
yě shǔ
  • Wild mouse;field rat
野鼠 [yě shǔ]
  • [wild rats] 生活在田野中的鼠类,种类很多,如黄鼠、田鼠、鼢鼠等。一般对农作物有害,有的能传播鼠疫

  1. 应用RT-PCR从蝙蝠和野鼠分离出狂犬病病毒

    Detection of rabies virus from bats and rats by RT-PCR

  2. 野鼠和家鼠型HFRS所致残余损害的探讨

    Research on Residual Lesion Caused by HFRS of wild-rat and home-rat Types

  3. 与SPF大鼠相比,CV大鼠的阴道菌丛更接近于野鼠。

    The vaginal bacterial flora of CV rats was close to that of wild rats .

  4. 另在城关镇幼儿园进行城镇儿童HFRS隐性感染调查,发现与野鼠接触机会极少的城镇儿童中存在HFRS隐性感染。

    Another survey on childrens HFRS inapparent infection in town was carried out .

  5. 应用RT-PCR对广西部分犬、蝙蝠和野鼠狂犬病病毒的检测

    Application of Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detection of Rabies Virus from Dogs , Bats and Rats in Guangxi

  6. 野鼠型EHF病毒(A9株)和家鼠型EHF病毒(R(22)株)在三种鼠腹腔巨噬细胞中的繁殖能力未见明显差异。

    No obvious difference was observed for the replicating ability in the macrophages between virus strains derived from Apodemus ( A_9 ) and Rattus ( R_ ( 22 )) .

  7. 结论:该螨可作为野鼠型HFRS鼠间的传播媒介,并可能兼有储存宿主作用。

    The results indicated that chigger mites can serve as transmitting vector of field rodent type of HFRS and act as a reservoir host as well .

  8. 结果huRBCSCID模式小鼠的人RBC中,在接种感染B.microti野鼠的RBC后,出现巴贝斯样原虫,并大量增殖。

    Results Babesia microti isolated from rodents proliferated within the human RBCs in the hu RBC SCID mice , and one type was identical to the parasites from human .

  9. 并提出野鼠型EHF疫源地控制的五项检测指标,即:①鼠密度控制在1.0%以下;

    We also came up with five testing targets to control the focis of wild rat type of EHF as following : 1 , rat 's population density is controlled under one percent ;

  10. 本文用血凝抑制试验(HIT)检查野鼠型EHF患者病后1个月至22年的血清标本31份,血凝抑制(HI)抗体阳性25份,阳性率为80.65%。

    31 serum samples from the patients with wild rat type EHF after attack of the disease from one month to 22 years were tested by hemagglutination inhibition test ( HIT ) . The antibody positive rate was 80.65 % ( 25 / 31 ) .

  11. 交叉中和试验,根据同株与异株中和抗体滴度相差4倍的判断标准,可将病毒分为三个不同的类型:Ⅰ型(野鼠型):Chen、A(96)、A3及汉坦76-118;

    However , according to the judgement criterion that neutralizing antibody titer to homologous strain is 4 times as high as that of heterogeneous strains , EHFV strains were divided into 3 types . EHF type ⅰ viruses are Chen , A_ ( 96 ), A_3 and Hantaan virus 76-118 ;

  12. 耗子、老鼠和野鼠靠嗅觉区分彼此。

    Rats , mice and voles recognise each other by smell .

  13. 吉林省野鼠家畜感染伯氏疏螺旋体的检查

    Study on Borrelia burgdorferi infective of mouse and livestock in Jilin Province

  14. 广西地区野鼠戊型肝炎病毒相关抗体的血清流行病学

    Seroepidemiology of antibodies against hepatitis E virus in wild rats in Guangxi

  15. 大概对于野鼠而言也是如此。

    Presumably , the same is true of wild mice .

  16. 野生鲑鱼,鱼油和野鼠尾草籽中的含量都非常丰富。

    Wild salmon , fish oil , and chia seeds are great sources .

  17. 目的:建立野鼠为戊型肝炎的动物模型。

    Objective : To set up Laboratory animal model for HEV on wild rodents ;

  18. 解剖野鼠1278只作直肠压片检查,均未发现血吸虫卵阳性鼠。

    Schistosome eggs were not found in 1278 wild rats examined by the rectum slide compress method .

  19. 醋酸可的松和地塞米松诱发野鼠卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎的试验研究

    Experimental study on Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in wild rats and mice by cortisone acetate and dexamethasone inducement

  20. 但是野鼠是包含许多奇怪特性的“进化中的谜”,代物第说道。

    Nevertheless , voles are an " evolutionary enigma " with many bizarre traits , DeWoody said .

  21. 目的了解野鼠、耕牛和猪的钩端螺旋体带菌情况,探讨减少钩端螺旋体病发病影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the carrier rate of leptospira of host animals and provide objective bases for control of leptospirosis .

  22. 当家鼠与栖息于周围地区的染疫野鼠接触时,感染就可以发生。

    This can happen when the domestic rodents come into contact with infected wild rodents living in the surrounding areas .

  23. 多瘤病毒:存在于野鼠身上、数量极少、致病力不强的一种感染性小病原体。

    Polyoma virus : Minute infectious agent normally present in extremely small amounts in wild mice without causing obvious ill effects .

  24. 流行性出血热两个疫区野鼠带毒的调查

    Investigations of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever ( EHF ) Virus in the Lungs of the Field Rodents Trapped in Two Endemic Areas

  25. 5份非疫区野鼠肾、5份正常猪肾标本以及其他微生物的检测结果均为阴性。

    Detecting 5 rat kidney specimens from non-epidemic area , 5 normal kidney specimens and other microbe , the results were negative .

  26. 那只小沙狐的嘴里叼着一只野鼠!它的窝边还残留着好多野鼠的腿脚尾巴等物。

    That little fox had a rat in its mouth , and there were rat legs and tails scattered outside its den .

  27. 马、牛、羊、狗、野鼠5种动物2499份调查,感染率为22.13%;

    In 2 499 questionnaires of horses , oxen , sheep , mice and dogs , the infectious rate was 22.13 % .

  28. 20份鼠肺中,除1份褐家鼠检出野鼠型外,其余均为家鼠型。

    Of 20 specimens of rat lungs , only one was wild - rat type and the others were house - type .

  29. 野鼠中黑线姬鼠、小家鼠带毒率为6.7%。

    Apodemus agrarius was the main species of field rats . The rate of virus-carriers in small house rats was 6.7 % .

  30. 方法对调查地点内的家、野鼠及其鼠体蚤进行为期一年的调查,鼠密度、蚤指数作为主要变化指标。

    Methods One-year inquisition was proceeded in the area of investigation , rodent density and flea index were regarded as the main index .