
  • 网络German Broadcasting Station;Deutschlandfunk;Deutschland Radio
  1. 据德国广播电台WDR称,该男子并没有生气,只是在离开德国时表示,欧洲和他想象中的很不一样。

    According to German broadcaster WDR , the man did not get angry but left Germany saying simply that he had imagined Europe to be quite different .

  2. 德国广播电台,英国人民,第三帝国向你们问好。

    Germany broadcasting , People of Britain , greetings from the Third Reich .

  3. 其实这个证据在2005年就被发现了,但直到上周一家德国广播电台上星期公布这个发现后,更多的人才了解真相。

    The discovery was actually made in2005 , but was not widely known until a German radio station last week aired it in a report .

  4. 德国公共广播电台文学编辑胡贝特•温克尔斯(HubertWinkels)说,虽然战后德国也出现了其他伟大的作家,但格拉斯“独一无二的”地方在于,他是一位在文化、政治和社会领域都确立了影响力的人物。

    Hubert Winkels , the literary editor of German public radio , said that while the postwar years had produced other great writers in Germany , Grass was " unique " in establishing himself as a figure that spanned culture , politics and society .

  5. 设计的控制台上的按钮和德国西门子的广播电台音频编辑软件兼容。

    The controller is compatible with the audio editing software of Siemens of Germany .

  6. 德国一家广播电台举行一场竞赛,获胜者可以得到一张支票,用来支付他们的丧葬费。

    German radio station is offering listeners the chance to win a check to cover the cost of their own funeral .