
  • 网络tank destroyer;Marder
  1. 坦克歼击车105毫米主炮能够打击轻装甲车辆和防御工事,但是不能摧毁一辆全装甲主战坦克(MBT)。

    The105mm main gun of the tank destroyer is capable of engaging lightly armoured vehicles and fortifications , but is unable to destroy a heavily armed main battle tanks ( MBT ) .

  2. 在七月初,我的火炮给派给辆坦克歼击车奉命守卫一座小桥。

    In the beginning of July my cannon was assigned to a tank destroyer and I was ordered to guard a small bridge .

  3. 盟军M10坦克歼击车转弯半径增加。

    Allied M10 Tank Destroyer turn radius increased .

  4. PTL02轮式坦克歼击车装备使用一门105毫米线膛炮被中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)发展用于新的轻型(快速反应)机械化步兵师。

    The PTL02 wheeled assault tank destroyer armed with a105mm rifled gun was developed by NORINCO for the PLA new light ( rapid reaction ) mechanised infantry divisions .

  5. 尽管最初打算是用在牵引车上,它成为了世界上最早的坦克歼击车之一。

    Despite it was considered as a tractor at first , it became one of the world 's first tank destroyers .

  6. 当第9连接近一小片房屋时,第823坦克歼击车营A连第1排的两门3英寸反坦克炮开始向德军车辆开火。

    As9.Kompanie nears the small cluster of houses , two3-inch antitank guns from the1st platoon of A / 823rd TD battalion begin engaging the German vehicles .

  7. 德国坦克炮弹打不穿这些坦克的装甲,而T-34却能击穿几乎所有德国坦克,直到纳粹搞出虎式重型坦克和斐迪南坦克歼击车。

    German tank shells failed to pierce that tank 's armour , while the T-34 cannon shells penetrated almost all German tanks until Nazis got their Tiger heavy tanks and Ferdinand tank destroyers .