
línɡ shòu shì chǎnɡ
  • retail market
  1. 零售市场上有史以来的最高利润显示出经济的突飞猛进。

    Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy .

  2. 中国加入WTO后,外资纷纷抢滩我国零售市场,使我国的零售市场面临着前所未有的竞争态势。

    After China join WTO , foreign capital rush into our retail market and local retailers face new competition .

  3. 李小姐是通亚公司AccessAsia一位秘书,通亚公司是上海一家零售市场调研公司。

    She is a secretary at Access Asia , a retail-research company in Shanghai .

  4. 加入WTO后,2004年底成品油零售市场对外开放,国外大油公司进入中国,又给加油机行业带来了前所未有的发展机遇和挑战。

    China 's WTO entry and multinational oil company entering China market give dispenser industry unprecedented opportunity and challenge of development .

  5. 2004年12月11日,中国兑现加入WTO的承诺,正式对外资开放成品油零售市场;

    China formally opened the retail market of processed oil to foreign capital on December 11 , 2004 , fulfilling its commitment of WTO .

  6. 随着中国加入WTO及承诺的逐步履行,国内零售市场正出现前所未有的激烈竞争态势。

    As China government gradually fulfill their commitments promised before joining WTO , the competition in China Retailing industry became more and more intensely .

  7. 一名印度创业者一直在可汗市场(KhanMarket)售卖由设计师设计的高端口罩,可汗市场是世界上价格最贵的零售市场之一。

    And an Indian entrepreneur has been selling high-end , designer air masks in Khan Market , among the most expensive retail areas in the world .

  8. 壳牌参与了中国两个油气项目,并希望进入零售市场;而英国石油(bp)在中国设有塑料和物流合资企业。

    Shell is involved in two oil and gas projects in China and wants to get into the retail market , while BP has joint ventures in plastics and logistics .

  9. 中国加入WTO后,零售市场国内竞争国际化已是不争的事实。培育大型零售企业的核心竞争力是十分重要而迫切的问题。

    Since China 's entry into WTO , the domestic competition of retail market has been internationalized , hence the importance and urgency for nurture the core competitiveness of large retail enterprises .

  10. 根据加入WTO的有关协议,中国已经在2004年底开放成品油零售市场,并将在2007年开放成品油批发市场。

    According to the agreements on WTO , China has already opened its retail market of product oil at the end of 2004 , and will open its wholesale market in 2007 .

  11. 中国加入WTO后,承诺2004年底开放成品油零售市场,2006年底开放成品油批发市场。

    After the entry of WTO , the government of china has promised that the retail market and the wholesale market of petroleum will be opened by the end of 2004 and 2006 respectively .

  12. Casino的反对,以及反对西班牙零售市场进一步整合的呼声使这笔交易无果而终。

    Its opposition , together with an outcry against further concentration of the Brazilian retail market , scuppered the deal .

  13. 中国一脚跨进WTO的大门时,曾向相关国家承诺2005年前中国开放成品油零售市场,2007年前中国开放成品油批发市场。

    When China applies to join WTO , once pledged to the related Country : opening the Chinese refined oil retail market before 2005 ; open the finished product oil to wholesale the market before 2007 .

  14. NP是世界上最透明的、有公共框架的开放电力市场,其中有3个国家的零售市场完全开放。

    An open market with a common framework has made the Nordic market the most liquid electricity market in the world . Three of the countries have full retail market access .

  15. 市场研究公司欧睿咨询(euromonitorinternational)的数据显示,目前中国已是全球第七大零售市场,过去10年其零售销售收入每年都以13%的速度在增长。

    Already the seventh biggest retailing market in the world , retail sales have grown 13 per cent each year of the past decade , according to Euromonitor International , the market research company .

  16. 但CounterpointResearch董事沙哈指出,阿里巴巴携手魅族“可能极大地改善阿里巴巴的产品结构和零售市场布局,以及产品的整体清晰度”。而更高的产品清晰度有可能再次引起谷歌的关注。

    But Shah of Counterpoint says for Meizu , the Alibaba tie-up " could significantly improve its product portfolio , retail presence and overall visibility for its products . " That greater visibility could also bring renewed scrutiny from Google .

  17. 但加入WTO之后,我国承诺三年放开石油零售市场、五年放开石油批发市场,从而使成品油终端市场的竞争日趋激烈。

    But , after entering into WTO , china promises that open oil retailing market in three years and oil wholesaling market in five years to the outside world . Which lead to more and more acute competition in readymade oil products terminal market .

  18. 随着经济体制的不断变革以及我国加入WTO,油品零售市场现有的格局也将被打破。这一系列的发展变化,使加油站的安全生产工作出现了许多新情况,也产生了许多新问题。

    With economy system reforming little by little and our country entering WTO , pattern of market for gasoline retailing will be changed , A series of these changes makes automobile gasoline filling station appear many new things and bring many new problems in safety work .

  19. 在电力零售市场引入实时电价(RTP)制度后,当零售市场还处于配电公司垄断经营的阶段,仍需要对配电公司的零售电价进行规制。

    The retail electricity of a monopolizing distribution company still have to be regulated after the real-time price ( RTP ) is utilized in the retail electricity market since the market is monopolized .

  20. 同时,投资者还卖出了债券基金,部分原因是为了利用新债券基金的发行&这是中国零售市场炒单(churning,又称挤油)特征的一个例子。

    Investors also sold out of bond funds , partly to take advantage of new bond fund offerings – an example of the churning that is characteristic of the Chinese retail market .

  21. 我国加入WTO后,国内的零售市场将逐渐对外开放,这一方面会给国内现有的零售企业带来巨大的冲击,同时也将给我国零售业的改造、重组与发展带来极好的机遇。

    Chinese domestic retail markets will gradually open to the world after China has joined WTO . This will make a vast impact on Chinese domestic retail enterprises , and will bring Chinese retail trade very good opportunities for its reform , recombination and development at the same time .

  22. 尽管Addison-Wesley主要的销售来自于零售市场,O'Brien也从学术界开发这些书籍交叉的潜力。

    Although the majority of AW 's sales are in the retail market , O'Brien also exploits the books ' " crossover " potential for academia .

  23. 从5月的零售市场来看,不计算车辆租赁公司的购买量,索纳塔击败了雪佛兰科鲁兹(Cruze)、本田锋范(Accord)及日产(Nissan)Altima,荣登中型家用车销量冠军。

    On the basis of retail sales in May , not including sales to rental fleets , Sonata led all midsize family sedans , outselling the Chevrolet Cruze , Honda Accord and Nissan altima .

  24. 咨询公司gartner驻台北分析师tracytsai表示,尽管该收购交易将有助于宏在美国占领更大的零售市场,但与管理1个品牌相比,在全球范围内管理4个品牌将是一项挑战。

    Tracy Tsai , an analyst with Gartner in Taipei , says that , while the acquisition will help Acer gain more shelf space in US retail channels , managing four brands , rather than one , globally will pose a challenge .

  25. 2009年,普里马克打入德国零售市场。

    Primark entered the German retail market a year later in2009 .

  26. 而后对电力零售市场也作了简要的介绍。

    Then gave a brief introduction on the electricity retail market .

  27. 电力零售市场研究(一)充满竞争的电力零售市场

    STUDY ON RETAIL ELECTRICITY MARKET Part One Competitive Retail Electricity Market

  28. 德国食品零售市场现状和趋势

    Present situation and its trend of food retail market in Germany

  29. 努力扩大零售市场份额;

    Strive to expand the shares in the retail market ;

  30. 我国竞争性电力零售市场模式研究

    Study on the Model of Chinese Competitive Retail Electricity Market