
  • 网络Hult;holt
  1. 霍特国际商学院院长史蒂芬霍奇斯(StephenHodges)指出:过去三年,我们在学生中的吸引力倍增。

    We have gained a lot of traction among the student population over the last three years , says Stephen Hodges , president of Hult International Business School .

  2. 霍特国际商学院的一名学生ahmadashkar为来自世界各地商学院的参赛队伍创建了该挑战赛。

    A Hult student , Ahmad ashkar , created the challenge for teams from business schools around the world .

  3. 麻省理工学院;印第安纳州特雷霍特的罗斯-哈尔曼理工学院(Rose-HulmanInstituteofTechnology);

    Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute , Ind. ;

  4. 1943年,统计学家H·霍特林分析了求解联立方程组的过程(或者可以粗略地看成求解矩阵的逆),他表明随着等式的消除,误差会迅速增长。

    In 1943 the statistician H. Hotelling had analysed the procedure for solving simultaneous equations ( or , roughly equivalently , for inverting a matrix ) and his result made it appear that errors would grow very rapidly as successive equations were eliminated .

  5. 霍特全球案例挑战赛创始人、霍特国际商学院mba校友艾哈迈德阿什卡尔(ahmedashkar)表示,过去的十年,人们对mba学生的观念已经有所转变。

    Ahmed ashkar , the founder of the Hult global case challenge and former MBA student at the school , says that over the past 10 years there has been a shift in thinking about what an MBA student is .

  6. 新古典经济学的三个经济法则&霍特林法则、Solow-Hartwick模型和弱可持续发展范式,如同三个支柱支撑着真实储蓄理论。

    The three laws of economics of neo-classical economics-the Hotelling rule , the Solow-Hartwick model and weak sustainable development paradigm , support the genuine saving theory as the three pillars .

  7. 霍特得到了回应,美国各处均有家庭跟他联系,告知他自已在家教孩子。

    S.to tell him that they were educating their children at home .

  8. 霍华德麦克纳利是行政总裁霍特的全球性挑战。

    Howard McNally is chief executive officer of the Hult Global Challenge .

  9. 霍特导弹包装地幔热柱及其成矿作用研究

    The Packaging of " Hot " Missile Mantle Plume and its Mineralization

  10. 霍特兹称霍乱可以在适当的卫生环境中预防。

    Hotez said cholera can be prevented with proper hygiene and sanitation .

  11. 特雷霍特印第安那州西部一城市,位于瓦伯什河上印第安纳波利斯西南偏西。

    A city of western Indiana on the Wabash River west-southwest of indianapolis .

  12. 论阿蒙霍特普三世时期对亚洲的和平外交政策

    On the Asian Foreign Policy of Peace in the Period of Amenhotep ⅲ

  13. 基于霍特林变换的三维医学图像快速配准算法

    Fast 3-D medical image registration algorithm using Hotelling transform

  14. 霍特林T~2检验及多元方差分析在生存质量研究中的应用

    Application of Hotelling T ~ 2 Test and Multivariate Analysis of Variance to Analyzing Quality of Life Data

  15. 拉里·彼德曼(霍特力兹店店主):这些是我们用来制作糖果的小虫子。

    Larry Peterman ( Owner , Hotlix ): These are the worms we use in our candy-making process .

  16. 但在文章中,我把人们广泛引用的一个例子归到霍特林头上,而霍特林本人可能从未引用过。

    But I attributed to Hotelling an anecdote that is widely used but was probably never used by Hotelling himself .

  17. 即使像霍特这样的独生子女父母,也对只有一个孩子这件事心有愧疚。

    Even parents of only children , like Hult , are made to feel guilty about having only one child .

  18. 我要感谢佩尔顿校长和校董会主席杰夫·格林霍特让我今天有机会来到这里

    I want to thank President Pelton and chairman of board Jeff Greenhawt for the opportunity to be with you today

  19. 霍特品牌只有八年的历史,但我们却需要与那些百年老校竞争。

    The Hult brand is only eight years old and we are competing with those that are over 100 years old .

  20. 霍特国际商学院五大校区将在2月份举行地区竞赛,决赛将选择4月在纽约举行。

    The five Hult campuses will hold regional competitions in February . Finalists will be chosen in New York in April .

  21. 想象一下,一群完全理性但有些懒惰的经济学教授在互联网上张贴关于霍特林模型的记述。

    Imagine a series of perfectly rational but somewhat lazy economics professors posting accounts of the Hotelling model on the internet .

  22. 在对私服问题的经济学分析中,首次借用霍特林模型来对私服问题进行分析。

    In the economic analysis of " illegal server " problem , we use the " Hotelling model " for the first time .

  23. 多年以来,围绕霍特林模型的各种讨论和对该模型的诸多修正,促使战略性区位理论逐步发展成为一个较为完备的理论体系。

    For many years , a lot of discussions and corrections about Hotelling model have made strategic location theory to be completely theoretic system .

  24. 学习一个国际的环境的全球的商务惯例,透过霍特的教授群在霍特的其他海外校园内学习的各类型选修课程。

    Learn about global business practices in an international environment on Hult 's other campuses through a wide range of electives taught by Hult professors .

  25. 《经济学家》19世纪的编辑沃尔特巴基霍特给出的建议是,在资本流动危机中,按照抵押物,中央银行应当自由放贷。

    The advice of Walter Bagehot , a19th-century editor of The Economist , was that central banks should lend freely in a liquidity crisis , against good collateral .

  26. 贝灵汉基督学校坐落在霍特科姆县中最大的城市郊区,在过去冬季的几个月,并没有因为恶劣的天气而取消一天的课程。

    Located just outside Whatcom County 's largest city , Bellingham Christian School did not cancel a single day of classes due to bad weather over the winter months .

  27. 本文推测西北太平洋板片横穿过千岛群岛锡霍特山脉下方过渡带中部,前缘部分可能刚抵达我国东北过渡带的底部。

    We speculate that the northwest Pacific slab subduct across the middle transition zone beneath Kuril Islands , then just arrive at the lower transition zone beneath North-East China .

  28. 在这些书中,霍特没有给体制内学校提出任何建议供选择,他希望发起一场对教育的深刻反思,以使学校对孩子来说更友好。

    In these books Holt had not suggested any alternative to institutional schooling ; he had hoped to initiate a profound rethinking of education to make schools friendlier toward children .