
fèng xì
  • gap;slit;slot;crack;aperture;crevice;seam;leak;fissure;chink
缝隙 [fèng xì]
  • (1) [seam]∶接合处

  • 无缝钢管

  • (2) [crack;crevice;fissure;chink;slit;slot]∶裂开的狭长的空处

缝隙[fèng xì]
  1. 透过墙上的缝隙她可以看到一线蓝天。

    Through a chink in the wall she could see a bit of the blue sky .

  2. A级超细水泥通过0.25mm窄小缝隙的通过量达到94.6%,而普通G级、H级的油井水泥的通过量仅为15%左右。

    The throughflow for class A extra fine cement passing through 0.25 mm narrow chink approaches more than 96 % , but that of the common class G & H well cement only about 15 % .

  3. 那张纸掉在桌子和墙壁之间的缝隙里。

    The paper had fallen down between the desk and the wall .

  4. 他们会透过那扇经受风吹日晒的老木门的缝隙向外张望。

    They would look out through the cracks of their weather-beaten door .

  5. 他透过帘子之间的缝隙偷看。

    He peered through a chink in the curtains .

  6. 他拉上厚厚的窗帘,仅留下一条狭窄的缝隙。

    He pulled the thick curtains together , leaving just a narrow gap .

  7. 除草剪刀专门用于修剪缝隙角落里的青草。

    Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places .

  8. 幼虫钻进了地板的缝隙里。

    The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor .

  9. 一束阳光透过地板和门之间的缝隙照了进来

    A band of light glowed in the space between floor and door .

  10. 透过缝隙,他能看见日光。

    Through the aperture he could see daylight .

  11. 边缘必须互搭在一起,否则杂草会从缝隙中钻出来。

    The edges must overlap each other or weeds will push through the gaps .

  12. 测量一下这条缝隙的长与宽。

    Measure the length and width of the gap

  13. 他小心翼翼地透过窗帘上的一条半英寸的缝隙望去,看见了一个空荡荡的卧室。

    He looked cautiously through a half-inch space between the curtains and saw an empty bedroom

  14. 石灰岩上有许多缝隙,故而树根能从岩洞顶部长出来。

    The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave

  15. 而外面的世界,你所能看见的就只是透过房顶缝隙射进来的阳光。

    All you see of the outside world is the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the roof .

  16. 月光透过云层的缝隙照射下来。

    The moon shone through a break in the clouds .

  17. 月光穿过云层缝隙照射下来。

    The moonbeam breaks through rifted clouds .

  18. 如果把板壁之间的缝隙用墙纸糊上,就看不出来了。

    If we paper over the spaces between the wallboards , they won 't show .

  19. 阳光从枝叶的缝隙中漏泄下来。

    Sunbeams filtered through the foliage .

  20. 造船工匠用麻丝和沥青填塞木船缝隙。

    Shipbuilders caulk wooden boats with oakum and tar .

  21. 可是一听到我的脚步声,蛇却像一股干涸了的水柱一样,慢慢钻进沙里去。它不慌不忙地在石头的缝隙中钻动着,发出轻轻的金属般的响声。

    But , at the noise I made , the snake let himself flow easily across the sand like the dying spray of a fountain , and , in no apparent hurry , disappeared , with a light metallic sound , among the stones .

  22. C波段波导缝隙全向天线的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of C-band Omnidirectional Waveguide - slot Antenna

  23. 缝隙加载H形双频天线

    Slot-loaded H-shaped dual-frequency antenna

  24. V形微带缝隙天线

    V - Shaped Microstrip Slot Antenna

  25. 缝隙连接(Gapjunction,GJ)是细胞之间进行通讯的直接通道。

    Gap junction is a direct way of cell communication .

  26. 用CFD方法研究空气通过缝隙的渗透

    CFD study of air infiltration flux through cracks

  27. 缝隙内氯离子浓度和局部pH的分布是影响缝隙腐蚀发展的最重要的影响因素。

    The distribution of chloride concentration and local pH in the occluded area are the most crucial factors in development of crevice corrosion .

  28. Hilbert缝隙天线的频率可重构设计

    Design of Frequency Reconfigurable Hilbert Fractal Slot Antenna

  29. 缝隙漏波波导天线及其RCS

    Leaky - Waveguide Slotted Antenna and its RCS

  30. 缝隙耦合HT对特性的分析

    Characteristics analysis of H-T pair coupled by narrow slot