- broad valley

Characteristics of Soil Ferric Oxide and Mineral Elements in Hilly-gully Area of Southern Ningxia
The Responses of Soil Fertility Quality to Ecological Rehabilitation in Ningxia Loess Hilly-gully Region
The Responses and Evaluation of Soil Enzymatic Activities to Plant Rehabilitation in Ningxia Loess Hilly-gully Region
" Broad meander valley " & suddenly this concept jumped out at him , and he smiled faintly .
At least he had remembered " broad meander valley ," while looking at his map and the scenery .
Weihe River and its tributaries running through them , and gully formation of the canyon and white basin with the river valley .
The desertification of the Shiquanhe wide valley occurs on the background of environmental degradation of the Qinghai ─ Xizang plateau and is strengthened with manmade irrational use of natural resources .
New considerations are suggested about the causes both of the formation of " The First Yangtze River Bend " and the valley suddenly becomes wider before " The Tiger Leaping Gorge ";
Overall , the land use / land cover dynamic amplitude of riparian zone is the highest , followed by watershed scale which is higher than wide and flat valley segment of downstream .
The Qilian mountain , locating the frontier between Gansu Province and Qinghai province , south on Hexi hallway , is a big mountain Department that constituted by many northwest-southeast parallel mountains and dales .
This paper has described meandering alluvial rivers with mean annual suspended sediment concentration of more than 100kg / m3 on the Loess Plateau , China , and explained their formation cause by the effect of hyperconcentrated water flow .