- 网络Browder;Braude;william browder

It showed a black teenager from the Bronx , Kalief Browder , being savagely beaten by prison officers and fellow inmates at Rikers Island prison in New York .
Browder told Mashable that he received good advice from his professors at Stanford University , where he is currently a freshman .
out of Broward County , T exas !
Brougher clashed frequently with Browder .
Duke University President Richard Brodhead is apologizing to the school 's men 's lacrosse team .
During his long confinement , Browder was badly mistreated because he repeatedly rebelled and proclaimed his innocence .
Browder first started the project last summer as a free website to help people appeal unfair parking tickets .
That 's worth remembering this week , not least because it prompts another question : how many more Browders are still rotting in American jails ;
Of course , as a cynic might comment , it is a crying shame that it took the horrible tale of Browder to stir debate about the prison system .
Citing Dolly the Sheep , Braude points out that cloning has been shown to be unsafe , and there 's no reason to suppose lab-created sperm will be any safer .
So much so that last week , tragically , the 22-year-old Browder committed suicide , prompting The New Yorker and others to reprise the shameful tale and re-release the Rikers surveillance footage .
While it would be nice to think ( or hope ) that the mistreatment at Rikers was extreme , criminal-justice activists insist that Browder 's tragedy was far from an isolated case - and neither was his demographic profile .
The fact is , however , that if The New Yorker had never written about Browder 's tragic tale - and disseminated that shocking surveillance footage - few people would have known about the horrors happening on Rikers Island .
Mr Browder , who has always denied the allegations levelled against him , said the potential prosecution of his dead colleague had driven the situation from legal nihilism to legal barbarism and would give the US legislative proposal fresh momentum .
Browder 's tale , however , shows that it remains a struggle to protect human rights within America 's own shores - even in a prison that lies a few short miles from some of the most gilded and liberal neighbourhoods of New York .
For what the Browder tale also reminds us is that investigative journalism is not just alive and well in America and elsewhere today but has as powerful a role as ever to play in making the world a little better ( or at least , less bad ) .
British programmer Joshua Browder is helping people save a lot of money on legal fees with his latest project - the world 's first robot lawyer . The 19-year-old developed a free service that allows users to ask any kind of legal question and receive relevant answers autogenerated by bots .
But that verdict was reached only after he had been in prison for three years , waiting for his day in court , a victim of a justice system whose wheels can grind extremely slowly , particularly for anyone who is poor . ( Browder 's family was unable to afford the $ 3000 bail to release him . )