
  • Climb Stairs;Climb the stairs;Take The Stairs
  1. 他深吸了一口气,然后开始爬楼梯。

    He took a deep breath , and began to climb the stairs

  2. 南希开始爬楼梯。

    Nancy began to climb the stairs

  3. 她紧紧地抓着栏杆,小心翼翼地爬楼梯。

    She climbed the staircase cautiously , holding fast to the rail

  4. 一项关于英国人懒惰程度的研究发现,超过一半的英国成年人已经懒惰到,即使只是到二楼,他们也会选择搭电梯而不是爬楼梯。

    A study into how lazy British people are has found more than half of the adults are so lazy that they 'd catch the lift rather than climb two flights of stairs .

  5. 厂商现在也研发出了消费者版外骨骼,来帮助人们更容易地从事DIY(自己动手做)、走路、爬楼梯和其他日常活动。

    Versions for consumers are also now being developed to help people more easily do everything from DIY , to walking , climbing stairs , and other daily activities .

  6. 我想都没想,一副老鸟的模样,“Makearightandtakeladderstothesecondfloor.”(向右转爬楼梯上二楼。)

    Make a right and take stairs to the second floor .

  7. 选择和设计了2K-H型行星轮系为轮椅爬楼梯的翻转机构。

    The 2 K-H planetary gear turnover mechanism of climbing stair wheelchair was selected and designed .

  8. 如果我觉得他们能做得像玛丽?波平斯(MaryPoppins)那样好(她解决爬楼梯问题的方式是沿着扶手滑上去),我会很高兴地任由他们摆布。

    If I thought it would be as good as Mary Poppins ( who solved the stair problem by sliding up the banister ) I would cheerfully give myself over .

  9. 来自中国的ALINA给我们了这些谚语,从底部开始爬楼梯,当工作时或寻找工作时这个一个非常好的建议;

    Alina from China sent us this proverb : " He who would climb a ladder must begin at the bottom . " That is good advice when working around your home or looking for a job .

  10. 六轮移动机器人爬楼梯能力分析

    Analysis on the Stair climbing Ability of Six wheeled Mobile Robot

  11. 爬楼梯小车控制系统的研制

    Development of the control system of the stair - climbing robot

  12. 他爬楼梯时气喘吁吁。

    He was puffing and blowing as he climbed the stairs .

  13. 如果还有几分钟空闲,不如选择爬楼梯吧。

    With a few minutes to spare , take the stairs instead .

  14. 我儿子讨厌爬楼梯,让我们回家吧。

    And my son hates stairs . So let 's go home .

  15. 这位老妇人爬楼梯很吃力。

    The elderly woman climbs up the stairs with difficulty .

  16. 新型爬楼梯轮椅稳定性的灵敏度分析

    Sensitivity analysis of stability of a new stair climbing wheelchair

  17. 一种双联星形轮机构电动爬楼梯轮椅的设计

    Design of an electric climbing wheelchair with biconnectivity star wheels

  18. 一种轮组结构爬楼梯机器人的传动和结构设计

    Design of Transmission and Structure of a Wheelsets Stair-Climbing Robot

  19. 与其坐电梯,不如改为爬楼梯吧。

    Instead of taking the elevator , take the stairs .

  20. 爬楼梯之后,她总是喘不过气来。

    She 's always short of breath when she climbs the stairs .

  21. 日本人安静地,毫无怨言得爬楼梯到办公室。

    The Japanese quietly and uncomplainingly take the stairs to their offices .

  22. 爬楼梯使她上气不接下气的。

    She was out of breath from climbing the stairs .

  23. 我们是熊猫,我们不爬楼梯。

    We 're pandas . We don 't do stairs .

  24. 电梯正在检修,他们只好爬楼梯了。

    With the elevator being checked , they had to climb the stairs .

  25. 要爬楼梯回家真烦人。

    What a bother having to climb stories home !

  26. 基于传感器信息融合的移动机器人自主爬楼梯技术研究

    Research on the Autonomous Climbing Stairs of Mobile Robot Based on Sensor Fusion

  27. 一种新型爬楼梯轮椅的动力学建模及稳定性分析

    Dynamic modeling and stability analysis of a new type of stair climbing wheelchair

  28. 基于人机工程学的爬楼梯轮椅的设计

    The design of climbing stairs wheelchair based on ergonomics

  29. 我讨厌随身带着行李,我讨厌爬楼梯。

    I hate carrying my own luggage and I hate trekking up stairs .

  30. 最重要的是,爬楼梯可以令你摆脱那种懒洋洋的状态。

    Most important of all , it drags you out of your torpor .