
jiàn shēn fáng
  • gym;gymnasium;fitness centre;gymnasium,gym
健身房 [jiàn shēn fáng]
  • [gymnasium,gym] 专为体育锻炼而建造或装备的屋子

健身房[jiàn shēn fáng]
  1. 健身房会员管理系统Web应用软件的设计与实现

    Design & realization of Web application software for member management system used in gymnasium

  2. 10家健身房内的CO、CO2浓度和细菌总数随着开馆时间延长而增高,与开馆前相比超标5.8%且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);

    The results of this study indicated that the CO , CO2 concentration and the amount of bacteria in the gymnasium increases as the opening time of the gymnasium prolongs , and compared with the conditions before the opening of the gymnasium it exceeded the standard by 5.8 % .

  3. 我通常在午休时间去健身房。

    I usually go to the gym during my lunch hour .

  4. 我在健身房练得过火了,结果弄伤了背。

    I overdid it in the gym and hurt my back .

  5. 一周去健身房锻炼两次,或游两次泳。

    Work out at a gym or swim twice a week .

  6. 这家健身房健全和残障人士都可使用。

    The gym can be used by both able-bodied and disabled people .

  7. 还有一些不太常有的设施,包括图书馆和健身房。

    Other amenities , less commonly available , include a library and exercise room

  8. 小伙子们打高尔夫球的时候,我在健身房锻炼。

    While the lads are golfing , I work out in the gym .

  9. 我在健身房举哑铃。

    I was in the gym lifting weights .

  10. 日常费用包括住宿以及游泳池和健身房的不限时使用。

    The daily tariff includes accommodation and unlimited use of the pool and gymnasium .

  11. 男女有各自的健身房。

    Men and women have separate exercise rooms

  12. 埃拉在健身房锻炼以增强食欲。

    Ella had worked up an appetite in the gym .

  13. 正如穆罕默德·阿里所言:“冠军不是在健身房里培养出来的。”

    As Muhammad Ali puts it , " Champions aren 't made in gyms . "

  14. 很多人害怕健身房,因为他们感到迷茫,不想让自己难堪。

    Many people fear the gym because they feel lost and don 't want to embarrass themselves .

  15. 参与者于上午7:00-9:00在健身房签到。

    Participants signing in at the gym 7 : 00 A . M — 9 : 00A . M .

  16. 与他人一起进行健身旅行的工具性支持比单独去健身房更有效。

    The instrumental support of taking on a fitness journey with others proves more effective than going to the gym alone .

  17. 如果你厌倦了在健身房闲逛、浪费时间而无所事事,你可以参加一个气氛很好的团体健身班,它可以让你的保持规律的锻炼活动。

    If you 're tired of wandering around the gym wasting time and becoming bored , you can attend an upbeat group fitness class that 'll keep your workout on track .

  18. B:坐公共汽车去健身房要多长时间?A:大约半小时。

    B : How long does it take to go to the gym by bus ? A : About half an hour .

  19. 一周在健身房锻炼三次会使你的生活更健康。

    Three sessions in a week at the gym would result in a healthier life .

  20. 沙发和地毯专业生产公司ScS汇编的数据显示,卧室地毯中藏匿的细菌是客厅地毯细菌的两倍多,是健身房地板上细菌的十倍。

    The data , compiled by sofa and carpet specialist ScS , found carpets in the bedroom also harbor more than double the bacteria found in a living room , and ten times that of a gym floor .

  21. 例句她喜欢下班后去健身房锻炼身体。

    She liked to work out in the gym after work .

  22. 这就是他开始新的饮食方法以及加入健身房的原因。

    That 's why he started a diet and joined the gym .

  23. 他在健身房里的时间比待在家里的时间多。

    He spends more time at the gym than he spends at home .

  24. 例句约翰最近肯定总是去健身房埋头苦练。

    John must have spent a lot of time at the gym lately .

  25. 感恩节你吃的比之前多,因为那天早晨你去了趟健身房。

    You eat more at Thanksgiving because you went to the gym in the morning .

  26. 我去健身房锻炼后,有时肌肉会有烧灼的感觉。

    I sometimes get a burning sensation in my muscles after going to the gym .

  27. 你在健身房运动,甩掉了不少脂肪,是不是?

    You 've really been burning off the pounds at the gym , haven 't you ?

  28. 他很喜欢在健身房里举重,他的个人最好成绩是100公斤。

    He loves trying to lift heavier weights at the gym , his personal best is 100kg .

  29. 专家指出,就算久坐的人定期去健身房锻炼,他们的健康还是有风险。

    Experts reported that even people who sit for extended periods but regularly hit the gym are at risk .

  30. 她坚持在健身房训练,得以创下了个人游泳速度的最佳成绩。

    The time in the gym5 helped her to be able6 to set a new personal best time in the pool7 .