
  • 网络Wild Edible Mushroom
  1. 1983~1984年,笔者对清西陵地区野生食用菌资源进行了沿线调查或随机抽样调查,对采到的标本进行了室内鉴定。

    In order to investigate the wild edible mushroom resources in Western Qing Tombs areas , survey was made along the line or by random sampling from different places during 1983-1984 . 19 species belongin ;

  2. 咸宁市野生食用菌资源调查初报

    First Report on Investigation of Wild Edible Mushroom Resources in Xianning Town

  3. 采用4种不同的培养基对5种野生食用菌进行了分离实验,探讨了几种因素对菌种分离驯化的影响。

    Different mediums were used for the wild edible fungi separation .

  4. 安徽省野生食用菌、药用菌资源调查

    The resources of the wild edible and medical fungi from Anhui

  5. 富硒野生食用菌液体培养条件初步优化

    Optimization of liquid cultural conditions of wild edible fungi with Se-accumulation

  6. 长白山区野生食用菌资源及开发利用前景

    Resources of Wild Edible Fungi and Their Prospects in the Changbai Mountains

  7. 四川野生食用菌初步名录

    The Primary List of the Wild Edible Fungi in Sichuan

  8. 野生食用菌的驯化和深层发酵

    Domestication and deep - fermentation of wild edible fungi

  9. 野生食用菌产品质量安全现状及建议

    Current Situation and Recommendations of the Wild Edible Fungi Product Quality and Safety

  10. 对野生食用菌资源的调研

    An Investigation on the Resources of Wild Edible Mushrooms

  11. 福建省一种野生食用菌的鉴定和人工栽培

    Report on identification and cultivation of a fine edible wild mushroom in Fujian

  12. 云南松林野生食用菌物种多样性及保护对策

    Species diversity of wild edible mushrooms from Pinus yunnanensis forests and conservation strategies

  13. 近20年我国野生食用菌引种驯化概况

    Survey on Introduction and Domestication of Chinese Wild Edible Fungi in Recent 20 Years

  14. 大通地区野生食用菌群落与生态环境关系的调查

    Investigate on Relationship between Wild Edible Fungus Communities and Ecology Environment in Datong Region

  15. 云南九种野生食用菌氨基酸的快速测定

    Rapid Determination of Amino Acids Contents of the Nine kinds of Edible Mushrooms in Yunnan

  16. 云南野生食用菌&牛肝菌的病害调查研究报告

    Disease Investigation of Boletus of Yunnan Province

  17. 云南易门县野生食用菌资源的利用与管理调查研究

    Investigation on Management and Use of Wild Edible Mushroom Resources in Yimen County of Yunnan Province

  18. 我国近20年来引种驯化出菇的野生食用菌50多种,按D。

    More than 50 wild edible mushrooms have been introduced and domesticated in recent 20 years . According to D.

  19. 发现鸡枞、牛肝菌、干巴菌的冻结点温度分别为-1.4℃、-1.1℃、-0.8℃野生食用菌速冻后的冻藏温度在-18℃以下为适宜。

    The result indicates the frozen point is-1.4 ℃, - 1.1 ℃, - 0.8 ℃ and freezing storage temperature is-18 ℃ .

  20. 食用菌是一种比较特殊的农业产品,它对气候和环境的要求比较高,只有在一定的条件下才能生长,这种特点决定了野生食用菌的产量极少。

    Edible mushroom is a special agriculture product , which has high requirement for climate and environment , and only can grow in certain conditions .

  21. 近年来,云南野生食用菌产业发展迅速,但产业在发展中也存在许多制约因素。

    In recent years , wild mushroom industry has developed rapidly in Yunnan , but during the development of the industry also has many constraints .

  22. 通过对云南野生食用菌资源和市场价值进行分析为之后的国际市场开拓策略做铺垫。

    Secondly , the wild edible fungus resources and the market value are analyzed as a good groundwork for the development of international market strategies .

  23. 松茸是一类名贵的野生食用菌,其生长完全依赖于自然条件,至今仍然不能完全人工栽培。

    The Tricholoma matsutake is one kind of the famous and marketable wild edible mushrooms , and it can not be completely cultivated so far .

  24. 作为野生食用菌资源最为丰富地区之一的云南,牛肝菌是极具出口创汇的野生食用菌之一。

    As a wild edible fungus resources in Yunnan ( one of the most abundant areas in China ), Bolete is extremely exported for economic value .

  25. 野生食用菌一般人只想到了它的美味。其实,野生食用菌还含有多种营养成分,对健康、美容都有一定的作用。

    Wild edible general people want to taste it . Actually , the wild edible fungus also contain a variety of nutrition , health , beauty has certain effect .

  26. 大型野生食用菌驯化栽培研究初报&Ⅰ.江西高环柄菇的生物学特性

    STUDIES ON DOMESTICATION CULTURE OF A LARGE-TYPE WILD EDIBLE BACTERIUM ( THE FIRST REPORT ) & ⅰ . Biologic Properties of Jiangxi Lepiota Procera ( Scop . exFx ) Gray

  27. 对玉溪市野生食用菌资源进行调查,发现玉溪市野生食用茵经济价值较大的有2纲,5目,13科,20属,43种。

    After an investigation of the wild edible fungi resources in Yuxi area , the 43 wild edible fungi species belonging to 20 genera , 13 families and 5 order are reported .

  28. 因此,人工驯化培育优质高产、生长迅速、质嫩味美、经济价值高、具有特色的野生食用菌品种,是目前食用菌生产上急需解决的问题。

    Therefore , the domestication of the wild mushrooms which have the characteristics of high yield , quick growth , delicious taste , higher economic value and distinction is the urgent problem in the edible mushrooms production .

  29. 研究了主产于新疆南部巴楚县的珍稀名贵野生食用菌巴楚蘑菇的蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪与脂肪酸及矿质元素含量与组成。

    The contents and varieties of nutritive component of the famous , rare mushroom which is mainly produced in Bachu county of the South of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region such as protein , amino acid , fat , fatty acid and mineral elements were studied .

  30. 对长白山野生食用菌多次调查,经鉴定和整理出比较重要野生食用菌41种,长白山蕴藏着丰富的真菌资源,极具深入研究与开发价值。

    This text , to the wild edible fungus numerous investigations of Changbai Mountain , through determining and putting in order out 41 kinds of more important wild edible funguses , contain abundant fungi resources in Changbai Mountain , further investigate and develop value very much .