
bù dào
  • sermon;preach;mission;preach the gospel
布道 [bù dào]
  • [preach the gospel] 指基督教传教

布道[bù dào]
  1. 他痛斥了邀请其他大主教同仁布道的决定。

    He denounced the decision to invite his fellow archbishop to preach .

  2. 牧师宣布下个礼拜天他布道时要讲说谎者的问题。

    The minister announced that he would preach on the subject of liars1 next Sunday .

  3. 他向聚集在那里的民众布道。

    He preached to the assembled multitude .

  4. 牧师在大弥撒上布道驱邪。

    At High Mass the priest preached a sermon on the devil

  5. 主教向当地聚集的数百人布道。

    The bishop preached to a crowd of several hundred local people

  6. 几乎没有什么事情能使牧师在准备每周的布道时分神。

    Few things distracted the Pastor from the preparation of his weekly sermons

  7. 他们参加了一个奋兴布道会,成为了获得重生的基督徒。

    They attended a revivalist meeting and became born-again Christians .

  8. 堂区牧师在布道中提到了它。

    Parish priests have referred to it in their sermons .

  9. 一位身着牧师袍服的男子进行了宗教布道。

    A man in priestly clothes offered spiritual guidance .

  10. 他游历南非,组织奋兴布道会。

    He toured South Africa organizing revival meetings .

  11. 这些新的布道稿本大部分是用书面梵语而不是方言记载的。

    Most of these new sermons were recorded in literary Sanskrit rather than in vernacular language .

  12. 如果我想把布道时间延长一点儿,可能会给教众引用一段我最喜欢的话。

    If I wanted to pad out my sermon a little , I might offer my congregation one of my favourite quotations .

  13. 有时候教区牧师来布道。

    Sometimes the rector came up and preached a sermon .

  14. 基督在布道中说人们应该互爱。

    Christ preached that we should love each other .

  15. 他的布道得益于幽默的影响

    His sermons benefited from a leavening of humor .

  16. 上星期日布道了两次。

    Two sermons were preached last Sunday .

  17. 她最喜欢什么游行啦、演讲啦、开大会啦、营火会啦、福音布道会啦--实际上各种各样的娱乐

    She adored parades , lectures , conventions , camp meetings , church revivals-in fact every kind of dissipation .

  18. 到了下个礼拜天,牧师开始布道时说:“如果你们按照我的要求看过《马可福音》的第十七章,现在举手。”几乎每个人都举了手。

    On the following Sunday , when the minister began to preach , he said : " Now , if you have read the seventeenth chapter of Mark as I requested , please raise your hand . " Almost everybody 's hand went up .

  19. 她那天让我用她的ipod听整张布道唱片。

    She made me Iisten to the entire EIMS CD on her ipod .

  20. 斯塔万格旅游者协会CEO普雷本·法尔克提醒人们在攀登布道台时要万分小心。

    Preben Falck , CEO of the Stavanger Tourist Association , encouraged people to use extreme caution when they hike up to Pulpit Rock .

  21. 高级技术布道师BrianKeller为其发布了预告,但该产品现在还没有得到官方的支持。

    Senior Technical Evangelist Brian Keller offered the caveat that this is as yet an unsupported product .

  22. 今天我们采访的一些人说,他不赞同LuisMiranda的布道。

    People we talked with today say they disagree with Luis Miranda 's preachings .

  23. 但是在网上搜索LuisMiranda的名字,结果显示,他的布道是充满争议的。

    But an Internet search of Luis Miranda 's name shows controversy brewing over his preachings .

  24. Arafat山是默罕默德最后一次为他的追随者布道的地方。

    Mount Arafat is where Mohammed delivered his last sermon to his followers .

  25. 最让人震惊的时刻是美国圣公会的芝加哥出生的主教迈克尔·柯里大牧师(MostRev.MichaelCurry)的布道。

    The most startling moments came with the sermon by the Most Rev . Michael Curry , the Chicago-born bishop of the Episcopal Church .

  26. 在一段上升的音乐蒙太奇的末尾,Burke在进行一段布道的说唱,Bieber出现在一段黑白的镜头中。

    Near the end of a soaring musical montage with Burke delivering a rapping sermon , Bieber appears in black and white footage .

  27. 红衣主教SeanBrady选择在北爱尔兰阿尔马大教堂圣帕特里克日布道时进行公开道歉。

    Cardinal Sean Brady chose to a very public apology in his St. Patrick 's Day sermon in the cathedral in Armagh , in Northern Ireland .

  28. 我们又要听他布道了。

    We 'll have to listen to a sermon on it .

  29. 你为什么在那个星球的村民间布道?

    Why were you preaching to the villagers on that planet ?

  30. 几乎所有的布道团都种植葡萄树和生产葡萄酒。

    Almost all of the missions grew grapes and produced wine .