
  • 网络Browder;Braude;william browder
  1. 视频上,来自布朗克斯区(Bronx)的黑人少年卡利夫•布劳德(KaliefBrowder)在纽约赖克斯岛(RikersIsland)监狱遭到狱警和其他犯人的毒打。

    It showed a black teenager from the Bronx , Kalief Browder , being savagely beaten by prison officers and fellow inmates at Rikers Island prison in New York .

  2. 现在布劳德在斯坦福大学读大一,他告诉Mashable说教授给了他很好的建议。

    Browder told Mashable that he received good advice from his professors at Stanford University , where he is currently a freshman .

  3. 来自德克萨斯布劳德县!

    out of Broward County , T exas !

  4. 与(某人或某事)抵触,冲突布鲁尔和布劳德经常发生冲突。

    Brougher clashed frequently with Browder .

  5. 杜克大学校长理查德。布劳德海德向学校的男子兜网球队(曲棍球队)道歉。

    Duke University President Richard Brodhead is apologizing to the school 's men 's lacrosse team .

  6. 在布劳德漫长的监禁中,因为多次反抗并声称自己是无辜的,他遭到了残酷的对待。

    During his long confinement , Browder was badly mistreated because he repeatedly rebelled and proclaimed his innocence .

  7. 这个项目去年夏天刚开始启动,当时布劳德只是想做一个免费网站,帮助人们对不公平的停车罚单进行上诉。

    Browder first started the project last summer as a free website to help people appeal unfair parking tickets .

  8. 这一点值得铭记,尤其是因为它引出了另一个问题:还有多少布劳德在美国的监狱里遭受折磨?

    That 's worth remembering this week , not least because it prompts another question : how many more Browders are still rotting in American jails ;

  9. 当然,愤世嫉俗的人或许会评论,利用布劳德骇人听闻的故事激起关于监狱系统的辩论简直是可悲。

    Of course , as a cynic might comment , it is a crying shame that it took the horrible tale of Browder to stir debate about the prison system .

  10. 布劳德援引了人工克隆的多莉羊,他指出,克隆技术已被证明缺乏安全性,因此,没有理由可以假设实验室的人造精子会比较安全。

    Citing Dolly the Sheep , Braude points out that cloning has been shown to be unsafe , and there 's no reason to suppose lab-created sperm will be any safer .

  11. 这给他留下了极为严重的创伤,以至于22岁的布劳德最终于本月自杀身亡。这一悲剧促使《纽约客》和其他人重新提起这个可耻的故事,并再次公开赖克斯岛监狱的监控视频。

    So much so that last week , tragically , the 22-year-old Browder committed suicide , prompting The New Yorker and others to reprise the shameful tale and re-release the Rikers surveillance footage .

  12. 我们或许能够自我安慰地认为(或者希望)赖克斯岛监狱中发生的暴行是极端事件,但关注司法公正的活动人士坚称,布劳德的悲剧远非个案——从他的人口特征来说也并非如此。

    While it would be nice to think ( or hope ) that the mistreatment at Rikers was extreme , criminal-justice activists insist that Browder 's tragedy was far from an isolated case - and neither was his demographic profile .

  13. 然而,事实是如果《纽约客》永远没有报道布劳德的悲剧——并发布那段令人震惊的监控影像——几乎没人会获知赖克斯岛监狱上演的恐怖场景。

    The fact is , however , that if The New Yorker had never written about Browder 's tragic tale - and disseminated that shocking surveillance footage - few people would have known about the horrors happening on Rikers Island .

  14. 布劳德始终否认针对自己的指控。他表示,检方起诉他已故同事的打算,已经使情况从法律虚无主义转变为法律野蛮主义,此举将使美国相关立法提案获得新的动力。

    Mr Browder , who has always denied the allegations levelled against him , said the potential prosecution of his dead colleague had driven the situation from legal nihilism to legal barbarism and would give the US legislative proposal fresh momentum .

  15. 然而,布劳德的故事表明,就在美国国内,保护人权依然是一场艰苦卓绝的斗争——哪怕是在距离纽约最富裕、最自由的街区短短几英里之外的一所监狱里也是这样。

    Browder 's tale , however , shows that it remains a struggle to protect human rights within America 's own shores - even in a prison that lies a few short miles from some of the most gilded and liberal neighbourhoods of New York .

  16. 布劳德的故事告诉我们,调查性新闻不仅在美国和其他地方保有鲜活的生命力,而且一如既往地在使世界变得更好一点(或者至少,变得不那么糟糕)方面起到强大的作用。

    For what the Browder tale also reminds us is that investigative journalism is not just alive and well in America and elsewhere today but has as powerful a role as ever to play in making the world a little better ( or at least , less bad ) .

  17. 英国程序员约书亚•布劳德只有19岁,他的新项目——世界上第一个机器人律师,能帮人们省下不少法律费用。用户询问的任何法律问题,机器人程序都可以自动生成相关答案,而且此项服务是免费的。

    British programmer Joshua Browder is helping people save a lot of money on legal fees with his latest project - the world 's first robot lawyer . The 19-year-old developed a free service that allows users to ask any kind of legal question and receive relevant answers autogenerated by bots .

  18. 但这一裁决到来之前,为了等待上庭,布劳德已经在监狱中度过了3年。司法体系处理案件的进度可能异常缓慢,尤其是对穷人来说,布劳德正是这一体系的受害者(他的家人付不起3000美元的保释金)。

    But that verdict was reached only after he had been in prison for three years , waiting for his day in court , a victim of a justice system whose wheels can grind extremely slowly , particularly for anyone who is poor . ( Browder 's family was unable to afford the $ 3000 bail to release him . )