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xuě bào
  • snowstorm;blizzard;buran
雪暴 [xuě bào]
  • (1) [snowstorm]

  • (2) 降雪的风暴

  • (3) 强风挟带大量雪片飞扬于空中,使能见度一般小于1公里的现象

雪暴[xuě bào]
  1. 新疆雪暴持续时间绝大多数在2.5h之内。

    The Climatic Character of Snowstorm in Xinjiang The duration of snowstorm is within 2.5 hours .

  2. 新疆雪暴天气的气候特征

    Weather The Climatic Character of Snowstorm in Xinjiang

  3. 他们在大量的泥土地中生长旺盛,而且他们在雪暴中也能生存。

    They grow well in heavy clay soils , and they can survive ice storms well .

  4. 雪暴是危险的。

    Winter storms can be dangerous .

  5. 初看起来奥兹似乎冻死于阿尔卑斯山的雪暴。

    At first , it looked as if Otzi had frozen to death in a snowstorm in the Alps .

  6. 这些雪暴以及长期的严寒对于不冬眠的野生动物是极为严酷的。

    These blizzards and long spells of extreme cold are very hard on any wildlife that isn 't hibernating .

  7. 画面各区域仿佛被有意模糊,画面如同摄取于雪暴之中。

    Areas of the composition seem deliberately blurred , as our vision would be in trying to gaze through a snowstorm .

  8. 飓风、龙卷风、雪暴、冰暴和雷暴,都是可能威胁到整个社会的极端的气候现象。

    Hurricanes , tornadoes , snowstorms , ice storms and electrical storms are all examples of extreme weather that may challenge an entire community .

  9. 较大的蚯蚓会活得较久,因为它们能钻得深一些,避免了温度忽高忽低、土壤过湿或过干,也避免了雪暴和食肉动物(的伤害)。

    Bigger worms tend to live longer because they can dig deeper , and avoid temperature extremes , soils that are too wet or dry , snow and predators .

  10. 预报员预测,暴风雨将使内华达山脉的积雪堆积到雪暴警报暴风雪警报10英尺,虽然那里的雪暴警报在周五晚上已经降级为暴风雪警报。

    Forecasters expected the storm to dump as much as10 feet of snow in the Sierra Nevada , where a blizzard warning was downgraded Friday evening to a winter storm warning .