
  • 网络the principle of charity;principle of tolerance;Tolerant Principle
  1. 宽容原则是彻底的解释获得成功的一个前提条件。

    The Principle of Charity serves as a precondition for the success of radical interpretation .

  2. 为了解决信念与意义的相互依赖性这个问题,戴维森引入了“宽容原则”。

    To solve the problem of the interdependence of belief and meaning , Davidson introduces the Principle of Charity .

  3. 宽容原则和对话原则是处理宗教领域问题的基本原则。

    Tolerance and Dialogue became its major principles to deal with religious issues .

  4. 考夫曼在其理论中一直强调宽容原则,宽容和多元价值是其思想的核心。

    Kaufmann has continued stressing the importance of tolerance in his theories , tolerance and the pluralism are the core of his thought .

  5. 新教政治本身是以宗教宽容为原则的,因此在为宽容而斗争的同时,也积极地实现着宽容。

    Protestantism politics is in itself forgives take the religion as the principle , therefore while to forgive which struggles , is also realizing tolerantly positively .

  6. 道德价值观代际沟通机制的建立应该遵循平等与对话、理解与互信、差异与宽容的原则,使两代人在道德价值观上相互理解,相互包容,相互接受。

    This communication mechanism is useful on the principle of equality and dialogue , understanding and trust , difference and tolerance , which could make generations understand , tolerant and accept each other better .

  7. 针对这些影响因素,笔者提出了在人际关系建立过程中应遵循的基本原则,主要包括:诚实信用原则;宽容谅解原则;公正平等原则;互利互补原则。

    I should follow the basic principles of interpersonal relationship building process , including : the principle of good faith ; the principle of tolerance , understanding ; a just and equitable principles ; mutually beneficial principle of complementary .

  8. 国家与社会的适度分离,遵循政治宽容的原则分别建构自己的内在规则和价值,是现代性成长的必然。

    Basing on the moderate separation between nation and society , and abiding by the tolerant principle on politics , to separately construct own intrinsic rule and the value , it is the necessity to the growth of the modernity .

  9. 平衡劳动者隐私权与用人单位知情权的冲突须考虑劳动者、用人单位与社会三方利益,以社会利益优先原则,平衡利益、宽容协调原则和维护人格尊严原则来进行协调。

    It needs to consider the benefits of the employee , the employer and the society for balancing the conflict . The basic principles that balances the conflict are the social benefit first principle , balancing benefits and coordination principle , and supporting the personality dignity principle .

  10. 国外立法和实践对中国的启示是:我们应该采取宽容的原则来合理限制有前科公民的就业资格,将限制的程度限定在是否与职业有关。

    The inspiration drawn from foreign legislation and practice are : China should be lenient in treating the employment qualification of the citizens who have the criminal records , and limits the citizens ' employment qualification who have the criminal records that are related to the occupation .

  11. 本文就当代蒙古族音乐发展的空间作如下的探索与思考:从观念上必须坚持开放性、宽容性的原则;

    This article will explore the contemporary Mongolian music by following five aspects : to insist on the opening and tolerant principles ;

  12. 我以身作则务实求是的工作原则,诚实宽容的做人原则以及工作能力赢得了老师同学的信任与支持。

    I got the trust and support from my teachers and classmates with my exampling and realistic working principle , honest and tolerant human prinsiple , and working ability .

  13. 结构·秩序·宽容&论多数原则的限度

    Structure , Order and Tolerance & Limits of Majority Principle

  14. 宽容具有内在的道德性,但是宽容并不是无原则、无止境的退让,它也具有一定的界限,这个界限既包含有属于道德底线的界限,也包含有属于外在法律规则的界限。

    Has intrinsic moral tolerantly , but tolerant is not unprincipled , without limits making concessions , it also has certain boundary , this boundary already contains has belongs to the moral agent boundary , also contains has belongs to the external legal rules boundary .