- 名glutamine synthetase

Effect of NaCl Stress on Activity and Isozymes of Glutamine Synthetase in Rice Plants
Under MN-level , free-amino-acids has the lowest content , but glutamine synthetase has the highest activity , sensitive to the change of CO2 .
Influence of NaCl Stress on NH_4 ~ + Assimilation and Activity of Glutamine Synthetase of Two Mulberry Species
Distribution of Glutamine Synthetase ( GS ) in Wheat and Influence of Light on the Expression of GS Gene
The GS activity in leaves of three different nitrogen forms showed a increasing trend during the different nitrogen processing .
Glutamine synthetase and Wnt-signaling
The results indicated that GS ( glutamine synthetase ) activity increased with the increase of light intensity and the ratio of NH4 + - N.
Objective To study the effect of gene amplification and selection system with DHFR plus GS and DHFR or GS gene on the foreign gene expression .
The results showed that GS immunoreactivity ( GS-ir ) was mainly localized in the Muller cell bodies in the normal retinas .
Involvement of glutamine synthetase in short-term regulation of nitrogenase activity by ammonia in Rhodopseudomonas capsulata
Influence of different concentrations of no_3 ~ - and nh_4 ~ + on the activity of glutamine synthetase and other relevant enzymes of nitrogen metabolism in Wheat Roots
Glutamine synthetase ( GS ) and glutamate synthase ( GOGAT ) are crucial and key enzymes for the ammonia assimilation in higher plants .
RT-PCR products of microtube-associated protein 2a , glutamine synthetase and CD31 from brain tissue had positive lanes , but only CD31 had positive lanes from isolated microvessels .
Ammonia permeate through blood brain barrier , diffuse in brain . then under the catalysis of glutamine synthetase ( GS ), energized with adenosine triphosphate , ammonia and glutamate synthesis glutamine in astrocyte .
Glutamine synthetase ( GS , glutamine synthetase ; EC6.3.1.2 ) is an enzyme widespread in vivo , it is involved in many organisms , nitrogen and carbon metabolism .
Under normal and low nitrogen stress conditions , total uptake N , nitrate reductase activity and glutamine synthetase activity in three typical eggplant genotypes with different nitrogen efficiency and their hybrids were studied under solution condition .
Introduction of Maize Glutamine Synthetase ( MGS ) c DNA into Agrobacterium Tumefaciens
Total nitrogen , total phosphorus and total potassium content , nitrate reductase ( NR ) and glutamine synthetase ( GS ) activities declined under drought stress , while the content of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen content increased .
The previous studies showed that the expression of chloroplast GS2 is mediated by light but cytosolic GS1 and GS in non photosynthetic tissues of higher plants are little influenced .
Both sensitivity of nitrogenase in response to NH_4 ~ + and the level of glutamine synthetase ( GS ) activity depend upon either the culture age or the N-nutrient states of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata .
Objective To investigate if a bacterial enhancer-like element ( BELE ) in the upstream region of Escherichia coli gln Ap2 gene had strict promoter selectivity .
The duration from 15 d to 20 d after heading was the breakthrough stage at which the correlative nature varied between the activity of glutamine synthetase in rice grain and taste meter value and RVA properties .
We compared the activity of Glutamine Synthetase ( GS ) and NADH-Glutamate Synthase ( NADH-GOGAT ) from roots and leaves of rice plants cultured under different temperature C32 ℃ and 23 ℃) , respectively .
The activityes of GS from the different organs of wheat seedlings and influence of light on GS and GS-mRNA have been studied by the employment of TPH , Northern blot , DEAE-celluose columns chromatography , enzyme activity assay and inhibitor .
The results showed that there was significant correlation between the key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation ( nitrate reductase , NR ; glutamine synthetase , GS ) and Ca 2 + / CaM dependent protein kinase ( Ca 2 + / CaM PK ) .
In prokaryotes , the first example of a protein covalently attached to target proteins is Pup , which is distinct from ubiquitination in its use of deamidase and glutamine synthetase-like ligase reactions for conjugation and its disordered structure .
Objective : To investigate the possible mechanism of retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) injury of acute glaucoma through detecting expression of glutamate / asparate transporter ( GLAST ) and glutamine synthetase ( GS ) in acute intraocular hypertensive rat retina .
The 15th day after heading was a turning point , before which the enzymatic activities of inferior varieties with high protein content were higher than those of superior varieties with low protein content and after which they were reverse .
The activities of nitrate reductase ( NR ) in leaf and root were basically related to the content of nitrate in the relevant organs , the glutamine synthetase ( GS ) activity in leaf was decreased significantly under EGTA treatment , but the GS activity changed weakly in root .
Proper nitrogen application could increase the activity of nitrate reductase 、 sucrose phosphate synthase and glutamine synthetase . The proper nitrogen application to promote nitrogen metabolism is 300 kg · hm-2 , it also could promote the assimilation and accumulation of nitrogen .