
èr děnɡ ɡōnɡ mín
  • second-class citizen
  1. 我不愿被人当作二等公民。

    I don 't appreciate being treated like a second-class citizen .

  2. 当你年迈时,人们会把你当成二等公民对待。

    When you 're old , people treat you like a second-class citizen .

  3. 我们是二等公民,他们也就这样对待我们。

    We were second-class citizens and they treated us as such .

  4. 不应把老年人当二等公民对待。

    Older people should not be treated as second-class citizens .

  5. 太多的航空公司把我们的孩子当作二等公民对待。

    Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens .

  6. 许多外国企业和监管机构时不时会感到自己被SEC视为二等公民。

    The development will be welcomed by businesses and regulators abroad , many of which have occasionally felt treated as second-class citizens by the SEC .

  7. 某些框架建立在“连贯接口(fluentinterfaces)”上,以弥补XML配置的缺陷,但在API中,这些却属于二等公民。

    While it 's true that some of the other frameworks have built on fluent interfaces to supplement their XML configuration , they are largely second-class citizens in terms of the API .

  8. 如果说这一方案起到了什么作用,那就是它强化了一种观点:在主权债券交易中,私营投资者是二等公民,信用违约掉期(CDS)提供不了什么保障。

    If anything , the deal has cemented the view that private investors are second-class when it comes to sovereign debt deals and that credit default swaps offer little protection .

  9. 但我的待遇却像一个二等公民,印度裔出租车司机阿南德(Anand)称。

    But I 'm treated like a second-class citizen , says Anand , an ethnic Indian taxi driver .

  10. Raj开始感到孤独,同时他也意识到,在此地他将会被永远视作“二等公民”,一个局外人。

    Raj felt very lonely because of this . He also understood that he would always be treated as a second citizen - an outsider .

  11. 我们是二等公民,在学术界被人瞧不起。

    We were second-class citizens looked down upon by the academy .

  12. 移民们抱怨说他们受到二等公民的待遇。

    The immigrants grumbled that they were treated as second-class citizens .

  13. 在自由社会内不可能存在着二等公民。

    There can be no second-class citizens in a free society .

  14. 他们会觉得自己是二等公民,身处千里之外。

    They feel second-class citizens , who are impossibly far away .

  15. 人们将找工作的人视为二等公民。

    People looking for jobs are treated as second-class citizens .

  16. 她的最新著作名为“二等公民”。

    Her latest book is called'second class citizen ' .

  17. 究竟是什么原因使得一个人变成了二等公民?

    Where exactly does one become a second-class citizen ?

  18. 我是毫无疑问的、法律规定的二等公民。

    I was legally and indisputably a second-class citizen .

  19. 他们也曾经被视为中国城市的二等公民。

    They also have traditionally been treated as second class citizens in urban China .

  20. 没有人把他们像二等公民一样对待。

    Nobody is treating them like second-class citizens .

  21. 85年后他们仍然因为种族隔离制度被视为二等公民。

    Nearly 85 years later they were still being treated as second-class citizens via segregation .

  22. 他们被当作二等公民对待。

    They were treated as second-class citizens .

  23. 此外,私营部门债权人将清楚地认识到,他们是二等公民。

    In addition , private-sector creditors will be well aware that they are second-class citizens .

  24. 他把妇女看作是二等公民。

    He regards women as second-class citizens .

  25. 在她看来,做女人是做二等公民的同义词。

    Being a woman is synonymous with being a second-class citizen , in her opinion .

  26. 许多国家和地区的妇女仍然被视为二等公民。

    In many countries and regions , women there continue to be regarded as second-rate citizens .

  27. 其结果是,中国的2亿农民工被当作二等公民对待。

    The result is that the country 's 200m migrant workers are treated as second-class citizens .

  28. 在社会学科体系中,它总是作为二等公民受尽屈辱。

    In sociological branch system , it always suffers all kinds of abasement as second-class citizen .

  29. 在很多方面,未婚母亲被认为是二等公民,这并不公平。

    It 's unfair that , in may ways , unmarried mothers are regarded as second-class citizens .

  30. 我们的国家没有二等公民,在工作上,我们也不应该有。

    We don 't have second-class citizens in this country-we shouldn 't in the workplace , either .