
  • 网络Wealth view;outlook on wealth
  1. 财富观的变革与财富的创造

    Changes in the outlook on wealth and the creation of wealth

  2. 遵循大学生个体财富观形成的心理机制,采取有效的途径:首先、大学生的思想政治教育要敢于直面现实;

    Under the guidance of these principles , three effective measures can be taken to foster the students'healthy outlook on wealth : ( 1 ) facing reality with courage ;

  3. 淡化侧重有形物质资产的传统财富观;

    Desalinates the visible material property the traditional wealth view ;

  4. 财富观的伦理解读

    On the Conceptions of Wealth from the Angle of Ethics

  5. 先秦儒家伦理性财富观的人文主义启示

    Humanistic Revelation from the View of Wealth of Pre-Qin Confucianism

  6. 强化侧重非物质无形资产的现代财富观。

    Strengthens the non-material intangible asset the modern wealth view .

  7. 家庭财富观:一种社会学视角

    The Idea of Family Wealth : A Sociological Perspective

  8. 古代石窟考察佛教的财富观

    Study of Ancient Grottoes The Buddhist View of Wealth

  9. 对当前我国公众社会主义财富观的调查研究

    The Investigation of Modern Public Socialism View of Wealth

  10. 最后提出构建社会主义和谐社会财富观的主要对策。

    Finally presented the main countermeasure of constructing the socialism harmonious public wealth view .

  11. 提倡克制欲望节制需求的财富观和消费观;

    Fortune standpoint and consumption viewpoint restrain desire and check demands should be advocated ;

  12. 专家指出错误的财富观可能是导致这一现象的罪魁祸首。

    Experts say that misconceptions of wealth might be to blame for the trend .

  13. 再次阐述社会主义和谐社会财富观的主要内容;

    The third elaborates the main content of the socialism harmonious public wealth view ;

  14. 论新财富观下的经济发展

    Economic Development on the View of New Wealth

  15. 其次分析探讨当前不良财富观的主要表现和其成因;

    Next analysis the main performance and its origin of the current not good wealth view ;

  16. 培育当代大学生健康财富观的原则和途径

    Helping Present-Day University Students Build Up the Healthy Outlook on Wealth : Its Principles and Measures

  17. 中世纪基督教经济思想扎根于《圣经》的原罪说和财富观。

    Medieval ecclesiastical economic thought was originate from Original Sin and view of wealth in Bible .

  18. 市场经济与财富观

    Market Economy and Wealth View

  19. 但每一个时代始终有体现鲜明时代特色的财富观。

    But there is a view of wealth which always embodies vivid era feature in each era .

  20. 佛教的财富观

    The Buddhist View of Wealth

  21. 财富观的经济学诠释

    Values of Wealth in Economics

  22. 论科学财富观

    On scientific concept of wealth

  23. 从贞元士人财富观的变化看唐宋变革

    " the period of Innovation in Tang and Song Dynasties ": through view of fortune on ZhenYuan

  24. 财富观对人们的经济行为具有重要的导向作用、协调作用和整合作用。

    It plays an important role in guiding , coordinating , and integrating the economic behaviors of people .

  25. 奥吉兄弟对美国梦的追寻,反映的是基督教的劳动观和财富观&通过创造财富去荣耀上帝。

    The pursuit of the American dream of the brothers of Augie reflects the Christian viewpoint on labor and wealth .

  26. 财富观的演变是对外贸易政策演进的基本驱动因素。

    The evolution of national mainstream views of wealth are the basic driving forces of the evolution of foreign trade policies .

  27. 国土经济学理论基础有3个方面:自然资源财富观、资源可持续利用论与资源优化配置论。

    The theory of land economics foundationally includes wealth of natural resources , sustainable use of recourses and optimized collocation of resources .

  28. 财富观是关于财富一般本质、源泉、形态、享用、管理的观念体系。

    The idea of wealth is a system of ideas , concerning the general nature , source , form , enjoyment and management of wealth .

  29. 从古代到现代已经经历了从有形财富观到无形财富观的演变,而无形财富观对人们的影响越来越大。

    From ancient to modern times , fortune concept has evolved from tangible fortune concept to intangible fortune concept , which is influencing us more and more .

  30. 清教的天职观和财富观极大地影响着清教徒对待经济的态度,使得清教徒能毫不愧疚地积累财富。

    The theory of vacation and theory of wealth in Puritanism have great impact on puritans ' attitudes towards economy , making them accumulate wealth without guilt .