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pá shān zhě
  • climber;mountaineer;alpinist
  1. 爬山者一失足就会丧命。

    A false step can have cost the climber their lives .

  2. 爬山者拾取枯枝当柴烧。

    The mountain climber pick up dead branches for firewood .

  3. 这一景象在乞力马扎罗山尤为显著,因为爬山者会在短短几公里的路程中穿过五种生态系统。

    This view is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as clmbers go through five ecosystems in the space of a few kilometers .

  4. 那位老人给爬山者草草地搭成一小茅屋。

    The old man knocked up a hut for mountain-climbers .

  5. 爬山者沿着狭窄的岩架缓缓攀爬。

    The climber edged carefully along the narrow rock ledge .

  6. 我注视着爬山者下到山谷里去了。

    I watched the climbers come down into the valley .

  7. 爬山者不牢靠地抓住了光滑的岩石。

    The climber had only a precarious hold on the slippery rock .

  8. 其中一位爬山者开始落到了后面。

    One of the climbers was beginning to drag .

  9. 爬山者需要巨大的毅力。

    Mountain climbers need a lot of pluck .

  10. 爬山者跌下了悬崖。

    The climber fell down a precipice .

  11. 大风暴雪迫使救援队伍停止对三名失踪爬山者的搜寻工作。

    Heavy snow and fierce winds forced expedition teams to cut short their search for three missing climbers .

  12. 问题是过去,接收器都太重了以至于爬山者无法搬动。

    The problem with this was that in the past the recievers were much too heavy for climbers to carry .

  13. 在坏天气中当夜晚来临时,爬山者准备好露宿地,安身下来过夜。

    In worsening weather with darkness closing in , the climbers prepared a bivouac and settled down for the night .