
quán lì kè tǐ
  • object of right
  1. 法哲学视野下的权利客体新探

    The New Idea for Object of Right in Law Philosophy

  2. 无论是在大陆法系,还是在英美法系,有关权利客体的问题都是一个充满争议的问题。

    Both in continental and Anglo-American law system , object of right is a controversial question .

  3. 在立法上域名应为一种新的权利客体。

    In legislation , domain name should become a new right object .

  4. 权利客体是新发行股份;

    Newly issued stocks as the object of the rights ;

  5. 权利客体和具体范围是什么?

    What are the objects and ranges ?

  6. 从民法学的角度来讲,所谓土地所有权是指以土地为权利客体的不动产物权。

    From the civil law , the so-called land ownership refers to estate real right .

  7. 知识产权权利客体析疑

    Analysis on the Right Object of IP

  8. 民事法律关系客体不是民事权利客体的简单罗列,可以统一抽象为利益。

    The civil legal relation object is not just simple enumeration of civil right object .

  9. 权利客体的秘密性。

    Secrecy of right objects .

  10. 程序性辩护的权利客体涉及程序性争议及程序性申请两大方面。

    Object of the procedural defence right involves two main categories of procedural dispute and procedural application .

  11. 关于法律关系客体与权利客体问题;

    ( b ) the " object of legal relation " and the " object of right ";

  12. 善意取得制度的物权客体包括动产、不动产及其他权利客体。

    System of property rights acquired in good faith objects , including movable and immovable property and other rights object .

  13. 而笔者的创新之处是认为股权的权利客体是股份,而设定在股份之上的权利,理所当然是股权。

    The author thinks the object of shareholding is stock , so the right set up on stock is shareholding .

  14. 其他权利客体中的动产质权和权利质权,应适用善意取得。

    Movable object in the other rights and rights of pledge pledge , made in good faith should be applied .

  15. 传统民事权利客体中并无信息的独立地位,不利于信息的民法保护。

    There is no tradition of civil rights information objects independent status , is not conducive to the protection of information in civil law .

  16. 以权利客体不发生占有转移为特征的抵押权,不可能采用交付形式,进而登记便成为唯一的选择。18世纪,现代抵押权登记制度正式确立。

    Without the transfer of possession , hypothec cannot adapt delivery and consequently had registration as the only choice , hypothec registration was founded in 18 century .

  17. 传统的权利客体理论建立在有体物为社会主要财产形态的历史基础上,认为物是权利的客体。

    The traditional theories of right object deemed that things were the body of rights , based on the history foundation that things were the social main property .

  18. 而且,通过引入处分行为的客体并将之与权利客体联系起来,实现了这种解释框架的动态化。

    Furthermore , this frame realizes its dynamic state through bringing into the concept of the object of disposal act and connecting it with the object of right .

  19. 知识产权权利客体具有无形性与易复制性特征,此特征导致知识产权极易被侵害的同时,也导致该权利极易被滥用。

    The characteristic of Intangibility and easy reproducibility different from the general property rights lead that intellectual property rights is easy to be infringed and also easy to be abused in practice .

  20. 个人信息概念出现后,个人信息作为一种权利客体逐渐进入法律领域,然后慢慢产生了一项新的权利即个人信息权利。

    After the emergence of personal information , it is become into a legal right inter the legal system , which gradually developed to a new right , that is personal information rights .

  21. 此外,配额争议的客体并非单纯的权利客体,而是法律关系的客体,是一种以义务履行来称量权利的法律关系。

    In addition , object of controversy of the quota is not simply the right object , which is the object of legal relations . It is a relationship of obligation to weigh the rights .

  22. 同时,本文确定了这种新的解释框架的一些主要的考量因素,即权利客体与权利、权利内容以及权利主体之间的关联。

    Meanwhile , this article determines some factors that this new frame should notice , namely the relation between the object of right and right , the content of right , the subject of right .

  23. 第一部分,本文从认识论的角度,分析了权利客体的概念,论证权利客体就是权利所指向的对象。

    In Part ⅰ, this article analyzes the concept of the object of right from the angle of epistemology , demonstrating that the object of right is indeed the thing at which the right points .

  24. 现存的代位权制度在权利客体、行使期限以及诉讼程序设计上都存在一定不足,而解决的途径也必须以其内在的价值平衡为指导。

    Existing right of subrogation in the rights object , the exercise period and the design of the proceedings there are some deficiencies , but must also address ways to balance its intrinsic value as a guide .

  25. 然后明确权利客体的含义,指出现有民事权利客体的类型,并对现有网络财产属性的观点进行分析和反驳。

    Then the author gives a definite meaning of the object of right and shows the types of object of civil right . The present views of the property of the network property have been analysed and rebuted .

  26. 权利客体作为权利的构成要素,在法律体系中起着划分权利类型,界定权利行使范围的逻辑作用,处于牵一发而动全身的地位。

    The object of right considered to be the composing main factor of right , performances the function of dividing the type of right , defining the scope of right execution , and playing a critical role in the law system .

  27. 在前言部分,本文分析了研究权利客体的意义和从解释框架入手的理由,并交代了本文的方法。

    In the preface of this article , it analyzes the significance of the research on the object of right and the cause of beginning from the frame of interpretation , and it also makes clear the method of this article .

  28. 从法律关系客体的概念出发,分析其与权利客体、权利标的、法律关系标的等相关概念的区别和联系,可看出上述概念是等同的。

    Starting from the legal concept of object , an analysis of the difference and similarities between the object of rights , the target of rights and the target of the legal relationships reveals that the above mentioned concepts are equal in status .

  29. 虚拟财产的典型类型有:虚拟物、虚拟无形财产、虚拟集合物虚拟财产具备财产权利客体的属性;虚拟物具备物权客体的属性,应适用物权规则。

    The typical types of the virtual property include the virtual things , the virtual incorporeal things and the virtual assemblage . The virtual property possesses the attributes of the object of the property right and the virtual things have the attributes of the object of the real right .

  30. 冲突的根本原因在于网络空间与现实空间的差异和权利主客体的变化。

    The basic reason of the conflict lies in the difference between cyberspace and realistic space and change of the subject and object of the right .