
  1. 论权利制衡下股东知情权之行使

    On Exercise of Shareholders ' Right to Learn Truth Under Right Conditioning and Balancing

  2. 但是学校法人治理过程中的权力制衡路径选择应该是多元的,包括法律制衡、权力制衡、权利制衡和责任制衡。

    Then multiple channels can be adopted in corporation governance including legality balance , right balance , power balance and responsibility balance .

  3. 以民众权利制衡垄断权力的制度创新思路可能是当前化解中国收入分配问题最为有效和可行的理性选择。

    Institution innovation which depends on people right to balance monopolized power is probably the most effective and feasible choice to resolve China income distribution problems .

  4. 《证券法》充分体现了证券市场的市场化价值取向,权利制衡、效益至上等价值理念进一步得到彰显。

    The new Securities Law has profoundly demonstrated the market value , of which ideology of checks and balances of rights as well as supremacy of efficiency prevails .

  5. 而会计的决策机制、利益驱动机制、责任约束机制、权利制衡机制和资金营运机制则构成了现代企业会计机制。

    But the accounting decision mechanism , benefit drive mechanism , obligation restriction mechanism , power balancing mechanism and capital operation mechanism together constitute the modern enterprise accounting mechanism .

  6. 股改是一项漫长的历程,这需要进一步健全相关制度,形成中小股东的利益保护机制和权利制衡的公司治理机制。

    Share capital segregation reform is a long progress , which requires improvement of relevant system and formation of right protection mechanisms for middle and minority shareholders and power-balanced corporate governance .

  7. 权利的制衡与监督是公司治理结构的基本原则,监事会制度是实现权利制衡的重要制度安排。

    The general principle of company administration is checks and balance as well as supervision for right , which is carried out by an important arrangement , say supervisory board system .

  8. 生产者的产品责任抗辩事由作为对消费者权利的制衡,在体现法律的公平、效益、秩序等主要价值理念的同时,对于增强消费者的自我保护意识也有着积极意义。

    The product liability defenses of consumer rights as the balances , in legal fair , reflect efficiency , order and other major value concept of in the meantime , to enhance the consumers to protect consciousness also has a positive meaning .

  9. 现代公司制度是在公司的所有权和控制权相分离的基础上产生的,而现代公司的治理则是在所有者与经营者之间建立一套权利相互制衡、利益相互协调的机制。

    Modern corporate system is based on the separation between ownership and control of the corporation . And the modern corporate governance is to set up the mechanism that a set of rights check and balance each other , the interests coordinate each other between the owner and operator .

  10. 权利冲突与制衡下的股份有限公司股东知情权

    The Execution of Shareholders ' Rights of Knowing in Stock Company

  11. 诚实信用原则对诉讼权利滥用之制衡

    Principle of Faith vs Abuse of Civil Procedure

  12. 公司治理的目标在于通过权利的相互制衡,提高公司决策的科学性。

    The target of corporate governance is to improve the science of company decision through the right balance .

  13. 公司治理源于三权分立理论,目的是通过权利之间的制衡来达到保护公司、股东利益的目的。

    The company father comes from separation of powers theory , purposing on the check and balance and achieve the goal of protecting companies , shareholders interests between right .

  14. 权利保障与权力制衡&我国刑事审前程序改革的基本思路

    Rights Guarantee and Balance of Powers

  15. 和谐社会建设应当是在公共精神的引导下,做到公民权利与政府权力制衡与互动,形成和谐关系;

    Guided by the public spirits , construction of harmonious society shall achieve checks and balances and interactions between civil society and political state , and take the form of the harmonious relationship ;

  16. 一方面,法官承认中国社会的权力结构失衡;另一方面,法官又不能确认权利对权力的制衡是否有效和可行。

    On the one hand , the judges admit the situation of the power structural imbalance in China ; on the other hand , they are not sure about whether the rights have effects on power balancing .

  17. 其理论基础,既来源于政治学中关于权利授受权力与权利制衡权力理论;也来源于马克思和恩格斯的党代会年会制。

    Its theoretical foundation , both from the theory of the power from right and the balance of power by the right ; also derived from the annual congress of the system of Marx and Engels .

  18. 在权力与权利、权力与权力、权利与权利的协调制衡下,诉讼模式的典型特征显现出来,迎合了当时社会历史发展的需要。

    Under the power and right , powers and power , rights and coordination check and balance of rights , the typical model characteristic of the litigation mode presents out , catering to the demand of the social history development at that time .