
  • 网络broadband metropolitan area network;IP MAN;Ethernet;BMAN
  1. IP宽带城域网是电信运营商的承载网,完成城域内互联网业务的传送。

    Broadband IP MAN is the bearer network of Telecom operators , which can transport the internet business within the city .

  2. 宽带城域网的建设为远程医疗提供了高速的业务平台,而Web技术无疑已经占据信息平台的主导地位。

    Wide City Band ( WCB ) provides high-speed business platform for telemedicine .

  3. 基于PKI/PMI的IP宽带城域网安全应用解决方案

    A Solution to Secure Application of IP Broadband Metropolitan Area Network Based on PKI / PMI

  4. IP宽带城域网网络质量考核系统是在这个需求背景下产生的。

    The IP Broadband MAN quality assessment system is arising from the context of these needs .

  5. HFC传输网络与IP宽带城域网的融合

    The Converge of HFC Network and IP Broadband MAN

  6. 随着INTERNET的发展和宽带城域网及数据网的全面建设,家庭数据网络将是下一个数据化目标。

    With the development of INTERNET and the rapid construction of wide-band MAN , residential network has become one of the hotspots of research and investment .

  7. 分析、比较了常用的网络路由算法,提出了IP在宽带城域网中网络路由算法的选择问题。

    This paper analyses and compares many common network routing algorithms , and discusses how to select an algorithm in broadband IP MANs .

  8. 宽带城域网骨干组网技术&第三层交换技术MPLS在城域网中的应用

    Core Man Technology of Broadband Man Application of L3 Switching MPLS in Broadband Man

  9. 地区CATV宽带城域网的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Regional CATV Broadband MAN

  10. 过去两年来,国内的计算机IP宽带城域网(MAN)建设达到了相当规模的程度。在这些宽带互联的计算机网络上,各项传输新技术得以成功运用。

    In the past two years , domestic IP broadband MAN has been developed to a considerable extent , in which various new transmission technologies were adopted successfully .

  11. 无线宽带城域网作为有竞争力的下一代无线网络技术,已经把对多种业务提供QoS支持的问题提上了日程。

    As next-generation wireless network technology with great competition , WMAN has focused on many kinds of services with QoS supported .

  12. 本文首先对铁通IP宽带城域网网络结构改造进行了深入的研究,详细规划网络拓扑,使网络层次分明,网络结构标准化。

    This study begin with a thoroughly research about CTT network , according to detailed topology planning about the network structure reform to arrange network logically and standardise network structure .

  13. 随着网络技术的发展演变,IP宽带城域网已成为宽带网络的发展方向,各种信息化应用都将基于IP技术。

    With the evolvement of network and the development of technique , IP broadband metropolitan area network has become the mainstream of broadband network , all kinds of information application will use IP technique .

  14. 文章主要针对商业驻地网如何通过接入宽带城域网实现VLAN、VPN技术,进行了相应的方案介绍。

    This paper introduces the plans of how the commercial internet can have access to the broadband LAN to achieve VLAN , VPN technology .

  15. 无线宽带城域网正在成为无线接入领域新的热点,802.16系列标准的制定和WiMAX的成立推动了相应产品的开发热潮。

    Wireless metropolitan area networks have been widely studied recent years and IEEE 802.16 standards and WiMAX have been promoting its market development .

  16. 最后,分析了网通宽带城域网,提出了IPTV承载网的改造和建设方案。

    Finally , analyzed the net to pass the wide band metropolitan area network , proposed the IPTV load bearing network transformation and the construction plan .

  17. 介绍宽带城域网几种现有的组网技术;RPR技术概要及技术优势;

    Introduce the existing technologies of constructing a broadband MAN , the technology summary and advantage of RPR and the RPR expectations .

  18. 以笔者所参与的北京联通IP城域网建设项目为案例,对北京联通的城域网现状、城域网建设需求、宽带城域网网络技术及建设方案的制定进行了分析、探讨。

    It analyzes the existing circumstances , services requirements , technologies and schemes of the broadband MAN of Beijing Unicom , based on the instance of Beijing Unicom IP MAN Construction Project , in which the author participated .

  19. 笔者在文章结尾,对规划建设后的北京联通IP城域网建设成果进行了分析,并总结了宽带城域网的建设方法与建设经验,同时对宽带城域网发展的未来进行了展望。

    In the end of the paper , the author analyzes the effect of the construction projects and summarizes the construction methodology and experience of broadband MAN . The author also provides the prospect and trends of future broadband MAN .

  20. 最后,本文通过对宽带城域网现状的分析,结合前面的研究,设计了IPTV承载网解决方案。

    Finally , this text combines preceding research through an analysis of land network current situation of broadband city , bear the weight of the solution of the network after designing IPTV .

  21. 分析了二者在成本、技术、维护等方面的各自优势,把CWDM与DWDM技术相结合,提出一种技术成熟、低成本、多业务接入、高QOS、适合中等城市的宽带城域网方案。

    Superiorities of CWDM and DWDM on cost , technology , maintenance are analyzed and an approach of broad band MAN of mature technology , low cost , multi-service access , high QOS and suitable medium city development by combination of CWDM and DWDM technologies are given .

  22. 在详细分析长沙市本地宽带城域网的实际情况后,设计了针对L2TP、VPLS、MSTP、DDN专线共4种方式的VPN技术的隧道机制测试方案。

    In virtue of the above all , this paper designs a testing scheme which is based on the real situation of a Board Band IP network in ChangSha city , and has finished it with the four various mechanism , they are L2TP , VPLS , MSTP and DDN .

  23. 组建宽带城域网采用哪一种技术,取决于多种因素。

    How to adopt the appropriate technology depends on different factors .

  24. 构筑铁路多业务宽带城域网的策略与技术研究

    Policy and Technology on Building Railway Multi-Service Broadband Metropolitan Area Network

  25. 宽带城域网体系结构与应用技术

    Architecture and Applied Technologies of the Broadband Metropolitan Area Network

  26. 广电宽带城域网接入认证技术选择

    Access and Authentication Technology Choosing of Broadcast Television Broadband MAN

  27. 无线宽带城域网的标准进展与市场分析

    Standard Evolution and Market Analysis of Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks

  28. 基于路由型的宽带城域网分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Router-type Broad Band Metro Aero Network

  29. 电子商务与宽带城域网的关键技术研究

    Study on Critical Technology of Electronic Commerce and Broadband Metropolitan Area Network

  30. 目前,宽带城域网和宽带小区的建设正如火如荼,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Broadband MAN and residential networks are under construction .