
jiàn kānɡ shí pǐn
  • health food;healthy food
  1. 大多数人并不真正清楚究竟如何转而食用健康食品,莫琳也是如此。

    Most people have no real idea how to change to healthy food , and Maureen was no exception .

  2. “我们真的想把食物和药物联系起来,而不仅仅是送人食物,”该医院健康食品倡议计划的医疗主任瑞塔·纽伦医生说。

    " We really want to link food and medicine , and not just give away food , " says Dr. Rita Nguyen , the hospital 's medical director of Healthy Food Initiatives .

  3. 销售点应提供更多有关健康食品的资料。

    More information on healthy foods should be provided at the point of sale .

  4. 不要吃不健康食品,如汉堡和薯条。

    Avoid unhealthy foods such as hamburger and chips

  5. “很多控制肥胖症的政策措施都假定人们能够有意识并理性地选择吃什么、吃多少,因此这些政策措施重点在于提供有关健康食品的信息和获取渠道,”两位研究者提到。

    " Many policy measures to control obesityassume that people consciously and rationally choose what and how much they eat and therefore focus on providing information and more access to healthier foods , " note the two researchers .

  6. 他们知道,先买健康食品的顾客会感到高兴,这样他们在旅行中会买更多的垃圾食品。

    They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food later in their trip .

  7. 促进他们吃健康食品。

    It also helps them eat healthy food .

  8. 但你也可以在电动游戏、推特和心脏健康食品的广告上看到爱心。

    But you can also find it in video games , on Twitter , and in ads for heart-healthy food .

  9. 结论扁桃仁属于高K,高Ca,富Fe,富Zn,含优质氨基酸和蛋白、不含Pb,Cd,Hg,As有害元素的健康食品。

    Conclusion The almond kernel is a kind of excellent healthy food without harmful elements , which contains high quality amino acids and protein , and richer Fe , Zn , K and Ca.

  10. 当再生开始失败的时候,Mila已经使用了多种在健康食品店中买得到的有机霜和乳液。

    Mila has used many organic creams and lotions as her regeneration began to fail that were available upon the health food store shelves .

  11. 使用毛细管电泳法(CE)检测了健康食品中常见的六种黄酮类化合物:橙皮甙、海棠甙、异鼠李素、山奈酚、槲皮素、芦丁。

    A capillary electrophoresis ( CE ) method has been developed for the determination of six bioactive flavonoids that are commonly found in health foods : hesperidin , hyperin , isorhamnetin , kaempferol , quercetin and rutin .

  12. 每次加餐进食少量的健康食品可以使你避免患上过饥-过饿综合症(overhungry-overeatingsyndrome)这种病很容易致人肥胖并导致患者终日昏昏欲睡。

    Eating healthy snacks , in snack-size portions , can help you avoid the overhungry-overeating syndrome that often leads to overweight and can leave you feeling lethargic .

  13. 确实,由于面临收入缺口的家庭往往减少食品支出,尤其是健康食品支出,因此婴儿在经济危机期间可能会死亡,Friedman说。

    Indeed , infants die during economic crises because families , facing an income shortfall , tend to spend less on food , especially healthy food , Friedman said .

  14. AH生物科技有限公司以多种食药用菌和天然植物为原料,研发生产健康食品,在食药用菌保健行业享有盛誉。

    With various kinds of edible and medicinal fungi and natural plants as the raw materials , AH Biotechnology Co. , Ltd researches and produces healthy food and has won a high admiration in the healthcare industry of edible and medicinal fungi .

  15. 应用EM生物技术饲养蛋鸡,可以降低鸡蛋胆固醇含量5205%~6778%,同时可以保障高蛋白营养,降低脂肪含量,成为老少皆宜的健康食品。

    The EM biotechnology applied to raising layers can reduce egg cholesterol by 52.05 % ~ 67.78 % , retain high protein nutrient and reduce lipids at the same time . This makes this kind of eggs good for both elders and children .

  16. 你可以到一些健康食品专卖店,那里的价格更有优势,当然,现在Gerber已经形成了有机食品行业。

    You can go to certain stores , health food stores now that they are more cost-competitive and of course now Gerber has an organic line as well .

  17. 推出系列养颜滋补菜品和绿色健康食品。

    We present series beauty nurture dishes and greens healthy foods .

  18. 我从当地健康食品店买了未增白的面粉。

    I buy Unbleached Flour from the local health food store .

  19. 我最喜欢吃汉堡包,但是它不是健康食品。

    My favorite food is hamburger , it isn 't food .

  20. 停止吃不健康食品是个好主意。

    It 's a good idea to stop eating unhealthy food .

  21. 绿色、有机健康食品,环保家庭生活用品。

    Green , organic health foods , Environmental protection living products .

  22. 她每天吃很多水果和大量的健康食品。

    She eat fruit and lots of healthy food every day .

  23. 新型健康食品添加剂二十八烷醇的开发研究

    R & D on Octacosanol as A New Health Food Additives

  24. 专家称肥胖孩子的父母应该得到健康食品券

    Parents of obese children should get healthy food vouchers , experts say

  25. 儿童食品,健康食品,蜂蜜产品,新鲜蔬菜。

    Baby foods , Health food , Honey products , Fresh vegetables .

  26. 可乐、冰激凌和汉堡包不是健康食品和饮料。

    Coke , ice cream and hamburgers are unhealthy food and drink .

  27. 日本冲绳的健康食品产业现状

    Present State of Healthy Food Industry in Okinawa of Japan

  28. 健康食品店标记:生病,近日不开店。

    Notice in healthy food shop window : closed due to illness .

  29. 我们的目标是提供价格合理的健康食品。

    We aim to provide healthy food at fair prices .

  30. 你可以在健康食品店或超市里寻找亚麻籽,亚麻籽在搅拌机或咖啡豆磨具里很容易磨碎。

    They 're easy to grind in a blender or coffee grinder .