
  1. 一个能够为低配置提升帧率的坦克世界压缩材质!

    A set of compressed textures World of tanks to increase the fps on low kompyuretah !

  2. 2014坦克两项世界锦标赛周六在俄罗斯顺利闭幕,中国获得铜牌。

    The 2014 World Tank Biathlon Championship ended in Russia on Saturday , with China taking bronze in the competition .

  3. 老板托尼•伯格鲁姆三年前开始从事这项业务,他现在有十多辆坦克,是目前世界上唯一提供该项服务的公司。

    The company 's owner , Tony Borglum , opened the business three years ago . He now has almost a dozen tanks and is currently the only company which offers such an opportunity .