
cái wù wěi yuán huì
  • finance committee;financial committee
  1. 中央党部之下的财务委员会是负责党务经费的专责机关。

    The financial committee under the central party department is a specific organ in charge of the party outlay .

  2. 他在财务委员会工作优异。

    He has done sterling work on the finance committee .

  3. FIFA女发言人德利娅·费希尔(DeliaFischer)称,批准这笔款项的是当时的财务委员会主席、已于去年过世的胡利奥·格龙多纳(JulioGrondona)。费希尔称,这笔钱是“在符合组织规程的情况下支付的”。

    And a spokeswoman for FIFA , Delia Fischer , said the chairman of the finance committee at the time , Julio Grondona , authorized the payment . Mr. Grondona died last year . Ms. Fischer said the payment was " executed in accordance with the Organisation Regulations . "

  4. 财务委员会特别会议内务会议〔临时立法会〕

    Special Finance Committee Meeting in-house meeting [ Provisional Legislative Council ]

  5. 跟财务委员会的人可挺叫劲的

    have quite a rivalry going with the guys on Finance .

  6. 人事编制小组委员会〔立法会财务委员会〕

    Establishment Subcommittee [ Finance Committee of the Legislative Council ]

  7. 财务委员会逐项核对每份文件。

    The finance committee checks through each document , item by item .

  8. 对于我们支出项目,财务委员会有最后决定权。

    The Finance Committee has the last word on what we spend .

  9. 报告正在提交财务委员会作决定。

    The report stand refer to the finance committee .

  10. 财务委员会的报告被提交讨论。

    The report of the finance committee was tabled .

  11. 这位来自蒙大拿州的财务委员会主席简单地表示,生活比国会重要。

    The finance committee chairman from Montana says simply there is life beyond Congress .

  12. 你对于接任我来作为财务委员会感觉怎样?

    How would you feel about taking on my responsibility for the finance committee ?

  13. 财务委员会秘书〔立法会〕上诉委员会(游戏机中心)

    Clerk to Finance Committee [ Legislative Council ] Appeal Board ( Amusement Game Centres )

  14. 工务小组委员会〔立法会财务委员会〕工作人员福利委员会

    Public Works Subcommittee [ PWSC ] [ Finance Committee of the Legislative Council ] Staff Welfare Board

  15. 财务委员会特别会议

    Special Finance Committee Meeting

  16. 国际扶轮理事会建议您成立一个地区财务委员会来协助您维持地区内的财务管理。

    The Board recommends appointing a district finance committee to assist you with maintaining fiscal control within your district .

  17. 一九九九至二零零零年度会期内,财务委员会举行了15次会议,共审议79项财务建议。

    During the 1999-2000 session , the committee held 15 meetings and examined a total of 79 financial proposals .

  18. 待财务委员会完成审核预算案的工作后,拨款法案的二读辩论即告恢复。

    After the Committee has completed examining the estimates , the debate on the second reading of the bill is resumed .

  19. 在财务委员会特别会议席上,委员审核港台的节目服务财政拨款的分配及使用。

    At the special finance committee meeting , members examined the allocation and use of financial provisions for the programme services of rthk .

  20. 立法会设有三个常设委员会,即财务委员会、政府帐目委员会和议员个人利益监察委员会。

    There are three standing committees , namely the Finance Committee , the Public Accounts Committee and the Committee on Members ' Interests .

  21. 同时她还致信众议院财务委员会的领导及代表们,以表达她的支持。

    Letters expressing the Board Member 's support were sent to the Congressional leadership and members of the House Committee of Ways and Means .

  22. 这些问题包括,高应收账款要求财务委员会注意政策和程序,以确保我们的组织得到及时付款。

    Issues include that high accounts receivables require Finance Committee attention to policies and procedures to ensure our organization receives more payments on time .

  23. 其他委员会如需在星期五下午行会议,应安排在内务委员会会议及财务委员会会议结束后行。

    Any other committees which need to meet on a Friday afternoon should schedule their meetings after the House Committee and Finance Committee meetings .

  24. 就更改预算草案所开列的部门人事编制,以及公务员的人数和开支等事宜,向财务委员会报告。

    To report to FC on changes in departmental establishments shown in the draft estimates and on the size and cost of the civil service .

  25. 如行政会议决定的政策涉及公共开支,就必须获得立法会的财务委员会批准拨款,才可以实行。

    Expenditure of public funds for policies decided by the Executive Council is subject to such funds being approved by the Finance Committee of the legislative council .

  26. 但是,负责处理贸易立法的参议院财务委员会主席表示,他将不会贸然将这些措施列入考虑中。

    However , the head of the Senate Finance Committee-which handles all legislation dealing with trade-has indicated he is in no rush to bring these measures up for consideration .

  27. 财务委员会批准一项承担,以便向广东政府提供免息贷款,资助其在广东省进行一项工程计划,以改善输港食水的水质。

    FC approved a commitment to provide an interest-free loan to GPPG to help finance a works project in Guangdong to improve the quality of water supplied to Hong kong .

  28. 二零零一年六月,立法会财务委员会通过拨款5000万元,加强家长教育,并鼓励家长参与教育事务。

    In june , the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council approved a commitment of $ 50 million to strengthen parent education and to encourage parents to participate in educational affairs .

  29. 倘未谘询有关的事务委员会,内务委员会或财务委员会须决定是否把该建议交付有关的事务委员会研究。

    In the event that the relevant panel has not been consulted , the house committee or Finance Committee shall decide whether to refer the proposal to the relevant panel for consideration .

  30. 环评程序现已纳入行政会议及立法会财务委员会辖下工务小组委员会的最高决策范围。

    The environmental impact assessment process has now entered the highest level of decision making in the Executive Council and the Public Works Sub-committee ( PWSC ) of the Legislative Council 's Finance Committee .