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  • dominoes
  1. 俱乐部的队员们把多米诺骨牌摆成一长排??非常长的一排。

    The club members put dominoes in long rows - very long rows .

  2. 男人和白人俱乐部在法律的威胁下,像多米诺骨牌一样倒下了。

    All-male and all-white clubs have toppled like dominoes under threats of legal action .

  3. 由于轮轴-辐条系统的演变以及多米诺骨牌效应的推动,现行的世界范围内的FTA格局被形容为意大利面碗。

    Because of the development of Hub-and-Spoke System , the current FTA pattern in the worldwide is described as the Spaghetti-Bowl Phenomenon .

  4. 但愿阿里巴巴和纽约证交所(NYSE)都为交易冲刺做好了准备,这样的话,阿里巴巴就将是带动更多IPO的多米诺骨牌,而不是堵塞其它公司上市之路的巨石。

    Alibaba and NYSE have hopefully prepared well for the trading onslaught , so that Alibaba can be a domino rather than a boulder .

  5. 投资者对雷曼丧失信心看起来可能会引发多米诺骨牌效应,可能会拖垮美林、摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),甚至还有高盛(GoldmanSachs)等竞争对手。

    The loss of investor confidence in Lehman looked likely to trigger a domino effect that could have wiped out rivals such as Merrill , Morgan Stanley and even Goldman Sachs .

  6. 剪切带中部变形较强,发育不对称褶皱、S-C组构、σ型及δ型旋转碎斑以及多米诺骨牌等;

    Rocks in the central part are deformed intensely , in which asymmetric folds , S-C fabrics and σ - and δ - type rolled porphyroblasts , as well as domino structure of plagioclase are developed ;

  7. 第二天,我又读到了PhilandoCastile被杀案的新闻;第三天,达拉斯“黑人的命也是命”游行活动中发生警察被枪杀事件,暴力事件就像多米诺骨牌一样接连不断的侵袭,我彻底被惊呆了。

    Then after reading about the killing of Philando Castile the next day , and the shooting of police at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas the day after , the domino effect of violence left me paralyzed .

  8. 就像多米诺骨牌的世界,只有前进,没有后退

    Like dominoes the world , only forward , not back

  9. 这种多米诺骨牌效应会极大影响译员的工作表现。

    This domino effect will greatly hinder the performance of the interpreters .

  10. 就等着看多米诺骨牌倒下了。

    Now we just watch the dominoes begin to fall .

  11. 摆放多米诺骨牌需要很大的场地。

    They need a lot of space for the dominos .

  12. 当看着多米诺骨牌渐次倒下,我们很难不为之眼花缭乱。

    It 's hard not to feel giddy , watching the dominoes fall .

  13. 证券业:可能是中国大金融的多米诺骨牌引倒者;

    The securities industry is domino for Chinese finance ;

  14. 对这个故事而言,多米诺骨牌的比喻十分贴切。

    The domino metaphor is uniquely appropriatein this story .

  15. 运用多米诺骨牌理论分析我国虾病发生机制

    Analysis on Breaking Out Mechanism of Shrimp Disease with the Domino Theory in China

  16. 电子客票:推倒多米诺骨牌

    Electronic Tickets , the downfall effect of Dominos

  17. 试评多米诺骨牌理论及其实践

    A Study on Domino Theory and Its Practice

  18. 人们来这里不是要玩多米诺骨牌。

    Nobody 's here to play dominoes .

  19. 警务风险处理的理论基础是多米诺骨牌理论和能量释放理论。

    Its theoretical foundation is the Theory of Domino and the Theory of Energy Release .

  20. 如果一国在这些恐吓战术面前被吓倒,其它国家就会像多米诺骨牌那样相继倒下。

    If one country gives in to these scare tactics , others will fall like dominos .

  21. 在这令人费解的谜,一套多米诺骨牌将敷设前,你。

    In this perplexing puzzle , a set of dominoes will be laid out before you .

  22. 但粗心的“轻推”在公共政策领域不比它在推倒多米诺骨牌的游戏中更受欢迎。

    But careless nudges are no more welcome in public policy than at a domino-toppling event .

  23. 中国推倒转基因农产品多米诺骨牌?欧盟何时开门

    China pushes over dominoes of GMO agricultural products , and when does EC open the door

  24. 斯洛文尼亚可能会成为似乎无休无止的欧洲主权债务危机中即将倒下的下一张多米诺骨牌。

    Slovenia may be the next domino to fall in the seemingly endless European sovereign debt crisis .

  25. 贷款欺诈的危害具有连锁性,可用多米诺骨牌理论予以解释。

    Loan fraud can cause a variety of hazards , which can be explained by the domino theory .

  26. 多米诺骨牌和多米诺棋盘

    Domino and domino board

  27. 中国股市的市盈率一向备受指责,主要批评其过于高企,造成股价与上市公司收益不匹配,股市充满泡沫容易引发股价下跌时的多米诺骨牌效应,危及金融体系的安全。

    Chinese securities market is always complained of its high risk , which accumulates too much financial bubble .

  28. 每每想到旅行中的偶遇时,我的思绪就会像多米诺骨牌一样渐次打开。

    When I think about the chance encountersI 've had in my travels , dominoes come to mind .

  29. 尽管英国人把脱欧搞砸了,但是第一块多米诺骨牌已经倒下了,你们要抓紧了。

    Even if the Brits make a mess of it , the first domino has fallen . Hold on tight .

  30. 在荷兰,一项新的多米诺骨牌世界记录在一次尝试下就创造出来了。

    A new world record for the number of dominoes toppled in one go has been set in the Netherlands .