
ɡuī shǔ quán
  • right of attribution
  1. 《如何维权而不失业》(StandUpForYourselfWithoutGettingFired)一书的作者、就业律师唐娜•鲍尔曼(DonnaBallman)表示,随着“关系资本”变得越来越重要,劳动合同中需要开始加入更多关于在线人脉网络归属权的条款。

    Donna Ballman , an employment lawyer and author of the book Stand Up For Yourself Without Getting Fired , says that as " relationship capital " becomes more important , employment contracts will need to start including more clauses on ownership of online networks .

  2. 成员和非成员可以复制DMTF规范和文档,在此特定用途下使用,但要指出正确的归属权。

    Members and non-members may reproduce DMTF specifications and documents for uses consistent with this purpose , provided that correct attribution is given .

  3. 商人德米特里·E·雷博洛夫列夫(DmitryE.Rybolovlev)拥有一批世界上最为值钱的艺术品。上周接受采访时,他说,2013年,他秉承诚信原则买下这两幅画,完全不知道归属权有问题。

    The businessman , Dmitry E. Rybolovlev , owner of one of the world 's most valuable art collections , said in an interview last week that he bought the works in good faith in 2013 , without any hint that there was a question about their title .

  4. 驰名商标的认定归属权在跨国保护中的适用与例外

    Transnational Protection of Ownership of Well-known Trade Marks : Application and Exceptions

  5. 这些小岛的归属权究竟为何引起如此大的争议?

    Why on earth is ownership of these tiny rocks so explosive an issue ?

  6. 不能再让基金结构的细微差异掩盖重要的归属权事实。

    Stop allowing minor differences in fund structures to obscure the larger truths of ownership .

  7. 此举可能重新点燃关于这些岛屿归属权的激烈外交争端。

    The visit threatens to reignite a bitter diplomatic feud over the ownership of the islands .

  8. 人体器官可以买卖吗&儒家与西方哲学关于身体归属权的比较

    Can Human Organ be Traded & A Comparison between Confucianism and Western Philosophy on Ownership of the Human Body

  9. 比如,任何被视为属于公共领域的联络人,均不适用有关归属权的条款。

    If any of the contacts are deemed to be in the public domain , for example , ownership clauses would not apply .

  10. 税权是国家权力的重要组成部分,它包括税收立法权、税收司法权、税收征管权和税收收入归属权。

    Taxing power is an important component of state authority , including the right of tax legislation , tax jurisdiction , tax revenue attribution .

  11. 本文从信托财产的归属权问题展开,从归属权的概念入手,通过分析归纳的方法得出信托财产是一种无归属权的财产的结论。

    In Chapter 2 , It carries out from the concept of ownership and draws a conclusion that there is no ownership on trust property .

  12. 然而,因为中国和周边其他一些国家存在海洋边界争端,所以一些瓷器的归属权不是很明确。

    But it is not clear who actually owns some of the Chinaware as China and some other countries in the region dispute the sea borderlines .

  13. 不过,在企业获得了评价员工人际关系新途径的同时,有时候人们会担心这类人脉关系的归属权问题。

    But even as companies are offered new ways to value their employees ' relationships , there is concern in some cases over who owns those networks .

  14. 柬埔寨方面的一位指挥官怀疑这次会谈能否解决双方对一个古老寺庙归属权的争执。

    A commander on the Cambodian side expressed doubts that the talks will lead to a resolution of the dispute over ownership of an ancient temple complex .

  15. 公务用车作为国有资产,其归属权在国家,本应该为公务所用,不应用于非公务用途。

    Official cars as state-owned assets , and its ownership in the country , this should be used for official business , should not be used for non-official business purposes .

  16. 不过,这种张力也逐渐渗透到了社交媒体中。到目前为止,对于员工离职时网上人脉关系的归属权,法院还无法得出明确结论。

    The tension is also creeping into the world of social media , however ; courts have yet to work out a clear position on who owns what online when an employee leaves ( see box ) .

  17. 无论是从侦查主体、侦查程序的运作、侦查的价值和功能方面看,侦查权都应归属行政权。

    No matter from the view of the body of the investigation or the value and function of it , the powers of the investigation have the obvious characteristics of the administrative powers .

  18. 由此我从产权归属、矿业权的许可责任和利益分配制度、重视矿业的可持续发展和完善法律规制等方面,做了一些自己的思考。

    I know something from the ownership of property rights , mineral rights licensing responsibility and interest distribution system , and do some thinking about their .

  19. 并指出赋予地方适度税收立法权、合理调整税种归属及其征管权、完善转移支付制度是当前规范我国税权划分、重新架构地方税制体系的具体政策选择。

    We also point out that moderately giving local tax legislative power , rationally adjusting distribution of category of and perfecting transfer payment are policy choice which can standardize taxation power dividing , reconstruct local taxation system .

  20. 但随着人类社会步入网络信息时代,个人信息的财产价值日益凸现,将个人信息权归属为人格权的理论日益受到挑战。

    However , with the society stepping into the web media era , the proprietary value of personal information has become more and more important ; the theory categorizing personal information as " personal rights " is facing more and more challenges .

  21. 特别是北京政府时期,受制于政治利益的纠葛,田赋成为中央政府与地方政府博弈的重要筹码,表现在田赋收益的归属和支配权的划分问题。

    Especially during the Beijing Government , subject to political interests and disputes land tax as the central government and local governments an important bargaining chip in the game , and in the land tax revenue and control over the ownership of the division problem .

  22. 案件焦点主要围绕在广告征集用语的法律性质、著作权归属及修改权的认定这三个方面。

    The cases are focused on , the ownership of copyright and the right to amend the identification . The legal nature of the collection of advertising terms is mainly focused on the commissioned works , the reward offer , and the solicitation of an offer .

  23. 本文对表演者权的主体、职务表演的表演者权归属、表演者权与肖像权的关系等几个典型问题进行了较全面地分析。

    This article undertakes a comprehensive analysis of some of the typical issues of the subject of the right of performers , the attribution of the right of performers in the course of employment , the relationship between the right of performers and the right of portrait .

  24. 其中重点探讨了基于所有权归属的农地发展权归属问题。

    Based on the ownership attribution , it focuses on the attribution of farmland development right .

  25. 按照不同税种的归属确定税收行政权的归属,是划分中央与地方税收行政权应当遵循的基本原则。

    Tax administrative power division between the central and local governments should comply with the principle in the way of dividing the types of taxes .