
  1. 我三下五除二地吃完早餐,然后飞快地向学校跑去。

    I wolfed my breakfast down as2 fast as I could3 and then quickly ran4 to school .

  2. 结果表明:京、津二地春季大气细菌粒子浓度高,分别为2053个/m3和2556个/m3;

    The results showed that the concentrations of atmospheric bacterial particle in Beijing and Tianjin are higher in spring than those in other seasons .

  3. 样品的Na元素和Cl元素XRF分析结果表明:李屋遗址和大荒北央遗址出土的盔形器的含盐量明显高于其他样品,显示这二地的盔形器与早期海盐生产有关。

    The analysis and results of XRF verified that there was a higher salinity in galeiform vessels than in other samples , which suggests that galeiform vessels are related to ancient sea-salt prodution .

  4. 我们三下五除二地刮掉汽车挡风玻璃上的霜冻,然后就迫不及待地钻进汽车里。

    After hurriedly chipping the frost off the windshield , we bundled into the car .

  5. 在同一天我们俩可能身处二地,却会不约而同地穿同样的T恤衫。

    We have put on the same T shirt on the same day in different cities .

  6. 一些不连贯的、毫无意义的现象在安德烈公爵的头脑中接一连二地浮现出来。

    Life seemed to Prince Andrey a series of senseless phenomena following one another without any connection .

  7. 宅急送可以为您提供从第二地提货准时派送到第三地的服务。

    ZJS can provide the services for the client 's requirement of picking up at the second city and delivering to the third city .

  8. 鉴于环渤海湾南部地区防治棉铃虫的化学农药使用量明显高于北部地区,二地棉铃虫抗药性水平年度间较为一致的结果表明,环渤海湾北部地区棉铃虫由南部地区迁入。

    Based on the mentioned results above , it is suggested that the populations of cotton bollworm in middle and northern parts around the Bohai sea immigrate from the south .

  9. 不能简单地用M2/GDP取代FIR,M2/GDP只能说明二者地协调发展程度,不能说明经济货币化程度。

    We can 't replace FIR with M2 / GDP simply , M2 / GDP only explains the coordinate development degree of the two indexes , can 't state the monetary degree of economy .

  10. 中国扁嘴海雀第二繁殖地的发现

    New discovery of second reproduction base of the short-billed guillemot ( synthliboramphus antiquus ) in China

  11. 二级地类中除水田、旱田和滩涂面积减少外,其他都呈增加的趋势;

    In the second land grade the area of water land , dry land and paddy land decreased , and others seemed to increase .

  12. 在上世纪70年代当时股票和债券仍然以纸面形式交易伦敦曾是首屈一指的第二上市地(见图表)。

    In the 1970s – when stocks and bonds were still traded in paper form – London was the leading destination ( see chart ) .

  13. 因为他居然能够从他俩的共同世界中一千二净地抽身出去,却把她留在黑暗中摸索,虽伸出她冰冷的双手,却遍寻他而不得见。

    - for being able so completely to withdraw himself from their mutual world ; while she groped darkly , and stretched forth her cold hands , and found him not .

  14. 一心二用地学习并没有马上影响实验对象预测天气的能力。但稍过一会在继续进行的实验里,他们运用天气知识的能力就降低了。

    The dual-task learning did not affect the participants'ability to predict weather at the time , but it reduced their knowledge about the task during a follow-up ( 9 ) session later .

  15. 结果显示当专心学习时,人们使用与叙述式记忆想连的那部分大脑。而当一心二用地学习时,习惯性记忆的大脑部分就被启用。

    The results showed that when doing single-task learning , the brain used the region associated with declarative memory , while the habit memory region was associated with dual-task ( 8 ) learning .

  16. 引起扭转破坏的原因主要有两个因素:一是因为结构布置不规则导致刚度中心和质量中心不重合;二是地震动本身含有转动分量。

    Torsion failure mainly caused by the following two factors : First , the irregular arrangement of structure lead to stiffness and quality center do not overlap ; Second , ground motion itself contains rotational components .

  17. 咸阳市区土地质量可分五等,以二等地面积最大,一等地次之,三、四、五等地面积较小。

    The land quality in Xianyang downtown area is divided into five grades , the second grade land is the biggest one , followed by the first , third , fourth and fifth grade of land .

  18. 中国是茄子的第二起源地,具有丰富的茄子种质资源,但缺乏特异的种质资源,尤其缺少耐低温的保护地专用的优质茄子资源。

    China has been recognized as secondary center of eggplant origin , and also has rich eggplant germplasm resources . However , it is still lack of specific germplasm resources , especially those cultivated in protected field with high quality and tolerance to low temperature .

  19. 最后,根据仿真实验结果,电缆敷设方式,屏蔽层接地方式,二次地电网的布置等提高变电站二次设备抗电磁骚扰能力措施。

    At last , the Measures for improving the electromagnetic anti-interference ability of the secondary equipments in substation , such as laying method of the cables , grounding method of the shields , and etc , were developed by the conclusion of the simulation test .

  20. 二等地占9.86%,这类耕地分布较为零散,土壤类型多为中壤土,灌溉保证率高,养分贮量较高,耕地状态较好,无旱涝盐渍化威胁,生产压力小。

    The second class land occupies 9.86 % , which exist scattered in space . Their irrigation guarantee rate and nutrient storage are very high . The soil texture is middle loam . They have no threat of drought and salinization and little producing pressure .

  21. 应用层次分析法与专家经验法和模糊综合评价模型对醴陵市的耕地地力进行评价,发现醴陵市耕地地力等级较高,主要是二级地和三级地。

    The cultivated land productivity was evaluated using the subjected function , the level analytic method and experimental method and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model , the results showed the farmland productivity level of Liling county was much higher , mainly was the first or second orders .

  22. 第二章概要地介绍了神经网络理论及BP算法。

    In chapter two ANN and BP algorithm are introduced in brief .

  23. 第二章系统地分析了QoS在网络中的重要性以及IPQOS产生的背景。

    In Chapter 2 , we give the analysis of the importance of QoS in the network and the background of IP QoS .

  24. 长期吸入二丙酸氯地米松对哮喘患者肺功能及HPA轴的影响

    Effects of long term treatment with inhaled beclomethasone on the lung function and hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis

  25. 在第二章简要地概述了端面抽运固体激光器的速率方程理论、腔设计理论、抽运设计理论、二次谐波理论和调Q理论。

    In the chapter 2 , rate equation theory , oscillator cavity designing theory , pumping designing theory , the second harmonic generation theory and Q switching theory are generalized .

  26. 第二章简要地介绍玻色&爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)的一些基本理论与原子阱的一些相关知识。

    In the second chapter , we introduce the basic theory about Bose-Einstein Condensation and correlative knowledge of atom trap .

  27. 第二部分系统地研究基于自组织时分多址接续(STDMA)通信协议的自动识别系统(AIS)。

    In the second part , the Automated Identification System based on Self-Organized TDMA ( STDMA ) is studied .

  28. 第二章全面地分析了国内外组件软件和并行设计的研究现状,提出了适合机械CAD的并行开发的控制策略。

    In second chapter it is analyzed for the research present condition of concurrent design completely about the component software on home and abroad , it is put forward for the control tactics of the development concurrent suiting mechanical CAD .

  29. 本文的第二章详细地阐述了IPSec协议体系结构,包括安全关联SA、安全协议AH、ESP以及密钥管理协议IKE等;

    In this paper , we detailed the configuration of IPSec protocol in Section II , including security association ( SA ), security protocol AH , ESP as well as Key management protocol IKE .

  30. 第二章简要地阐述了大型CNC数控玻璃刻花中心系统的特点、组成、性能和工艺特点,主要介绍了系统中数控系统的结构和原理,同时也介绍了相关系统的国内外发展现状。

    The main part of the chapter is the principle of NC system in the Large CNC glass engraver machine center . This chapter introduces present situation and the trends of Large CNC glass engraver machine center at home and abroad .