
  • 网络import;merchandise import
  1. 事实上,调整商品进口关税是整体扩大进口战略一部分。

    In effect , import tariff reduction is part of a general strategy to expand import .

  2. 连锁超市生鲜商品进口采购及品质控制的系统分析

    A Systematic Analysis on Purchasing through Direct Import of Fresh Commodities and Quality Control of Chain Supermarket

  3. 中国的经常账户盈余已从2007年占国内生产总值(GDP)的11%,降至去年的5.8%,原因是其积极的刺激计划导致了创纪录的大宗商品进口。

    China 's current account surplus dropped from 11 per cent of GDP in 2007 to 5.8 per cent last year as its aggressive stimulus plan drew in record imports of commodities .

  4. 大宗商品进口国也可采取单边行动,以减小自身的脆弱性。

    Commodity importers can also act unilaterally to reduce their vulnerability .

  5. 政府已禁止一切商品进口。

    Government has put an embargo on all imports .

  6. 中国大宗商品进口货值下降,对澳大利亚是一个打击。

    The drop in value of Chinese commodity imports is a blow for Australia .

  7. 国内消费商品进口报关单为展商提供进出口货物的报关服务。

    Internal consumption entry slip Provide customs applying service of imported and exported goods for exhibitor .

  8. 在其它地区需求大幅萎缩的情况下,中国的铜、石油和其它大宗商品进口量均达到创纪录的水平。

    Imports of copper , oil and other commodities have set records as demand slumps elsewhere .

  9. 其非关税壁垒能够直接达到限制商品进口的目的,且具有较强的隐蔽性和歧视性。

    It can achieve the goal of limiting the goods to import directly and have stronger disguise and discrimination .

  10. 当然,只要高收入国家还依赖大宗商品进口,贸易就不可或缺。

    Of course , so long as high-income countries depend on imports of commodities , trade will be essential .

  11. 西元1987年,政府开放酒类商品进口台湾销售,台湾菸酒专卖制度也正式终止。

    In1987 , the Taiwanese government abolished the old restrictions and began to open the country up to imports of alcoholic beverages .

  12. 这些交通线路将提振中国对中东和欧洲的出口,并有助于保障能源和大宗商品进口。

    Such transport links would boost Chinese exports to the Middle East and Europe , and help secure energy and commodity imports .

  13. 就当日本经济需要帮助的时候,迄今约有50个国家发布了对日本商品进口的限制令。

    At a time when the Japanese economy needs help , to date around 50 countries have imposed restrictions on Japanese imports .

  14. 中国大宗商品进口的约60%是由希腊海运企业承运的,这些企业是中国造船厂最重要的客户。

    Greek shipping companies transport about 60 per cent of China 's commodity imports and are the most important clients for Chinese shipyards .

  15. 进口额降幅巨大的部分原因在于,关键大宗商品进口量下降的同时,这些商品价格也显著降低了。

    Imports plunged , although that was partly because the effect of falling tonnages of key commodities was compounded considerably by lower commodity prices .

  16. 气象官员称,拉尼娜现象还造成澳大利亚的洪灾。澳大利亚是中国最大的大宗商品进口来源之一。

    A. The phenomenon has also been blamed by weather officials for flooding in Australia , one of the largest commodity exporters to China .

  17. 然而,许多大宗商品进口增加,可能反映为防止经济急剧放缓,中国正在掀起新的一轮基础设施投资热。

    However , rising imports of a number of commodities could reflect a new drive for more infrastructure investment to prevent a sharp economic slowdown .

  18. 在考虑经常账户目标时,必须清楚认识到:把资本出口转化为大宗商品进口的行为,本身可能削弱这一目标的效果。

    The current account target should include some explicit recognition that converting capital exports into commodity imports can itself undermine the purpose of the target .

  19. 中国目前是全球最大的环保商品进口国,它对此类商品征收的平均进口关税仅为8%。

    By far the biggest importer of environmental goods in the world , China has an average import tariff of just 8 per cent on such products .

  20. 贸易政策已从侧重于单纯的商品进口关税(这对多数跨大西洋贸易来说已经很低了),转向往往复杂的“边境背后”的国内法规。

    Trade policy has moved from focusing on simple import tariffs on goods already low for most transatlantic commerce to often complicated " behind-the-border " domestic regulation .

  21. 此外,人们还担心石油进口国,特别是发展中国家可能会通过压缩其他商品进口的方式来收窄因油价上涨而不断膨胀的贸易逆差。

    And there was fear that oil-importing countries , especially in the developing world , might try to compensate for their growing oil-induced trade deficits by reducing other imports .

  22. 分析师说,在法国和德国等国家扩大商品进口之际,他们的新兴市场邻居会发现贸易顺差会进一步加大。

    As countries such as France and Germany import more goods , their emerging-market neighbors will see their trade balance tilt even more in their favor , analysts said .

  23. 铁矿石、石油和铜价均升至新高,主因是中国需求强劲。周一中国报告称,上月大宗商品进口激增。

    Iron ore , oil and copper prices hit highs on the back of strong demand from China , which reported on Monday a surge in commodities imports last month .

  24. 这是为何中国和印度等传统大宗商品进口国的股市亦遭受困难的原因&这些国家应当得益于食品和能源价格的下跌。

    That is why the stock markets of traditional commodity importers such as China and India – which should benefit from falling food and energy prices - have also suffered .

  25. 中国大宗商品进口增长的原因之一,是国内生产大幅滑坡,因为大宗商品价格下跌使得高成本的矿商赚不到钱,特别是在铁矿石领域。

    One of the reasons behind the import rises has been a slump in domestic production as low prices made high-cost mines uneconomic , particularly in the iron ore sector .

  26. 与投资密切相关的钢坯、钢材、成品油、初级形状的塑料等原料性商品进口量均下降。

    Less orders were placed for products which were closely depended on the investment climate , such as billet , rolled steel , refined oil and plastic in primary form .

  27. 专家指责现行的控制措施使生产停滞不前,难以进行商品进口,但是马杜罗则指责商界与他的政府打经济战。

    Experts blame stagnant production in current controls that make it hard to import goods but Maduro blames the business community for waging a so-called economic war against his government .

  28. 为应对经济,的措施之将商品进口量削减20%,措施的近日已非常,国营商店中的货品了。

    One of the measures taken to address the cash crunch is a20 percent cut in imports , which in recent days has become evident in the reduction of goods in state-run stores .

  29. 在现代国际贸易中,技术壁垒是一种通过技术手段来限制商品进口的非关税壁垒措施,具有技术性强、适用广泛和难以预防等特点。

    In modern international trade , technology barriers is a kind of non-tariff barrier countermeasure to limit product import through technical means , it features strongly technology-dependent , wide application , difficult prevention and etc.

  30. 上个月,工业用大宗商品进口的某些放缓迹象或许反映出,去年秋天价格下跌时,许多中国企业都积累了高于平均水平的库存,现在已经没有多少空间储存更多了。

    Some of the slowdown in industrial commodity imports last month may reflect that many Chinese companies built above-average stockpiles last autumn as prices were falling , and now find themselves with scant room to store more .