
  • 网络Internet business;internet service
  1. 第四部分通过对H省电信公司互联网业务的SWOT分析,提出了H省电信公司互联网业务的发展战略,论述了战略任务及发展策略,以及战略实施的保障措施。

    In Part IV , through the SWOT analyses : o the Telecom Internet service in H province , the strategy of development was mad ; and the strategic assignment , the development policy and the measures of insurance were discussed .

  2. 用基于代理的方法构建互联网业务环境

    Construction of Internet Service Environment Based on Agents

  3. IP宽带城域网是电信运营商的承载网,完成城域内互联网业务的传送。

    Broadband IP MAN is the bearer network of Telecom operators , which can transport the internet business within the city .

  4. 近年来,随着Internet的快速发展,互联网业务正成为普通居民日益重要的接入业务,带宽需求正以几倍几十倍的速度增长。

    With the rapid development of Internet , Internet business is becoming important access business for many users . As a result , bandwidth demand is several times increasingly .

  5. 随着Internet的迅猛发展,以互联网业务为主的数据业务飞速增长,带来了对通信速率和带宽需求的膨胀。

    With the rapid development of Internet and the growth of data-centric services , higher requirements of bandwidth and transmission rate are put on the optical fiber transmission network .

  6. 随着互联网业务越来越依赖于IP网络,业务中断所造成的损失越来越难以接受,网络的高可用性也就越来越重要。

    As businesses become more dependent on IP networks , outages are more costly than ever and high availability in networks has become increasingly critical .

  7. 以名为“致远和大卫的万维网指南”(JerryandDavid’sGuidetotheWorldWideWeb)的一个简单网站起家的雅虎,后来发展为互联网业务的巨头之一。

    Begun as a simple website called Jerry and David 's Guide to the World Wide Web , Yahoo has grown into one of the biggest names in the Internet business .

  8. IPTV业务是基于IP宽带网络的电视广播业务,作为一种新兴的互联网业务,为运营商提供了新的商业价值。

    As a new Internet service , IPTV based on the IP broadband network television broadcasting applications , is providing the brand-new potential value for network-operators .

  9. Android是Google公司最新推出的面向下一代以移动互联网业务为核心应用的移动智能终端开源平台,采用Linux为底层操作系统内核。

    Android is an advanced open-source mobile platform launched by Google recently . It focuses on the next-generation mobile Internet services and is based on the Linux OS kernel .

  10. 除非其高速互联网业务,或者iPad促使新的无线业务实现增长,否则其股票在华尔街将会继续遭受打击。

    Unless its high-speed Internet business takes off or the iPad drives new wireless growth , the beatings by Wall Street will continue .

  11. 随着运营商3G互联网业务的进一步成熟和普及,虚拟品牌社区必将为企业带来更大的广告和营销价值。

    Along with the maturity and popularization of 3G network business , virtual brand community will bring much greater value of advertising and marketing to the companies .

  12. P2P流量造成了网络带宽的巨大消耗,甚至引起网络拥塞,给网络运营商造成了极大的压力,同时还会降低其它互联网业务的性能。

    P2P traffic consumes network bandwidth hugely , arouses congestion of network , puts too much pressure on network providers , and meanwhile reduces the performance of other operations .

  13. IP网是实现各种互联网业务的物理平台,随着技术的不断发展以及宽带用户的快速增长,网规模越来越大,设备的类型也日趋复杂多样。

    With the constant development of technology and the rapid growth of broadband users , the network size has grown larger and larger and the type of equipment has become increasingly complicated and diverse .

  14. 迪斯尼(Disney)表示,该公司在打造互联网业务时,不太可能与谷歌(Google)或雅虎(Yahoo)等互联网门户网站缔结任何全面、广泛的合作关系。

    Disney said it was unlikely to enter into any broad , sweeping partnerships with internet portals such as Google or Yahoo as it builds its internet business .

  15. 由于P2P应用具有抢占带宽的能力,目前P2P应用对网络带宽的消耗日益增加,传统互联网业务所占用带宽比例越来越低。

    The consumption of network bandwidth of P2P applications is increasing and the traditional services occupy lower proportion of network bandwidth because of the great ability to seize bandwidth of P2P application .

  16. 随着电信及互联网业务的迅速发展,F公司所处的市场环境也日益复杂,导致F公司的生存和发展面临着严峻的挑战。

    With the rapid development of telecommunication and Internet industry , F Company faces the increasingly complex market environment , All these problems led that survival and development of F Company is facing severe challenges .

  17. 谷歌将涵盖该公司的大部分互联网业务,比如搜索、地图、YouTube,以及Gmail这样的应用。

    Google will encompass most of the company 's Internet businesses such as search , maps , YouTube and applications like Gmail .

  18. 在各类融合业务中,移动互联网业务和广电网的移动多媒体广播电视业务、IPTV业务以及互动电视业务是典型的融合类业务。

    Both the mobile internet services and the radio & TV service such as CMMB service , interactive TV service and IPTV service are the typical triple play services .

  19. P2P业务流量在对互联网业务起巨大推动作用的同时,也带来了因资源过度占用而引起的网络拥塞以及安全隐患等问题,妨碍了正常的网络业务的开展。

    While P2P Traffic has strongly promoted the development of Internet , it has also brought about such problems as network congestion owing to resources are over occupied and potential security concern , thus it hampers normal practice of network business .

  20. 伴随着通信行业的激烈竞争,互联网业务日渐成为电信业务增收的重要来源,但是非法互联网接入、非法VoIP、非法P2P下载、给电信运营商带来了用户流失、收入流失、网络资源压力。

    With the telecommunications industry competition , Internet business is becoming an important source of telecommunication business increment . But illegal of Internet access , VoIP or P2P downloads , bring customers loss and network resources tension to the operators .

  21. 各大电信运营商为了占领3G时代的制高点,纷纷推出各种各样的移动增值业务及移动互联网业务,以满足日益增长的用户多元化需求。

    In order to grab the strategic tech territory of the 3G era and also meet the growing diversified needs of users , all the major telecommunications operators have launched various value-added mobile services and mobile Internet businesses one after another .

  22. 同时阿里巴巴还加强了对互联网业务的投资,包括入股新浪(SinaCorp.)的微博服务,为应用开发商提供资金的项目,以及为手机生产商提供补贴。

    It also stepped up investments for its Internet business , including a stake investment in Sina Corp. 's Twitter-like Weibo service , a funding program for app developers , and subsidies to handset makers .

  23. 下一代网络(NGN)是目前网络发展的趋势,是今后通信业务和互联网业务的核心,其核心承载将使用IPv6技术。

    The Next Generation Network ( NGN ) is current network trend , it is also the kernel services of communication and internet in the future , and IPv6 will be the key carrying technology of the NGN .

  24. 大多数电信业发达的国家都相继建立了各自的电信网络成本测算模型,随着互联网业务在全球的逐步普及和网络技术的快速发展,IP网络对传统电信管制经济理论提出了挑战。

    Most developed countries have established their own telecommunication network cost models . With the fast diffuseness of Internet all over the world and fast development of IP network technologies , traditional telecommunication regulation policies are challenged by IP network and IP services which substitute the traditional services .

  25. 根据权威统计,P2P业务已经占据互联网业务总量的60%~80%,P2P业务流量的激增,造成互联网带宽的大量消耗,甚至引起网络堵塞。

    According to authoritative statistics , P2P business has been occupying 60 % ~ 80 % in the total Internet communication . P2P traffic surges in business , resulting in a large number of Internet bandwidth consumption , and even leads to network congestion .

  26. 目前,Skype在全世界的用户数量超过1.7亿,微软认为收购Skype有助于拓展其移动互联网业务,吸引视频和音频通讯公司用户。

    Microsoft Buys Skype With more than 170 million Skype users worldwide , Microsoft is betting its newest acquisition will help expand its mobile presence and corporate users of video and voice communications .

  27. 对互联网业务流量监测技术的应用及现状进行了分析,并针对NetFlow技术,对互联网业务流量监测系统建设方案设计中需要考虑的几个重要问题进行了讨论。

    The application of Internet traffic monitoring technology and its current state are analyzed . Around NetFlow , issues on the planning of Internet traffic monitoring system are discussed .

  28. KD公司成立于2001年,主要经营移动通信业务、国内国际长途通信业务、数据通信业务、互联网业务、IP电话业务、批准范围内的本地电话业务、无线寻呼业务和国家允许或委托的其他业务。

    Founded in 2001 , KD Corporation mainly deals in mobile communication , IDD , DDD , data communication , internet , IP phone services , local phone services within the scope approved by authorities , wireless beeping and other businesses approved or entrusted by the state .

  29. 随着电信行业重组方案敲定,三家电信运营商均获得了全业务运营资质,包含了固定电信业务、移动电信业务、固定和移动互联网业务、ICT业务、媒体服务及广告业务等多种业务。

    As the telecommunications industry to finalize the restructuring plan , the three telecom operators have received a full-service qualifications , including the fixed telecommunication services , mobile telecommunication services , fixed and mobile Internet services , ICT services , media services and advertising business .

  30. SJL公司是一家从事互联网业务的企业,主要提供电子邮箱、网络视频、网络媒体等互联网在线服务。

    SJL is a company engaged in Internet business enterprise , a provider of e-mail , online video , online media and other Internet online services .