
  1. 英国最大的机场运营商BAA表示,在旅客对希思罗机场航班延误和安检问题议论纷纷多达一年后,公司行政总裁将要离职。

    BAA , Britain 's biggest airport operator , said its chief executive was going , after a year of grumbling from travellers about flight delays and security queues at Heathrow .

  2. 这所小学因为有大量小学生是在九月至十月出生,校长MeganBowden告诉Herald在一些班上会出现多达一周四次生日蛋糕。

    Oteha Valley has a large number of pupils born in September and October , and there can be up to four cakes a week in some classes , principal Megan Bowden told the Herald .

  3. 热带海水水族馆范围内可以在规模小,这是定期二十加仑,大,它可以容纳多达一○○○加仑。

    Tropical saltwater aquariums can range in size from small , which are regularly twenty gallons , to large , which can hold up to one thousand gallons .

  4. 科学家统计,目前欧盟各国有5%至10%的听者面临此问题,这意味着总人数多达一千万。

    The scientists calculated the number of people in that risk category at between five and10 percent of listeners , meaning up to10 million people in the European Union .

  5. 据一位南加州大学的心理学家本杰明克拉克披露的消息说,有多达一千万的美国成年人在一生中最低限度有过一次或将来准会有一次恐怖症发作的经历。

    Benjamin Crocker , a psychologist at the University of Southern California , reveal that as many as ten million adult Americans have already experienced or will experience at least one panic attack in their lifetime .

  6. 他从改造一个词可能有多达一排五个元音的汤加语拼音,到为本国的航空公司选择一架飞机,事必躬亲。

    He takes a personal hand in everything from reforming the spelling of Tonga 's language , in which a word can have as many as five vowels in a row , to choosing an aircraft for the national airline .

  7. 一项意大利的研究表明,多达17%的一年级医学专业学生有自恋人格的特征。

    One study from Italy found that narcissistic personality traits were present in as many as 17 percent of first-year medical students .

  8. 多达30名工人一天24小时不停地钻

    Up to 30 men drill into the rock around the clock , 24 hours a day .