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xuě piàn
  • snow block;snowflake
雪片 [xuě piàn]
  • [snow block] 指飘落的雪花

雪片[xuě piàn]
  1. 她曾登上《vogue》,该杂志称赞她为“最自信、最有影响力的信息大师”,并对她和创业者扎克博格(zackbogue)结婚时穿的“雪片蕾丝”婚纱赞叹不已。

    She has been profiled in vogue , which lauded her as " the most poised and powerful information guru " , and drooled over the " snowflake lace " wedding dress MS Mayer wore when she married entrepreneur Zack Bogue .

  2. 她曾登上《Vogue》,该杂志称赞她为“最自信、最有影响力的信息大师”,并对她和创业者扎克•博格(ZackBogue)结婚时穿的“雪片蕾丝”婚纱赞叹不已。

    She has been profiled in Vogue , which lauded her as " the most poised and powerful information guru , " and drooled over the " snowflake lace " wedding dress Ms Mayer wore when she married entrepreneur Zack Bogue .

  3. 我们在登出广告后收到了雪片般飞来的大批答复信件。

    We received an avalanche of letters in reply to our advertisement .

  4. 朋友寄来的邮件如雪片一般。

    A cascade of mail arrived from friends .

  5. 请战书像雪片似地飞向指挥部。

    Headquarters was swamped by an avalanche of applications for battle assignments .

  6. 抗议书像雪片似的飞来。

    Written protests poured in .

  7. 雪片纷飞。

    Snowflakes flutter about .

  8. 她及时回复如雪片般飞来的大批信件。

    She kept abreast with the flood of communications that had poured in .

  9. 贺电如雪片飞来。

    Messages of congratulation poured in .

  10. c.在她生日那天,信函和礼物像雪片一样飞来。

    Letters and presents snowed in on her birthday .

  11. Billy向厨房的窗外望去。他感到很高兴,而且他想跳进雪堆里,盖上这柔软的雪片。

    Billy looked through the kitchen window , he felt like diving into the snow and burying himself in its softness .

  12. 硅油组保留晶状体眼术后出现晶状体后囊下混浊。F6H8注入后玻璃体腔内可见到白色雪片状沉积物形成。

    Posterior subcapsular lens opacity was observed in silicone oil-tamponade group and flake-like white precipitates in the anterior vitreous cavity was seen in F_ 6 H_ 8 injection group .

  13. 那位名人的办公室里堆满了像雪片般飞来的崇拜者的来信。

    The celebrity 's office is snowed under with fan letters .

  14. 那些雪片一样飞来的卡片和邮件真的给了他很大的支持。

    The outpouring of cards and emails really sustained him .

  15. 点播这首歌的请求像雪片般向他们飞来。

    They were deluged with requests to play the song .

  16. 雨后,桃花花瓣雪片般飘落下来。

    After the rain the peach blossoms snowed their petals .

  17. 对我们广告的答复雪片般地飞来。

    We 've been deluged with replies to our advertisement .

  18. 他想把圣诞老人用雪片或雪球埋起来。

    Evil try to bury Santa Clause by snowflakes or by snowballs .

  19. 信件和电报像雪片一样堆在他的桌子上。

    Letters and telegrams lay on his desk like snow .

  20. 崇拜者的信雪片般飞来。她是个盲目崇拜者。

    Fan letters flooded in . She has a kind of idolatry .

  21. 有一天下午,天气突然变坏了,狂风大作,雪片纷飞。

    But it suddenly blew hard and snowed in great flakes one afternoon .

  22. 申请信件像雪片似地向他们飞来。

    Letters of application descended on them like snowflakes .

  23. 对此类货品的询问函如雪片般飞来。

    There is a brisk inquiry for this article .

  24. 十月的下午如此寂静,他能听到雪片飘落的声音。

    The waning October afternoon is so hushed , he can hear snowflakes alight .

  25. 只降下稍许雪片。

    Only a few flakes of snow fell .

  26. 他就在这儿附近弄到了些“雪片”。

    He got some flake just around here .

  27. 支援信雪片似地飞来。

    Messages poured in with offers of support .

  28. 他抖掉外套上的雪片。

    He shook the snow off his coat .

  29. 出版社接到雪片般飞来的订单。

    The publisher was inundated with orders .

  30. 可是,他们还在等待,雪花还在飞舞,刺骨的雪片还在抽打着他们。

    Still they waited and still the snow whirled and cut them with biting flakes .