
  • 网络induction;induction problem;the problem of induction;inductive problem
  1. 休谟问题和归纳问题刍议

    On hume 's problem and the problem of induction

  2. 评波普尔对归纳问题的取消

    Comments on Popper 's Eliminating Problem of Induction

  3. 休谟归纳问题研究述评

    A Brief Survey of the Studies on Hume ′ s Inductive Problem

  4. 归纳问题是近代以来最基本的哲学问题之一。

    Inductive problem is one of the most basic modern philosophical problems .

  5. 框架及其反归纳问题

    The Framework 's Prisoner and the Problem about the Refutation of Inductivism

  6. 最后归纳问题,反省不足,展望未来,为进一步研究提供借鉴。

    Finally summarize experience and reflection is insufficient , provide reference for further research .

  7. 经验推理问题是休谟认识论的核心问题,此问题又分为因果问题和归纳问题。

    The problem of experiential inference is the core problem in Hume 's epistemology .

  8. 归纳问题是科学哲学上的一个重要问题。

    The problem of induction is an important problem in the philosophy of science .

  9. 他们的共同之处主要表现在:都把对归纳问题的解决建立在归纳原则的合理性上。

    The resolution to the inductive problem is based on rationality of inductive principle .

  10. 自休谟以来,归纳问题一直是困扰西方经验主义科学家和哲学家的难题。

    Since Hume , the problem of induction had been a puzzle that baffled western empiricist scientists and philosophers .

  11. 归纳问题自休谟提出以来一直未能得到满意的解决。

    There has been no satisfactory resolution to Hume 's " induction problem " since he put it forward .

  12. 分界问题是科学的划界问题,归纳问题是归纳推理的正确性问题。

    The problem of demarcation is of demarcation for science ; the problem of induction is of correctness of induction .

  13. 在当代科学哲学中,科学合理性问题如同休谟归纳问题一样,是一个让哲学家寝食难安的问题。

    As the issue presented by Hume , scientific rationality is a puzzle for philosophers in modern philosophy of science .

  14. 休谟提出了著名的归纳问题,并对归纳推理是否具有普遍必然性,以及如何证明,给出了否定的答案。

    Hume raised the famous question of generalization , and negated the general necessity of generalization and the possibility of its verification .

  15. 在归纳问题的解决方式上,金岳霖与罗素有师承关系。

    Russell is Jin Yuelin 's teacher in the method of resolving the inductive problem and Jin Yuelin deepens Russell 's inductive idea .

  16. 针对中药方剂功效归纳问题,提出了一种基于人工神经网络新的高维数据归约方法。

    A novel reduction method of high dimensions based on artificial neural network was proposed for the effect reduction of Chinese traditional medicine prescription .

  17. 科学认识论中的归纳问题及其意义捕食作用作为一种掠夺性的对策其重要意义可归纳为四个主要方面。

    Induction Problem and Its Significance in Scientific Epistemology ; The importance of predation as an exploitation strategy may be summarized under four main categories .

  18. 金岳霖对归纳问题的注重和他对归纳问题解决方式的探讨,已有不少论文论及。

    There are many assays concern about Jin Yuelin 's attention to the problem of induction and probe to the solution to the problem of induction .

  19. 本文试图商讨下列归纳问题:1.解释性普遍理论是真的这一主张能由经验理由来证明吗?

    This paper attempts to discuss the following problems on induction : 1.Can the view that the explanatory universal theory is true be proved by experiential reasons ?

  20. 与以往的研究角度相比,这个角度更能发现并归纳问题,针对问题寻求解决办法,提出改善意见。

    Compared with previous research perspective , this perspective can conclude the problem better , to find a solution for the problem , and provide some advice .

  21. 为了理解这种特征,人们必须找到贯穿波普尔哲学思想的核心是什么,而这正是波普尔有关归纳问题的思想。

    In order to understanding this characteristic , we should to search for what is the central nation of his thoughts . The notion is just the thoughts of induction .

  22. 将结合大量实地考察和调查咨询,了解现状并分析归纳问题,作为研究的基础和出发点。

    Combine a large number of field visits and questionnaire survey to ascertain the current situation and analyze the problem of induction , as the research basis and starting point .

  23. 经典粗糙集模型比较好的解决了符号型数据的机器学习问题,尤其是符号数据的特征选择、属性约简和规则归纳问题。

    Classical rough set model to solve relatively good data symbols of the machine learning problem , in particular , feature selection data symbol , attribute reduction and rule induction problem .

  24. 其实,利普顿要解决的是一个康德问题:科学之合理何以可能?这仍然是对休谟发起的因果归纳问题的新回答。

    In fact , what Lipton had solved is a Kantian Problem : Scientific rationality is possible ? This is still a new answer to Causal-Induction problem which was launched by Hume .

  25. 本文对休谟归纳问题的由来仅作简要叙述,重点考察了逻辑学家们的如下几种解决方案:强化归纳推理的前提;

    This article briefly describes the origin of Hume ′ s Inductive Problem , and shows special concern for several solutions that logicians put forward : the premise that intensifies inductive inference ;

  26. “体育是一种文化”已经基本成为共识,但体育的文化本质界定和文化特征归纳问题却未能解决。

    The words , physical education and sport is a kind of culture , has become a common cognition , but the issue for defining essence and classify feature hasn 't been solved .

  27. 本文着重介绍了莱欣巴哈和波普尔关于归纳问题的理论,并对两者理论的缺陷进行了分析,指出归纳只有在人类的实践活动中去检验知识的合理性。

    The paper introduces the theories of H.Reichenbach and Karl Popper , analyzes their defects and points out that the human practical activity is the only way to exam the rationality of knowledge .

  28. 章太炎的逻辑思想主要分为三个部分:名,名的概念溯源、名的形成、名的发展变化;辩说,辩说的依据和格式;归纳问题及解决方案。

    The logical theory of Zhang Taiyan is divided into three parts . Part one is the name , including the traceability of name , the formation of name , and the development or change name .

  29. 旨在启发学生的课堂思维,扩大学生的专业知识面,培养学生提出问题、归纳问题与解决问题的能力。

    The author summarized his own teaching methods of teaching the course for the purpose of inspiring students to start their thinking in class , enlarging their scope of knowledge and cultivate their ability to bring up , analyze and solve problems .

  30. 德国哲学家莱欣巴哈在分析休谟观点的基础上,提出了对归纳问题的新的解决方案&概率论的归纳逻辑,对现代归纳逻辑的发展具有一定的意义。

    Basing on the analysis of Hume 's point of view , German philosopher Reichenbach raised a new solution on the problem of induction-the inductive logic based on the theory of probability , which had a certain influence upon modern inductive logic .