
guī lái
  • return;homing;Guiai
归来 [guī lái]
  • [return] 返回原来的地方

  • 昨日入城市,归来泪满巾。--宋. 张俞《蚕妇》

  • 去时里正与裹头,归来头白还戍边。--唐. 杜甫《兵车行》

归来[guī lái]
  1. 全市居民倾城而出欢迎凯旋归来的队伍。

    The city turned out to welcome the victorious team home .

  2. 他流放40年后归来。

    He returned after 40 years of exile .

  3. 人们意识到大家都已平安归来的时候便发出了一阵欢呼声。

    There was a cheer when it was realized that everyone was safely back .

  4. 欢迎归来!

    Welcome home !

  5. 乔最近结束了第五次澳大利亚之行归来。

    Joe has recently returned from his fifth trip to Australia .

  6. 他打开了大门,微笑着欢迎出行的人归来。

    He opened the gate and smilingly welcomed the travellers home .

  7. 那条消息使她对理查德归来的希望彻底破灭。

    The message extinguished her hopes of Richard 's return .

  8. 埃勒里的归来可以驱散一些抑郁的情绪。

    Ellery 's return will help to chase away some of the gloom

  9. 爷爷当时还没有从战场归来。

    Grandpa was not yet back from the war .

  10. 她在那儿迎接他从战场归来。

    She was there to welcome him home from war

  11. 今年早些时候他流亡归来。

    He returned from exile earlier this year .

  12. 150年前,从美国获得了自由归来的奴隶建立了利比里亚。

    The state of Liberia was formed a century and a half ago by freed slaves from the United States .

  13. 她盼着心上人早日归来。

    She longs for the early return of her beloved .

  14. 老妇人望眼欲穿地盼望亲人归来。

    The old woman was anxiously awaiting the return of her relatives .

  15. 我们设宴为他归来接风。

    We gave a dinner to welcome him home .

  16. 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。

    Flowers fall off [ will die ] , do what one may . Swallows return , no strangers they .

  17. 务期按时归来。

    Be sure to come back on time .

  18. 我们急切地盼望他早日归来。

    We are eagerly awaiting his early return .

  19. 日暮归来,城内已万家灯火。

    When we returned at dusk , the lights of the city had come on .

  20. 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。(晏殊《浣溪沙》)

    Flowers fall , do what one may ; | swallows return , no strangers they .

  21. 我们平安归来。

    We got back without accident .

  22. 他因事在沪稽留,不能如期归来。

    He will not be able to return from Shanghai on schedule because he was detained on business .

  23. 霍尔顿先生度假归来,心烦意乱,确信他的宠物已经死了。

    Mr. Holden returned home from his holiday upset and convinced his pet was dead .

  24. 他度假归来之后,身强体壮,充满活力。

    He came back from his holiday bursting with vitality and good health .

  25. 他的同胞兄弟们发出亲昵的嚎叫,欢迎他落难归来。

    His brothers welcomed him with most friendly growls1 .

  26. 战时的一代人知道,纪念那些没有从战争中归来的人的最好办法,就是确保战争不再发生。

    The wartime generation knew that the best way to honour those who did not come back from the war was to ensure that it didn 't happen again .

  27. 两个小时后,Ta还没归来。

    Two hours later , he didn 't come back .

  28. 我刚从德州仪器在达拉斯举行的编辑日(Editor'sDay)活动归来,见了他们在很多领域的工程师和营销人员。

    I 'm just back from an Editor 's Day event at Texas Instruments ( TI ) in Dallas , and met with many of their engineers and marketers in diverse application areas .

  29. 不过,正如百视通首席财务官、美国留学归来的李川(peterli,与李怀宇并非亲戚)所言,成本并非该公司唯一的优势。

    But as Peter Li , the US-trained Finance Director ( no relation to the Chief Executive ) , says , cost is not the only advantage .

  30. 麦克·伍格9月病假归来后,在他的桌子上看到一张便条,要求他编写BURY和UNBURY程序。

    Mike Woodger came back from sick leave in September and found a note on his desk asking him to program BURY and UNBURY .