
  • 网络Kraut Attack
  1. 在德军进攻到只有十英里处时,政府官员、儿童以及艺术瑰宝有组织地撤离出城。

    Government officials , children and art treasures were evacuated as the Germans approached to within ten miles .

  2. 第三,莫斯科周边的地形增加了德军的进攻难度。

    Thirdly , the geography around Moscow increased the difficulty of the German 's assault .

  3. 就在战争即将结束的几天前,5月6日,对德军的进攻再一次开始。

    The offensive started on May6 , a few days before the end of the war .

  4. 目前红军在斯大林格勒和高加索两方面,实际上均已停止了德军的进攻,希特勒已到再衰三竭之时,他对斯大林格勒、高加索两处的进攻已经失败。

    Both at Stalingrad and in the Caucasus the Red Army has now in fact stopped the German offensive ; hitler is now nearing exhaustion , having failed in his attacks on Stalingrad and the caucasus .

  5. 红军制止了德军去年的进攻,并在冬季举行了全线的反攻,是为苏德战争的第二阶段;希特勒转到了退却和防御的地位。

    The Red Army halted the German offensive last year and launched a counter-offensive on all fronts in the winter , which constituted the second stage of the Soviet-German war , with Hitler turning to retreat and the defensive .