
  • 网络Buchenwald Concentration Camp
  1. 美国总统奥巴马周五参观了德国的布痕瓦尔德集中营。

    President Barack Obama toured Germany 's Buchenwald concentration camp Friday .

  2. 后来,作为少数几位前线女摄影师之一,她跟随美军记录了诺曼底登陆之后的情况,盟军的前进,以及达豪集中营(Dachau)和布痕瓦尔德集中营(Buchenwald)的最后解放。

    Later , as one of a handful of female front-line photographers , she accompanied American forces to document the D-Day aftermath , Allied advance and eventual liberation of the Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps .

  3. 手样品由布痕瓦尔德集中营囚犯制造的武器。

    Samples of hand-made weapons made by Buchenwald prisoners .

  4. 奥巴马总统前往布痕瓦尔德集中营的决定也是私人性质的。

    President Obama 's decision to go to Buchenwald was personal as well .

  5. 德国总理格哈特-施罗德主持了纳粹布痕瓦尔德集中营解放60周年的纪念活动。

    German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has led a commemoration of the60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazis'Buchenwald death camp .

  6. 之后他们参观了位于布痕瓦尔德的纳粹集中营遗址。

    Later they visited the remains of the Nazi death camp at Buchenwald .