
  • 网络inductive research
  1. 化学教学论研究范式的转换,可由移植研究转向本体研究,由演绎研究转向归纳研究。

    The research paradigm of chemistry didactics may shift form transplant research to reality research , from deductive research to inductive research .

  2. 归纳研究成果,总结了对于保护陕西民间剪纸艺术法律保护的基本观点和认识。

    Inductive research results , summed up for the protection of Shaanxi folk art of the legal protection of the basic viewpoints and awareness .

  3. 其次,对PSP模型理论进行归纳研究,为接下来的参数提取建立一个理论基础。

    Second , research PSP model theory to set up its theory elements of parameters extraction .

  4. 运用比较研究、归纳研究、演绎分析、SWOT分析等研究方法,提出了文化引领与政府主导相结合的旅游产业模式,主要包括模式构造分析层、模式构建层、模式支撑层和模式目标层。

    Use comparative method , results method , interpretation analysis , SWOT analysis and other methods , bring forward a mode combined culture-leading with government-leading of tourism industry model , including model structural analysis level , model construction layer , support layer and the target layer .

  5. 第五部分归纳研究结论并进行反思。

    The last part is the conclusion and discussion .

  6. 在这一章里归纳研究了广电集团发展的理论基础。

    In this chapter summarizes the theory basis of the development of BTV Group .

  7. 本文对国内外主要的家庭网络标准进行分析研究,其中对国外的家庭网络相关标准化组织采取了分类的方法对这些组织进行整理归纳研究。

    This dissertation carries on the analytical research to the domestic and international main home network standards .

  8. 论文就是基于上述背景,首先,对大规模定制生产和品牌识别的相关基础理论进行了归纳研究。

    Firstly , relevant basic theories of Mass Customization and brand identity are summarized and researched into .

  9. 重点从节能环保产业政策和新能源产业政策的研究入手进行归纳研究。

    Focus from energy conservation and environmental protection industry policy and new energy industrial policy , summarized the researches of research .

  10. 绪论部分,归纳研究门德尔松《无词歌》的目的、方法、手段、意义、着眼点、研究现状。

    The part of Introduction summarizes and studies the means , methods , meaning , emphasis and the current situation of research .

  11. 研究结论与政策建议归纳研究结论,并提出我国农业机械化金融支持的具体政策建议。

    The simple conclusion and concrete policy proposal were put forward to backing agriculture mechanization in China in last part of the research .

  12. 有关词义引申的类型,目前古汉语界从具体意义联系角度进行归纳研究的尚嫌不够。

    In the field of the ancient Chinese language , the extension of lexical meanings is generally classified in the layer of concrete meanings .

  13. 然后综合运用统计数据和对调研结果分析的方法对湖南省农村城镇化已取得的成就和呈现的特征进行了归纳研究。

    Then by use of the statistics data and investigation data , the paper analyzed the achievements and characters of urbanization in Hunan Province .

  14. 方法收集120例视神经萎缩病例资料,按照证候诊断标准,归纳研究其中医证候特点。

    Method To select the reports of 120 OA cases and summarize their characteristics of syndrome manifestations according to the diagnostic standard of syndrome manifestations .

  15. 本文将采用比较研究、归纳研究、文献研究和规范研究的方法研究这一问题。

    The thesis will study the problem by the way of historical research , comparative research , inductive research , literature research and standard research .

  16. 归纳研究结论,进而提出理想教师手册的编辑模式,以作为今后编辑教师手册的参考。

    D.Making Conclusions of this study in order to develop a sound compiling model for a teacher 's handbook as a reference to other compilations .

  17. 如:归纳研究法,比勘互证法,内部分析法,系统数量比较法,透视分离法。

    For example : inductive research method , comparison proving method , internal analysis method , comparison method in system number , and perspective separating method .

  18. 论文还根据实际应用的需求对用户经常会涉及到的查询方式进行了归纳研究,对其中的同音查询、模糊音查询都提出了相应的解决方法,有效地提高了系统的可用性。

    According to the demand of the applications , the paper also describes the query methods that users are often involved and puts forward the corresponding solution .

  19. 介绍本文研究的背景,提出所要研究的问题,对本研究的研究意义、研究目标、研究方法、数据来源和技术路线进行阐述,归纳研究中可能的创新和存在的不足之处。

    Introduce the research background , the questions , elaborated the research significance , research objectives , research methods , data sources and technical route , and summarized possible innovations and deficiencies .

  20. 第六章归纳研究的主要结论,包括行业分析结论、企业分析结论和估值结论,并根据估值结果给出对二家公司的投资建议。

    The main conclusions of the sixth chapter research conclusion , including industry , business analysis and valuation conclusion , and according to the valuation results are given for two companies investment advice .

  21. 首先,阐明城市滨海空间界面的定义和分类,从分析城市滨海空间的整体入手,对界面各要素之间的组成关系归纳研究,并揭示出滨海空间界面的的功能和特性。

    First , it discusses Definition and classification of urban coastal interface , and analyzes the essential relationship between the interface factors of coastal Starting from the overall , Reveal the function and features of urban coastal space interface .

  22. 课题遵循以成果目标为导向,通过分析达成研究成果的技术支持途径,采用文献研究法、案例归纳研究法、实地调研法和实证研究法进行研究。

    Following the results of goal-oriented , this subject take use of literature research , case induce and analysis , field research and empirical research method to carry on the research in the context of the analysis of the probable technical support of the research findings .

  23. 第五部分,在归纳研究结论的基础上,从完善组织系统、丰富保障形式、制定更为科学的保障标准和健全退出机制四个方面讨论我国农村居民最低生活保障制度的创新与完善。

    Based on the conclusion of researches , the fifth part discusses the rural residents ' minimum living security system in the whole country from consummating organization system , making the form of security abundance , laying down more scientific security level and making withdrawal system sound .

  24. 第四部分:归纳研究结论,并提出在实际工作中对待青少年早恋问题上应注意把握的几个准则和在教育工作中应注意的问题。

    The fourth part : summing up the conclusion of the research and promoting some guide lines that we should follow in the practical operation in dealing with " Puppy love " appearing in the teenagers and several problems we should pay much attention to in educating students .

  25. 第一节根据文学传统和学界认知来界定所表达的魏晋别诗的基本内涵和相关概念,并通过题目、具体诗句、内容和背景等几方面明确本文所归纳研究的别诗。

    The first section defined the literary tradition and the academic awareness to this expression of the Wei , Jin poetic content and related concepts , and how to define the research summarized in this article : from the aspect of topic , verse , content and the background .

  26. 基于FOIL算法的约束归纳方法研究

    Constraint Inductive Research Based on FOIL Algorithm

  27. 基于该误码率表达式,采用逐步二次归纳法研究了分布MIMO的最佳信道传播时延;

    Base on the theoretical BER expression , we adopt a sequential quadratic programming method to investigate the optimum channel propagation delays in distributed MIMO systems .

  28. 该过程本文采用了系统分析、比较分析和综合归纳等研究方法,理论结合实际,以期对我国B2B环境下中小企业信用评估体系构建有一定的实际帮助。

    The dissertation adopts the following methods , such as system analysis 、 comparative analysis and comprehensive conclusion , etc. Integrate theory with practice . Hope to be realistically helpful in the construction of credit evaluation system of the small and medium-sized enterprises in China to some degree .

  29. 归纳推理研究领域出现了一些引人注目的实验研究:Heit和Rubinstein等的研究表明了知识背景对归纳推理存在不可忽视的影响;

    In recent years , there are some attractive experiments in the study of inductive inference : & Rubinstein , Lopez etc , Proffitt etc have suggested that the influence of knowledge context should not be ignored ;

  30. 随机振动环境测量数据归纳方法研究

    Study on Inductive Method for Environmental Measured Data of Random Vibration