
tǎn tú
  • highway;easy path;level road
坦途 [tǎn tú]
  • [easy path;level road;highway] 平坦的路,多用于比喻

  • 攀登科学高峰,既无捷径,又无坦途

坦途[tǎn tú]
  1. 跨过战争的艰难路程之后,胜利的坦途就到来了,这是战争的自然逻辑。

    After travelling the hard stretch of road we shall reach the highway to victory . This is the natural logic of the war .

  2. 高校精神文明建设只有主动适应社会环境的发展变化,并力求推进改革发展的大局,才能迈上光明的坦途。

    Only actively adapting to the changes and development of social environment , and making every effort to push on reforming and developing can college spiritual civilization construction step up to bright highway .

  3. 攀登科学高峰,无坦途可走。

    There are no easy paths to the heights of science .

  4. 学无坦途。

    There 's no royal road to learning .

  5. Rails开发为您提供了将半成形(half-formed)的想法实现为功能完全的Web应用程序的一条坦途。

    Rails development offers you a clear path from a half-formed idea to a fully functioning Web application .

  6. 用智能IPoverEverything概念为IPoverX的争论提供一种统一规则,让新世纪的新公网基础设施能够灵活而且平滑地演进,奠定一个按需分布智能的演进坦途。

    Intelligent IP over Everything provides an unified rule for IP over X argument , allows the flexible and smooth evolution of new public network infrastructure in the new century and paves the evolution way of intelligence allocation on demand .

  7. 布满荆棘的坦途&葡萄酒业新世纪走势的基本预测

    Predicting the Development Trend of Wine Industry in the New Century

  8. 他选择的这条道路,并非迷人的坦途。

    And the path he chose is not the glamour path .

  9. 跨越性别界限的旅程很难是一片坦途。

    The journey across the gender divide is rarely an easy one .

  10. 真正的爱情道路决不是坦途。

    The run of the true love is never smooth .

  11. 但中国企业进军国际化之路却并非坦途。

    But the international road of Chinese enterprises is not a royal road .

  12. 人生即是一段艰难曲折的旅程./人生无坦途。

    Life is but a hard and tortuous journey .

  13. 但他警告称,中国的营商环境并非一片坦途。

    But he warns that the Chinese business environment is not plain sailing .

  14. 攀登科学高峰,既无捷径又无坦途。

    There are neither shortcuts nor easy paths to the heights of science .

  15. 高等教育:通向平等的坦途?

    Is higher education a favorable road to equality ?

  16. 通向真爱的道路从无坦途。

    The road to true love never flat .

  17. 学无坦途,学问无捷径。

    There is no royalroad to learning .

  18. 中国进出口银行:发展之路非坦途

    The Development of China Ex-Im Bank

  19. 这条道路不会一片坦途,还会遇到各种困难。

    However , this process will not be smooth sailing and we may encounter various difficulties .

  20. 乐观者表示,这一对比为中国提供了一条通向现代高科技经济未来的坦途。

    Bulls say the comparison offers China a well-trodden path to a modern , high-tech economic future .

  21. 在医学领域没有包治百病的灵丹妙药,学习也没有坦途。

    While there is no cure-all in medical field , there is no royal road to learning .

  22. 尽管前方并非坦途,但我们绝不轻言放弃。

    But even though the road ahead is definitely not smooth , we will never give up .

  23. 父母比以往更担心孩子能否进入优秀大学,踏上职场坦途。

    Parents are more anxious about their kids getting into good colleges and onto good career paths .

  24. 我知道,我脚下的路不会是一马平川的坦途,前方等待着我的还有数不清的荆棘与险峰。

    I know that the road up ahead is not smooth , with numerous brambles and precipitous peaks .

  25. 生活是对自我的追寻,接近这一真理的途径也非坦途!

    Life is a search for the true self and there is no easy access to that kind of truth .

  26. 但是在潜移默化下,他的孩子,乃至于他的朋友,也都相继的走上了“道”的坦途。

    However , his subtle influence on his friends and his children makes them follow with Tao one after another .

  27. 然而,在目前巨大的成绩之后,安徽省高技术产业的发展是否前路坦途呢?文章从创新链和产业链整合的角度入手,对安徽省高技术产业的发展展开研究。

    However , behind the present great achievements , whether the development of high-tech industry in Anhui Province is smooth sailing ?

  28. 银行保险是金融服务业在激烈的竞争中走向全球化、一体化的产物,但银行保险及相关金融创新并非是没有障碍的坦途。

    Bancassurance is the product of fierce competition in the financial services industry when the financial industry trend toward globalization and integration .

  29. 回溯2012年的汽车业,我们发现,许多车企原本可以走上一马平川的康庄大道,但最后却由于人为因素,把坦途走成了“山路十八弯”。

    Tracking the year 2012 in autos reveals an unusual number of straightaways that were transformed into hairpins and switchbacks by human folly .

  30. 这将不会是一条坦途,而油价在下跌之前还会上升,直至汽油最终在燃料结构中被取代。

    The path will be uneven and oil prices could rise before declining when , eventually , petroleum is displaced from the fuel mix .