
jiàn shēn cāo
  • body building exercise;gymnastic;daily dozen;circuit;callisthenics;course of athletic exercises
健身操 [jiàn shēn cāo]
  • [gymnastic;course of athletic exercises;daily dozen] 一种徒手或用器械的体操运动,以增强力量、柔韧性、耐力,提高协调身体各部分的机能,达到健身目的

健身操[jiàn shēn cāo]
  1. 对民族健身操进入第八届全国民族运动会竞赛项目的可行性分析

    Analysis of the Feasibility that National Circuit Entering the Sports on the Program in the 8th Nationwide National Sports Game

  2. 健身操锻炼效果的生化测评

    A biochemical test on the effects of body building exercise

  3. 我再不做有氧健身操了——太累人了。

    I don 't do aerobics any more ─ it 's too knackering .

  4. 散步不像有氧健身操那样需要交纳昂贵的费用来参加健身班或俱乐部。

    Unlike aerobics , walking entails no expensive fees for classes or clubs .

  5. 有氧健身操有助于增强耐力。

    Aerobic exercise helps to build up stamina .

  6. 利用Biospace身体成份分析仪,对大众健身操女子体成份特征及其分布特征进行研究。

    By using the Bios pace body composition analyze , this article studies body composition characteristic and distribute feature for woman taking part in calisthenics .

  7. 可是据Susan所知,现在有很多种不同种类的健身操,比如拉丁舞,福克斯等等,Peter为什么会选择跳街舞呢?

    Susan : As I know , there are different kinds of aerobics , Latin dance , fox and so on . Why do you choose Jiewu ?

  8. 网上健身操教学,不仅充分利用Internet技术资源,开拓了健身操教学的领域,丰富了教学手段,而且顺应了未来技术发展的需要。

    Aerobics teaching on line can make full use of not only the internet technical resources , but can also develop a new area of aerobics teaching , enrich teaching methods and conform to the needs of the future technique development .

  9. 健身操教练员的专业素养和教学方法的探讨

    Discussion on Professional Knowledge and Teaching Methods of Body-building Exercises Coach

  10. 有氧健身操对大学生网络成瘾干预效果的研究

    Curative Effect of Oxygen Setting-up Exercise for Internet Addiction College Students

  11. 浅谈街舞健身操对高职学生的身心影响

    The Body and Mind Influence of HipHop Gymnastics on Vocational Students

  12. 有氧健身操对妇女围绝经期综合征症状及激素水平的影响

    Influence of Aerobic Exercises on Perimenopausal Syndrome Symptoms and Hormone Levels

  13. 有氧健身操锻炼对青少年体质和形体的影响

    Effect of Aerobic Calisthenics on Constitution and Shape of Teenager-By Taking

  14. 我试过增氧健身操,但那对我来说太剧烈。

    I tried aerobics but it was too energetic for me .

  15. 有氧健身操锻炼对中年女性的健身作用

    Effect of aerobic body exercise on building up health in middle-aged women

  16. 大众健身操活动对都市体育文化的渗透

    Research on Infiltration Public Body Activities into City Sport Culture

  17. 高校体育教学中有氧健身操对学生形体塑造的研究分析

    Study of Students ' Shaping by Aerobics in Physical Education in Colleges

  18. 对水中有氧健身操动作编排的分析研究

    Research on Basic Action Layout of the Oxygen Calisthenics in the Water

  19. 小学生有氧健身操运动处方的研制与效果观察

    Primary Aerobic Exercise Prescription for Health Effects Research and Observation

  20. 对我国城市妇女参加健身操锻炼情况的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis about the city women attend to the aerobics dancing

  21. 女子大众艺术健身操锻炼效果的实验研究

    Study on Effect of Women ′ s Commonalty Art Exercise

  22. 慢跑和有氧健身操在那年风行一时。

    Jogging and aerobics were all the rage that year .

  23. 论篮球运动的精神价值试论健身操的健心价值

    On Psychological Value of Basketball On the Psychological Value of Body-building Exercise

  24. 析水中有氧健身操的编排

    The Arrangement and Design of Aerobic Health Exercise in Water

  25. 湘西自治州民族健身操的整编与推广研究

    Aerobics Xiang Xi the Reorganization of National Research and Extension

  26. 汤姆从床上一跃而起之后,便做健身操。

    After jumping out of bed , Tom did his setting-up exericises .

  27. 所有的增氧健身操教练似乎都有同样的假美国口音。

    All aerobic instructors seem to have the same phoney American accent .

  28. 我有一位非常好的有氧健身操老师,名叫尼基。

    I have a very good aerobics teacher called Nicky .

  29. 有氧健身操对临沂师范学院女大学生心理健康影响的研究

    Influences Of Aerobic Gymnastics On Psychological Health Of College Girls

  30. 大众健身操&身心健康的运动

    Body Building Exercise & A Sport for Health in Physical and Psychology