
bǎo lěi
  • fortress;fort;bastion;stronghold;castle;bulwark;citadel;redoubt;blockhouse
堡垒 [bǎo lěi]
  • (1) [bastion;bulwark;citadel;fort;fortress]

  • (2) 军队所修筑,战守两用的小城堡

  • (3) 比喻难于攻破的事物或不容易接受进步思想影响的人

  • 封建堡垒

  • 科学堡垒

  • 顽固堡垒

堡垒[bǎo lěi]
  1. 考古学家判定这个堡垒建于罗马皇帝安东尼·庇护统治时期。

    Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius .

  2. 袭击成功,拿下了堡垒。

    The attack succeeded , and the fort was taken .

  3. 由于害怕恐怖分子袭击,会议中心已变成了堡垒。

    Fear of terrorist attack has turned the conference centre into a fortress .

  4. 军队仍然是男人占据的最后堡垒之一。

    The army is still one of the last male bastions .

  5. 低悬的太阳将黄灿灿的阳光泻在堡垒的墙壁上。

    The low sun lit the fortress walls with yellow light .

  6. 该行业不再被视为贸易的堡垒。

    The business is no longer regarded as a citadel of commerce .

  7. 在这个国家,上议院是唯一的民主堡垒。

    The House of Lords is the only bulwark of democracy in this country .

  8. 这些修道院是12世纪大卫王用来抵御英国人而修建的堡垒。

    The abbeys were founded in the 12th century by King David as a bulwark against the English

  9. 堡垒最容易从内部攻破。

    The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within .

  10. 一枪未发堡垒就陷落敌手。

    The fort fell into the enemy 's hands without a shot being fired .

  11. 我们经过猛烈的攻击后占领了敌人的堡垒。

    We captured the enemy stronghold after a vigorous attack .

  12. 那艘船停在堡垒外面。

    The boat anchored off the fort .

  13. 堡垒侧面靠着沼泽地。

    The fort flanked on a swamp .

  14. 这个堡垒是攻不破的。

    This is an impregnable fortress .

  15. 我军把敌人的堡垒完全包围并封锁起来

    Our army completely surrounded and corked up the enemy stronghold .

  16. 一伙伙的蹩脚演员就象士兵攻占堡垒一样大闹各仓

    Groups of ham actors took the barns by storm like soldiers .

  17. 那个国家是自由的堡垒。

    That country is a bulwark of freedom .

  18. 大学曾经是正直的象征,文明的堡垒,仁爱的捍卫者阵地

    They once were icons of integrity , citadels of civilization , bastions of benevolence .

  19. 私人经济力量的堡垒

    citadels of private economic power

  20. 我们向深度贫困堡垒发起总攻,啃下了最难啃的“硬骨头”。

    We launched the final assault on the fortress25 of entrenched26 rural poverty , and cracked this " hardest nut " .

  21. 他乐于描写心情,而不愿意描写“无聊的迷信,尖拱式的堡垒和妖魔鬼怪。

    He was more interested in states of mind than in " puerile superstitions , Gothic castles , and chimeras . "

  22. 【例】你是一座有力的堡垒abastionofiron铜墙铁壁

    You are a bastion of strength

  23. 这个私人资本集团在五月的时候,从堡垒投资集团(FortressInvestmentGroup)那里买下了2300万美元的债权,这是杰克逊抵押他在洛斯奥利沃斯的梦幻庄园而得来的贷款。

    The private-equity group in May bought from hedge fund Fortress Investment Group a $ 23 million loan backed by Neverland , in Los Olivos , Calif.

  24. 2007年堡垒投资集团(FortressInvestmentGroup)上市时,(公司投资总监)迈克•诺沃格拉茨和这家对冲基金的其他负责人立即成为了亿万富翁。

    Mike Novogratz and the other principals of hedge fund fortress investment group ( fig ) became instant billionaires when the company went public in 2007 .

  25. 华盛顿的一些人担忧,其结果将最终导致一个以中国为中心的亚洲堡垒(FortressAsia),而将美国排除在外。

    Some in Washington worry that it will lead in time to a Sino-centric Fortress Asia , from which the US is locked out .

  26. 因而,缩写词可能是汉语纯净论者要攻克的最后一个堡垒。或许有人会想,下一个就该轮到“CCTV”了吧?

    Abbreviations may thus be one of the last bastions for language purists , leaving some people to wonder , will'CCTV'be next ?

  27. 堡垒内,索伦(Sauron)的邪恶之眼虎视眈眈。

    From inside , the evil eye of Sauron is watching .

  28. 虽然该理论的拥护者打造出一种越来越具巴洛克风格的空想,但这个核心或曰堡垒(theCitadel)却牢不可破。

    This core , the Citadel , remains impregnable while its adherents fashion an increasingly baroque fantasy .

  29. 2011年,稳健货币政策的两大传统堡垒欧洲央行(ecb)和瑞士央行(snb)倒戈,转投通货再膨胀阵营。

    In 2011 , the European and Swiss central banks , traditionally bastions of hard money orthodoxy , defected to the reflationist camp .

  30. 本文认为游戏性是cosplay的基本精神要义,强烈的兴趣爱好是coser的坚固堡垒。

    This paper argues that the game is the basic spirit of cosplay to justice , a strong interest in the hobby is a strong fortress coser .