
  • 网络cereal
  1. 早餐通常是蛋白或谷物食品,中饭则是含瘦肉的三明治,晚餐则加热一份LeanCuisine的冷冻食品。

    Breakfast typically consists of egg whites or cereal , and lunch is a sandwich with lean meat . For dinner , they heat up a Lean Cuisine frozen meal .

  2. 硒的天然有机化及在谷物食品中应用的研究

    Studies on the Natural Organizing of Selenium and its Application in Cereal Foods

  3. 有些裹糖的谷物食品含糖量达50%。

    Some sugar-coated cereals are 50 % sugar .

  4. 增加了维生素的早餐谷物食品

    breakfast cereals enriched with vitamins

  5. 美国研究人员认为,燕麦片、黑面包、糙米这些全谷物食品对于防止中年发福很关键。

    The US researchers believe the wholegrains found in oats , as well as brown bread and brown rice , are the key to midlife weight loss .

  6. 美国波斯顿塔夫茨大学的研究人员监控了3000名55岁左右的中年人发现,那些每天吃三份全谷物食品的人腰围比其他人小两英寸(约5厘米),而且血压和血糖水平也更低。

    Researchers from Tufts University in Boston monitored 3000 people in their mid-50s and found that those who ate three servings of wholegrains a day had waist sizes two inches less than those who didn 't consume the same amount , as well as lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels .

  7. 我们所有的谷物食品都添加了维生素和矿物质以提高营养价值。

    All of our cereals are fortified with extra vitamins and minerals .

  8. 我国全谷物食品发展的必要性与挑战

    Significance and challenges of development of wholegrain foods in China

  9. 双螺杆挤压膨化谷物食品中黄酮稳定性的研究

    Study on the flavones stability during the twin-screw extruded-expanding process of cereal foods

  10. 全谷食品&谷物食品的发展趋势

    Whole Cereal Food : A Tendency to Improve Nutrition Values of Cereal Food

  11. 谷物食品蒸煮挤压加工技术

    The Processing Technology of Cooking Extrusion of Cereal Food

  12. 通过谷物食品强化提高铁生物利用度的策略

    Strategies for Enhancing Iron Bioavailability through Cereal Food Fortifications

  13. 你是一家谷物食品公司的项目经理。

    You are a project manager for a leading cereal and grain manufacturing company .

  14. 大部分传统的非洲谷物食品都采用自然发酵。

    A majority of traditional cereal-based foods consumed in Africa are processed by natural fermentation .

  15. 如何搭配:将全谷物食品与蛋白质搭配起来食用是经典的能量补充方案。

    Rev it up : Combining whole grains with protein is a classic energy-extending combination .

  16. 酶制剂在谷物食品加工中的应用

    Enzyme application on cereal food processing

  17. 孩子们可以在桌子摆好碗,匙和谷物食品以及除了牛奶以外一切的东西。

    Children can set the table with bowls , spoons and cereal boxeseverything but the milk .

  18. 谷物食品挤压膨化过程中影响膨化度因素的探讨

    A Probe on the Factors Affecting the Swelling Degree of Cereal Food in the Extrusion Swelling

  19. 发酵谷物食品是非常重要的婴儿断奶食品和主要的成人饮食来源。

    Fermented cereals are particularly important as weaning foods for infants and as dietary staples for adults .

  20. 现在牛奶已经走进了每个中国家庭,谷物食品也开始流行。

    But now milk is going to every Chinese family and cereal products are starting to too .

  21. 孩子们可以在桌子摆好碗,匙和谷物食品枣以及除了牛奶以外一切的东西.

    Children can set the table with bowls , spoons and cereal boxes - everything but the milk .

  22. 他们发现儿童类谷物食品一般摆放在货架上的较低处,而较高层则是成人的同类产品。

    And they found that kids ' cereals tend to be placed on lower shelves than grownup offerings .

  23. 吃天然的食物,比如肉,新鲜的水果和蔬菜,以及不加糖的全谷物食品。

    Eat natural whole foods such as meat , fresh fruit and vegetables , and whole grains without added sugar .

  24. 马铃薯能够作为重要的主食,但是平衡的膳食需要包括其他蔬菜和全谷物食品。

    Potatoes can be important staple foods , but balanced diets need to include other vegetables and whole grain foods .

  25. 面包类食品4份或更多(面包、麦片、面条、米饭以及其他谷物食品);

    Four or more from the bread group ( bread , cereal , noodles , rice , and other grain products );

  26. 早餐谷物食品是一种脆性食品,是以谷物为基本原料,经该生产线加工而成颗粒形、薄片形或动物造型的营养方便食品。

    Breakfast Cereal Food is one kind of crispy food which is processed by this line and adopt grist as basic material .

  27. 阐述了蒸煮挤压技术的特点、蒸煮挤压的种类及工作过程,并较全面地介绍了应用蒸煮挤压技术加工谷物食品的生产工艺。

    This paper summarizes the effects of processing on the nutrition of cereal foods and the functions of the whole cereal foods .

  28. 可以选择新鲜水果、果汁、鸡蛋、咖啡(不加奶油和糖)、茶和全谷物食品。

    Choose foods like fresh fruit , smoothies , eggs , coffee ( sans cream and sugar ), tea , and whole grains .

  29. 随着粮食、饲料、谷物食品工业的机械化程度的提高,谷物粉尘爆炸事故越来越多。

    With the popularization of machinery in grain , feed and foodstuffs industries , there have been recorded more and more grain flour dust explosions .

  30. 所以,从根本上来说,你可以节省早餐,新鲜水果,一些谷物食品和参加会议的交通费用。

    So essentially you can save money on breakfast , you can grab some fresh fruit , some cereal and go off to your meeting .