
tǎn kè bù duì
  • tank unit;tank forces
  1. 在德军把空降部队成功的运用于1940年的艾本·艾迈尔堡垒、1941年的克里特岛的作战后,美军决定组建一支特别空降坦克部队。

    The US Army considered forming special airborne tank units after the successful use of German paratroops at Eben in1940 and Crete in1941 .

  2. 腰痛(lowbackpain,LBP)一直以来是坦克部队所面临的一种常见病症。关于军用计算机在坦克部队维修保障问题的探讨

    Low back pain ( LBP ) is a common complaint among tank soldiers in armored division . EXPLORATION ON THE MAINTENANCE OF MILITARY COMPUTERS IN THE ARMORED CORPS

  3. 报告!此处敌军坦克部队已全部消灭!

    HQ , all the enemy tank troops have been smashed !

  4. 某坦克部队战士膳食营养调查与评价

    Investigation and evaluation of diet nutrition to the Tank crews

  5. 阿拉伯电视台和半岛电视台都援引目击者的话说,忠于卡扎菲的坦克部队已经开进班加西。

    Both al Arabiya TV and al Jazeera TV , quoting eyewitnesses , said tanks loyal to Mr. Gadhafi had entered Benghazi .

  6. 另一个选择用一些混编得步兵和蝎子进军,不过这样做在对抗捕食者坦克部队得时候很少占优势。

    Another options is to go head on with some infantry and Scorpions , but it is rare to come out ahead against a primarily Predator Tank army .

  7. 以色列坦克部队于本周六晚间对加沙地带展开地面进攻,以官方称他们将在此与哈马斯武装分子长期作战。

    Israeli tanks and troops launched a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip Saturday night with officials saying they expected a lengthy fight with Hamas militants in the territory .

  8. 为了满足我军坦克兵部队战术训练的实际需要,设计开发了坦克分队战术仿真训练系统。

    To satisfy the need of the armoured forces tactical training , Tank element tactical training simulation system was developed .

  9. 据报导,这三个城市都受到坦克和野战炮部队的重击。

    Tanks and field artillery reportedly pounded all three cities .

  10. 这个中队由高度机动的反坦克和防空部队保卫。

    The squadron was protected by a highly mobile anti-tank and air defense .

  11. 将军以更多的大炮和坦克来增强自己部队的力量。

    The general beefed up his army with more big guns and tanks .

  12. 他说起秘密地下防御工事,当敌人坦克试图经过时部队可以从里面蜂拥而出。

    He spoke of secret underground redoubts , from which troops would pour when enemy tanky tried to pass .

  13. 攻击摩托可以造成对手坦克的大量损伤。所以如果你感觉需要,在你的部队和对手缠绕时,就进行快速的Hit&Run来消灭对手的坦克部队。

    The Attack Bike can cause large amounts of damage to tanks , so if you feel the need , then you can do quick hit and runs on your opponent 's tank force while your force is engaging his .

  14. 随着军事技术和坦克装备的发展,现有的坦克射击训练器材明显不能满足信息化条件下坦克部队的训练要求。

    As the development of the military technology and tank equipments , the existing tank shooting training equipment can not meet the training requirement of the tank army .

  15. 结论坦克训练后开盖通风30min,内表面用石炭酸及洗必泰消毒均取得明显效果,可在坦克部队内推广。

    Conclusion The covers were opened for ventilation for 30 minutes after tank training , better results of disinfection of inside surface with carbonic acid and hibitane were obtained . So it can be spread in the tank force .