
  1. “这些发现为我们打算在非洲的11个地点进行的III期临床试验建立了强有力的基础,”Abdulla说。他在坦桑尼亚的坦噶医学研究中心参与了这些试验。

    These findings build a strong case for the phase III trials we have planned for11 sites in Africa , says Abdulla , who participated in the trials at Tanzania 's Tanga Medical Research Centre .

  2. 阿鲁沙和坦噶的2例得到了世卫组织正式认可的肯尼亚医学研究所实验室的确认。

    Two cases from Arusha and Tanga were confirmed by the WHO-accredited Kenya Medical Research Institute ( KEMRI ) laboratory .