
  1. 不健全的思想犹如不健康的身体,吃下去要中毒。

    Unsound mind , like unsound body , if you feed , you poison .

  2. 重视家庭教育,对中学生健康的身心发展以及健全的思想道德建设有着深远影响。

    Attaches great importance to family education , a healthy body and mind development for middle school students and improve the ideological and moral construction has far-reaching influence .

  3. 健全的管理思想是提高产品质量的基础

    The basis of raising production quality is perfect management thoughts

  4. 孔子、孟子、荀子的修辞见解央杂于他们对政治、哲学、论辩等有关问题的论述中,表面看起来零碎、分散,实际上已经形成了一个比较健全的修辞思想体系。

    Their views on rhetoric mingled with their arguments on the relevant issues in politics , philosophy and debate . Although they appeared to be fragmentary and scattered here and there , those views in fact shaped into a relatively found system of thoughts on rhetoric .

  5. 他提出德智体三育并重与造就健全之国民的教育思想与主张,注重体育教育从南通师范学校到众多新式学校的推广,又筹划社会大众体育。

    He proposed the educational idea of putting the same stress on moral , intellectual and physical education and cultivating healthy citizens . He put emphasis on spreading the physical education from Nantong Normal University to other new schools and implemented the plan of social mass sports . Three .