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  • ski
雪板[xuě bǎn]
  1. 无论使用那种穿越动作,现代大回转和小回转技术在转弯时都是使用整个雪板。

    Regardless of type of cross movement the modern GS and SL turns use the entire ski .

  2. 由此产生的胯部的倾角能让你保持外侧雪板的切雪并防止搓雪。

    The hip angulation that 's created prevents skidding and maintains the carving of your outside ski .

  3. 例如,我已经使用上面讨论的一个WSDL规范修改了测雪板示例,以便使用RDF序列化格式,如清单1所示。

    For example , I have modified the snow boarding example using a WSDL specification discussed above to use a RDF serialized format as seen in1 .

  4. 这里是约翰·里恩(JohnRinn)的实验室,他今年38岁,曾是一名竞技雪板滑雪运动员,现在依然喜欢驾驭着雪板从办公室的一面墙滑到另一面墙,同时思考生物学问题。

    This is the lab of John Rinn , a 38-year-old former competitive snowboarder who likes to ponder biological questions on top of a skateboard , which he rides from one wall of his office to the other and back .

  5. 顶级选手在滑经滚落线的之后就开始释放雪板的压力。

    Top racers release the pressure coming out of the fall-line .

  6. 在一个转弯结束时雪板应该是平行的。

    The skis should be parallel by the end of the turn .

  7. 雪板保护装备的讨论-护腕,护臀,护膝等。

    Snowboard Protective Gear-Wrist Guard , Pad Pants , Knee Guard * etc.

  8. 我喜欢挡雪板,爬山,骑自行车和户外活动。

    I love snowboarding , Mountaing biking and the outdoors .

  9. 更精确的模仿在现实中身体对雪板的压力。

    This more accurately mimics how body pressure is actually applied to a board .

  10. 如果你要把雪板单独放在某处,最安全地方法是准备一把锁。

    We have listed some of the ways on how you can carry your Snowboard .

  11. 热爱生活,酷爱运动,足球,游泳,雪板。

    A easy-going guy who loves sports , such as soccer , swimming , snowboarding .

  12. 通过向上的运动从而减轻对雪板的压力来开始转弯。

    You begin your turn by moving upwards whereby you release the pressure from your skis .

  13. 和背挠类似,弯曲双膝,这样你的雪板就在你的后面。

    Similar to a Backscratcher , bend your knees so the Skis will be behind you .

  14. 从一边滑到另一边,以掌握雪板的转动量。

    Let the movements from side to side to decide how much your skis will turn .

  15. 当你熟练一些时,你应该试着在整个转弯中保持雪板平行。

    When you master this , you should try to keep your skis parallel throughout the turn .

  16. 因为在这个国家没有几个人有滑雪服,滑雪场在出租雪杖雪板的同时也出租雪服。

    Since few in this country own ski clothes , the resort rents parkas along with poles and skis .

  17. 这个时候,你的身体可以随着雪板滑行势,并且将重心从谷雪板转移到山雪板。

    Go with the movement of the ski and allow your weight to move from the outside ski to the inside .

  18. 雪板从板头到板尾的走刃,结合快速有效的上方和下方穿越动作,使得用刃时机得以提前。

    Combination of skis carving tip-to-tail and quick efficient cross-over and cross-under movements into the new turn produce an early edge set .

  19. 用谷雪板穿越雪坡,将山雪板的板尾移动到坡上。

    While traversing with the outside ski actively tracking across the slope , move the tail of your inside ski up the hill .

  20. 为了保持速度及加速出弯,在进入滚落线之前以及途径滚落线的时候雪板都必须处于承重状态。

    In order to maintain speed and even accelerate out of the turn skis need to be loaded above and into the fall-line .

  21. 早餐后,拾阶而下,穿上雪场提供的雪板融入滑雪的行列,进入真实的另一种体验。

    After the breakfast , you step down , join the skiers with skis from the ski course and face another real test .

  22. 上方穿越(重心从雪板上方越过雪板)普遍用于大回转中较陡的赛道。

    Crossover ( CM of mass crosses over the skis ) is prevalent in complete GS turns on steep parts of the course .

  23. 在自由滑雪的时候要能够使你的雪板切雪,如果你期望在比赛中也能做到的话。

    Tip4 : You 've got to be able to carve your skis while free skiing if you expect to carve them while racing .

  24. 当你发现自己在高速滑行时,你就要保持雪板间一定的距离及放低身体。

    When you find yourself going at a high speed , you should keep a good distance between your skis and lower your body .

  25. 如果你要把雪板放在营地,要确保放在你能看得见的地方。

    If you decide to leave your board at the base , make sure that it can be easily seen from where you are .

  26. 可以试著感觉提早将雪杖底端的圆盘甩出去以配合在转弯中的雪板,如此你在完成转弯的动作时就能比较确实而且时间点也不会来不及。

    Swing your pole basket early to match your turning skis , so you will not be'late'in executing the turn that is coming up .

  27. 每当双踝和双膝转向侧面之前,雪板方向越来越指向山下时,就能逐渐进行加速。

    You can accelerate gradually , each time letting your skis pointing more and more downhill before you turn your ankles and knees sideways .

  28. 遇到起伏不平的地形时,在雪包上要曲腿,让雪板与雪地总是保持紧密接触;

    When you find yourself in irregular terrain , keep close contact with the snow by letting your legs giving in to the bumps .

  29. 如果加速开始时,雪板立刃与雪面保持一定的角度,就会感觉到雪板在自动转弯。

    If the skis are angled to the snow when you start to accelerate , you will experience that the skis turn almost by themselves .

  30. 在雪板下滑过程中,轻轻提高活动脚雪板的尾部,同时向外刃倾斜;

    With continued tipping of the free foot , the stance ski will turn into , through , and then out of the fall line .