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ɡuī fù
  • submit to another's authority;convert;conversion
归附 [guī fù]
  • [submit to the authority of another] 归顺,依服

  • 孙讨虏聪明仁惠,敬贤礼士,江表英豪咸归附之。--《资治通鉴》

  1. 目的:建立HPLC法测定归附口服液中芍药苷的含量。

    Objective : To establish a method of HPLC for determination of paeoniflorin in Guifu oral liquid .

  2. 斯赛罗可想你会把军队归附于我的。

    Cicero suggested you might sway your soldiers to join me .

  3. 即各个时期的皇后和从其他政权归附的官员。

    Namely Empress and officials from the other regimes .

  4. 蒙古归附清朝后其土地的所有制关系发生了很大的变化,土地私有制逐步形成,并且成为主要的土地所有制形式。

    After Manchu conquered Mongolia , private ownership of land became Mongolian major economic form .

  5. 有一些表现历来都好,老实,归附国法,可以给以社员的称号。

    Those who have a good record and are honest and law-abiding may be given co-operative membership .

  6. 同样,北魏皇后族属来源的变化和归附北魏的官员多元化正是北魏封建化的反映。

    Same , the variety of Northern Wei empress ' source and following the officials of diversification was exactly the reflection of feudalism .

  7. 南方各地纷纷归附,文帝出兵后不到四个月,便实现了南北统一。

    All forces in the south successively pledged allegiance to the Sui . It took Emperor Wen less than four months to unify the North and the South .

  8. 手心里的温柔是一面伴烛的铜镜,烛泪滴尽,铜镜成空,归附长夜。

    Hand side with a gentle heart and bronze mirrors with candle , candle teardrop do , bronze mirrors into the empty , fixed and attached to night .

  9. 并且他们所作的,不但照我们所想望的,更照神的旨意,先把自己献给主,又归附了我们。

    And this they did , not as we hoped , but first gave their own selves to the Lord , and unto us by the will of God .

  10. 这种战术迫使一些残元势力纷纷归附明王朝,以打促和得到了最大限度的实现。

    This tactics forced the rest of Yuan forces into submitting to Ming dynasty so the purpose of " promoting peace by attacking " was realized in the largest extreme .

  11. 一度被视为昙花一现的嘻哈风,却决心继续走他的创造与赞美之路,带领更多的归附者上路。

    Once considered a flash in the pan , hip-hop is set to continue its path of creation and celebration , bringing more and more converts along for the ride .

  12. 北宋熙宁、元丰年间,雄踞于思想文化领域的“宋学四派”,为士大夫们提供了四种可供选择或归附的精神群体。

    There were four idealistic and academic schools on Xining and Yuanfeng period in Song dynasty , which offered four inspirit colonies to shih ta fu to select or attach to .

  13. 304年(永兴元年),刘渊开始起兵。很快发展到五万人,定都于离石(山西离石),建国号“汉”,自称汉王,胡、汉各族很多人归附他。

    In 304 , he launched a campaign to overthrow the Jin government and soon his armies expanded as much as 50000 . Establishing capital at Lishi ( now Lishi in Shanxi province ) .

  14. 手心里的温柔是一只芬芳的香蘘,收藏枯瓣花骸,花尽枝空,日渐消瘦,归附尘土。

    Hand heart is a gentle fragrance of incense Xiang , collecting bones of the body dry flower petals , flower sticks to make empty , wasting away , fixed and attached to the dust .

  15. 从掳到之地归回的以色列人、和一切除掉所染外邦人污秽归附他们、要寻求耶和华以色列神的人、都吃这羊羔。

    For the priests and the Levites were purified together , all of them were pure , and killed the passover for all the children of the captivity , and for their brethren the priests , and for themselves .

  16. 郑道传在朝鲜与明朝的接壤地区招抚女真,女真纷纷归附朝鲜,壮大了朝鲜的势力,也因此与明朝产生了矛盾。

    Chuan Zheng Road , North Korea and the Ming Dynasty in bordering areas pacify Jurchen , Jurchen have allegiance to North Korea , the growth of the Korean forces , and thus had a conflict with the Ming Dynasty .

  17. 那时,必有许多国归附耶和华,作他要住在你中间,你就知道万军之耶和华差遣我到你那里去了。

    And a number of nations will be joined to the Lord in that day , and will become my people ; and I will be living among you , and you will see that the Lord of armies has sent me to you .

  18. 那时、必有许多国归附耶和华、作他〔原文作我〕的子民.他〔原文作我〕要住在你中间、你就知道万军之耶和华差遣我到你那里去了。

    And many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day , and shall be my people : and I will dwell in the midst of thee , and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee .

  19. 蒙古族土司鲁氏家族是西北地区著名的土司家族,从明初归附到民国改土归流维系了五百多年的历史。对西北区域的政治、经济、文化等方面产生过重大的影响。

    Mongol chieftain Lu family was very famous in Northwest district , it had lasted over 500 years from submitting to the government of Ming dynasty to belonging to the Republic of China and deeply influenced all parts of politics , economy and culture in the Northwest district .

  20. 后汉:辽兵攻入开封后,后晋河东节度使,刘知远(沙陀人)在晋阳(太原)称帝(高祖),仍用后晋天福年号以争取后晋旧臣归附。

    The Later Han : After Liao seized Kaifeng , the garrison commander of the Later Jin , Liu Zhiyuan ( Shatuo origin ) proclaimed to be Emperor of Gao Zu in Jinyang ( now Taiyuan ) . He still named his regime the Later Jin in order to win the from the former Jin ministers .