
shānɡ yè jī ɡòu
  • business organization;commercial establishment
  1. 以一排排投币式游戏机为特征的商业机构。

    A commercial establishment featuring rows of coin-operated games .

  2. 收缩状态或收缩的组织在持有人有一个真正和有效的工业或商业机构的疆土:美国。

    Contracting State or Contracting Organization in the territory of which the holder has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment : United States of America .

  3. 我给慈善团体和商业机构写了几百封求助信。

    I wrote hundreds of begging letters to charities and businesses .

  4. 由此,“人才云”让公司等商业机构能够按照需求迅速并有效地建立起项目团队。

    Therefore , the " human cloud " provides a great opportunity for businesses to staff up quickly and effectively on an on-demand basis .

  5. 东印度公司(eastindiacompany)就曾扮演了服务于英国外交政策的商业机构。

    The East India Company served as the business arm of British foreign policy .

  6. 接着,根据系统需求,给出了构建一个采用MVC模式的、以轻量级J2EE框架技术和MySQL数据库为基础的,具备相关功能的连锁商业机构敏捷供应链系统的一般过程。

    Next , according to the system requirements , built a chain business agile supply system with business-related functions and using an MVC pattern , basing on lightweight J2EE framework technology and MySQL database .

  7. 剑桥ESOL(英语作为外语)考试中心是纯教育团体,而非商业机构。

    Cambridge ESOL Examinations is not a commercial enterprise , but a purely educational body .

  8. NetFlow技术一经提出就受到了国外很多学术机构和商业机构的注意,纷纷开展了相应的研究。

    Many academic institutions and commercial organizations have been focused on Netflow technology after its proposition , and related researches have been developed .

  9. 上海晚晴商务咨询有限公司CEO鲁振旺表示,百度贴吧作为一种公共服务,在公共交流中起到重要的作用,管理者不应该是任何追求利润的第三方商业机构。

    Because Baidu Tieba exists as a public service and plays a vital role in public communication , the operator should not be any third-party commercial institution that aims to seek profits , said Lu Zhenwang , CEO of Shanghai Wanqing Commerce Consulting Co.

  10. 它可以使用订阅来确定其他商业机构何时试图断言这样一种关系,办法是跟踪何时根据其businessEntity建立了这一性质的publisherAssertion。

    It could use subscription to determine when others are attempting to assert such a relationship by tracking when a publisherAssertion of this nature is created against its businessEntity .

  11. RBIKE是专业销售世界知名品牌自行车的全国连锁商业机构,已经获得英国MINI、法国雷诺、悍马、美国雪佛兰、香港KOMDA授权在中国RBIKE各地专卖店销售上述品牌自行车及相关产品。

    RBIKE is a national chain specially selling world-famous bikes , including MINI , Renault , Hummer , Chevrolet and KOMDA 's products , and RBIKE has also got the authorization from them in China .

  12. 在Udacity旁边不远处,Coursera已经和多家商业机构以及斯坦福等全球顶尖大学建立了合作关系,向公众提供免费的在线课程。

    Down the road from Udacity , Coursera has been building partnerships with commercial organisations and the world 's top universities , including Stanford ( photo of campus on left ) , to offer free courses online for the masses .

  13. 另一方面,商业机构也可以主动发起讨论。

    On the other hand , businesses can also create discussion .

  14. 部分学校和大多数的商业机构都有着装规定。

    Some schools and most business organizations have a dress code .

  15. 商业机构冒着损失的危险允诺投资。

    A commercial undertaking that risks a loss but promises a profit .

  16. 以合约方式组成的商业机构的成员。

    The members of a business venture created by contract .

  17. 全球化在商业机构与劳动造成的破坏性结果巨大异常。

    Globalization 's destructive effects on business establishments and labor is staggering .

  18. 许多商业机构和工厂都有工厂机构的参观节目。

    Many businesses and factories offer tours of their companies .

  19. 负责铁路系统运作的商业机构。

    The commercial organization responsible for operating a railway system .

  20. 所收取的费用是不同的公众,企业和商业机构。

    The fees are different for public , corporate and commercial institutions .

  21. 可以零售商品或服务的商业机构。

    A mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services .

  22. 作为公共运输业者服务的商业机构。

    A commercial organization serving as a common carrier .

  23. 上的伙伴关系和作为商业机构的私人公司。

    Involves the legal principles governing partnership and private corporation as business organizations .

  24. 这座城市的商业机构非常高兴地欢迎成群的学生前往参观。

    Business establishments of the city cheerfully welcome groups of students as visitors .

  25. 去了解自己的商业机构是否满足他们的需求,

    and learn more about how well the business is serving their needs ,

  26. 最终,有传言说商业机构不打算购买推迟交货的玉米。

    Finally there was a rumor that commercials were not buying deferred corn .

  27. 为一个刚起步的商业机构提供基础资金。

    Provided seed capital for a fledgling business .

  28. 多级安全技术在高敏感级的商业机构和军事领域中有着广泛的应用需求。

    Multi-level security technologies are widely used in high sensitive business and military fields .

  29. 届时国际商业机构将如何部署以争取这些机会呢?

    Where should international business community be located to take advantage of these opportunities ?

  30. 一些商业机构恢复运营。华尔街重新开市。

    Some businesses and services have begun to reopen and Wall Street is trading again .